View Full Version : Palawan

31st October 2012, 08:48 PM
The most enlightened place in the world to me and am going to move there.

It is utterly amazing place depending on your state of mind

there are so many overseas people that have visited here and just cant leave..........looks like i maybe one of them,although this is my 4th visit

this place is going OFF in more ways than one

also close to many other destinations

http://maps.google.com.ph/maps?hl=fil&client=firefox-a&hs=xMS&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=37189454&biw=1024&bih=625&q=palawan+philippines+map&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x33b5bce750b99e45:0xdfc65f6c0c8d3beb,Palawa n&gl=ph&sa=X&ei=nvCRUOv2CqromAWlyIHYDg&ved=0CB8Q8gEwAA

31st October 2012, 09:17 PM
Looks like the top of an underwater mountain. Tell me about the culture, the food, the spiritual aspects. What makes it great?

This may be small minded but malaysia makes me kind of nervous. I've had both good and bad experiences with the people there. Many kind people of course, but what few gangsters there are, are totally ruthless.

How much does property cost? How far can I stretch my FRNs?

1st November 2012, 06:16 AM
How much does property cost? How far can I stretch my FRNs?

Jacksons are the only ones that are somewhat transferable outside the continental U.S.

All other version you get completely blindsided on exchange.

1st November 2012, 07:49 AM
Seems OK...

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScHGNljGwCFijEoKeeP_Xlve_Iq8uCJ FMN34JvV3cAYoVObsLZ

1st November 2012, 08:03 AM
Malaysia is a multiconfessional country with Islam being the largest practiced religion, comprising approximately 61.4% Muslim adherents, or around 17 million people, as of 2010.[1] Article 3 of the Constitution of Malaysia establishes Islam as the "religion of the Federation"


KUALA LUMPUR: About 3,000 Muslims marched on the US embassy in Malaysia on Friday, burning an American flag, over a US-made film that has sparked anger in the Islamic world.

Although there was no violence, angry demonstrators declared their willingness to sacrifice their lives to defend the honour of Prophet Mohammed and warned "there will be consequences" over the film.

"We will not allow the prophet to be insulted. We are willing to sacrifice our lives and property," said Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, an official with the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), which spearheaded the march.

About 60 percent of Malaysia's 28 million people are Malay-Muslims.


1st November 2012, 08:11 AM
This 4 acre beach property, on an Island off the coast of Palawan, with a three bedroom house, 180 meters of beach, a bakery, and a fish preparation house (?) is for sale for $122.000!
What more can you want House, bread, fish and beach...

1st November 2012, 08:13 AM
Looks like the top of an underwater mountain. Tell me about the culture, the food, the spiritual aspects. What makes it great?

This may be small minded but malaysia makes me kind of nervous. I've had both good and bad experiences with the people there. Many kind people of course, but what few gangsters there are, are totally ruthless.

This is in Philippines man!

Here is an entire island of almost 10 acres, which doesn't have any construction for $202.000!


1st November 2012, 08:24 AM
This is in Philippines man!


1st November 2012, 08:39 AM
This 4 acre beach property, on an Island off the coast of Palawan, with a three bedroom house, 180 meters of beach, a bakery, and a fish preparation house (?) is for sale for $122.000!
What more can you want House, bread, fish and beach...

One tropical storm, and you will be rebuilding.

1st November 2012, 08:52 AM
One tropical storm, and you will be rebuilding.
Nah, one little detail I forgot to mention before, it has a CHURCH!!! ;)

1st November 2012, 09:55 AM
Is probably reinforced concrete just covered with grass.

We build those over here.

1st November 2012, 12:01 PM
They will be happy to be nice to the stupid kano, until the money runs out.

1st November 2012, 12:09 PM
One tropical storm, and you will be rebuilding.

no storm needed, the humidity level makes it very difficult to keep everything in good shape. Living very rustic is necessary or having **lots of money** to prevent rust and mold from becoming major issues. AC running 24/7 is an option, though not healthy either.

ps: I love tropical countries but after a year or so, I start missing seasons. My ideal is living 4 or 5 H away from the beach and in the mountains (2500+ft) where there isnt as much humidity.

1st November 2012, 12:35 PM
Can you take an arsenal?

1st November 2012, 02:04 PM
This is in Philippines man!

Here is an entire island of almost 10 acres, which doesn't have any construction for $202.000!


I saw that it was halfway between malaysia and the phillipines. Wasn't sure which one it fell under jurisdictionally.

It's very close to both the phillipines and malaysia.

The way serpo described it was has me curious. I know lots of people go to "the islands" and I wonder what makes "spiritual seekers from all over the world" want to return to this particular island over and over.

1st November 2012, 02:21 PM
I saw that it was halfway between malaysia and the phillipines. Wasn't sure which one it fell under jurisdictionally.

It's very close to both the phillipines and malaysia.

The way serpo described it was has me curious. I know lots of people go to "the islands" and I wonder what makes "spiritual seekers from all over the world" want to return to this particular island over and over.
Easy mistake to make. Yes it got me intrigued as well! It's apparently an island of intense natural beauty, probably shapes people, and attract those that really appreciate it. Abundance of fruit and fish all year round, etc... I am thinking of going visiting this place. As was pointed out by goldissima it may be much better to get a place in the mountains by a lake or a stream than by the beach...

2nd November 2012, 01:18 AM
Looks like the top of an underwater mountain. Tell me about the culture, the food, the spiritual aspects. What makes it great?

This may be small minded but malaysia makes me kind of nervous. I've had both good and bad experiences with the people there. Many kind people of course, but what few gangsters there are, are totally ruthless.

How much does property cost? How far can I stretch my FRNs?

Its the only place ive been where I keep learning stuff.It looks typical on the surface but underneath its totally amazing if you have a good approach.pALAWAN IS THE LAST FRONTIER IN THE pHILLIPHINES ,opps caps, havnt got a lot of time to explain what it is but living here is the best experience Ive ever had,although a tourist may miss it completely.Inside Palawan is nothing like Malaysia as I dont like Malaysia,Singapore,Thailand.Money goes a long way and ive been offered a land area to build a house for dirt cheap money so dont have to rent,maybe its just my experience but many other foreign people try to live here and work even because it is so welcoming.

very little crime here at all

the property is cheap but takes some learning as ive been here 4 times now in 4 years and have certain agriculture pursuits happening.Even if I didnt have these pursuits I would still live here.

certain people are waking up here and it is infectious and there is much originality.

this is a great place for me personally I guess and people seem to grow younger living here.

2nd November 2012, 01:31 AM
Easy mistake to make. Yes it got me intrigued as well! It's apparently an island of intense natural beauty, probably shapes people, and attract those that really appreciate it. Abundance of fruit and fish all year round, etc... I am thinking of going visiting this place. As was pointed out by goldissima it may be much better to get a place in the mountains by a lake or a stream than by the beach...

You are right about it attracting like minded people,it seems an incredible spiritual and I dont mean the catholic religion but it emanates from the land it is .It is a very special place and you can have non stop fun in just living.

the land I am going to see tomorrow is up a hill over looking a beach set back somewhat.

There is also another area of the island we have land through friend connections,there is a guy from canada I met who is 64 and teaches yoga teaches,people doing utterly amazing drumming, they amazing singers also.

Im not really sure what it is but its the place itself .

2nd November 2012, 01:34 AM
Can you take an arsenal?

can buy whatever you want here,I brought a sword that breaks down into a tube that was a lever for a car jack for 10$, guns can be brought but there is very little sign of violence,people here would rather laugh.

2nd November 2012, 01:37 AM
This 4 acre beach property, on an Island off the coast of Palawan, with a three bedroom house, 180 meters of beach, a bakery, and a fish preparation house (?) is for sale for $122.000!
What more can you want House, bread, fish and beach...

the secret of this place is gradually coming out

2nd November 2012, 01:40 AM
One tropical storm, and you will be rebuilding.

most tropical storms go over the top of the philliphies and luzon cpoes it but palawan only gets a limited affect,it is safe from tsunamis , I have studied all this and wouldnt post this thread if there was something wrong with the place ,its almost perfect.

2nd November 2012, 01:50 AM
no storm needed, the humidity level makes it very difficult to keep everything in good shape. Living very rustic is necessary or having **lots of money** to prevent rust and mold from becoming major issues. AC running 24/7 is an option, though not healthy either.

ps: I love tropical countries but after a year or so, I start missing seasons. My ideal is living 4 or 5 H away from the beach and in the mountains (2500+ft) where there isnt as much humidity.

I hate air con and use a fan only ,as long as the building isnt made of brick you will ok.bricks heat up and never get a chance to cool down,had no trouble with humidity and clothes yet,as I say this is a perfect place if you can get inside palawan,or I wouldnt of posted this thread.lot of foreigners here have limited money but they still stay here as they enjoy the place so much,only posting this info to give you guys an inside running on this place. sure 6 months here is probably my idea also for these reasons you present but can see things developing further than that also.

2nd November 2012, 01:51 AM
I saw that it was halfway between malaysia and the phillipines. Wasn't sure which one it fell under jurisdictionally.

It's very close to both the phillipines and malaysia.

The way serpo described it was has me curious. I know lots of people go to "the islands" and I wonder what makes "spiritual seekers from all over the world" want to return to this particular island over and over.

the position of the island gives it a unique feeling of freedom from who ever.....

anyway im out of here ,too much to do.....

2nd November 2012, 04:38 AM
Thanks for the update, Serpo!