View Full Version : Doug Casey vs James Carville

Large Sarge
1st November 2012, 05:27 AM

1st November 2012, 07:57 AM


1st November 2012, 08:25 AM
The Droll Doomer versus The Ragin' Cajin

1st November 2012, 01:59 PM
A room full of fools listening to 3 liars. I did like what Casey said, but call him a liar for what he didn't say.

1st November 2012, 03:52 PM
I don't have time to watch this now, and if I do have an hour something with "krauthammer" is very low on my list.

Is it just what you'd imagine, doug talking sense and the others obfuscating the point?

1st November 2012, 04:48 PM
I don't have time to watch this now, and if I do have an hour something with "krauthammer" is very low on my list.

Is it just what you'd imagine, doug talking sense and the others obfuscating the point?

I have only listened to the first half or less. The answer is yes. I will listen to the rest tomorrow if I get the chance.

1st November 2012, 08:39 PM
I don't have time to watch this now, and if I do have an hour something with "krauthammer" is very low on my list.

Is it just what you'd imagine, doug talking sense and the others obfuscating the point?

Yes. The only one who makes a lick of sense and whose arguments are built on fundamental truths is Casey. Carville is a weasil. When I listen to him I want to take a shower. He operates within a limited corrupt paradigm where the rules of economics are bent to favor the few connected scoundrels. But he won't come out and admit this directly, only obliquely. He is the poster child for the short sighted baby boomer generation: "My way profits my kind and though corrupt only has to function as long as I am around. I will die before it malfunctions by design and you (the young) will be stuck with my mess and I don't care." So in short: fuck you Carville. As for Krauthammer, his pompousness and narcissism just obscure anything he has to say. The guy just loves to hear himself talk. His thinking is utterly a captive of the left-right paradigm. This smart dope would continue to play ping-pong, beating all challengers, whilst completely disregarding that the ground beneath him is crumblng into an infinitely deep sink hole: "I selected this ground for it's sublime solidity. Therefore, a sinkhole is completely impossible. My serve or yours?"

I want my 60 minutes back. Total fucking waste of a valuable sliver of my life.