View Full Version : Police State: Growth Rate of Cops Exceeds Population Growth

1st November 2012, 09:38 AM
Looks like the Government is doing just fine in their business endevours as they are hiring employees at a frantic rate. In a couple years there will be more Government employees than citizens.

Police State: Growth Rate of Cops Exceeds Population Growth


The Bureau of Justice Statistics has released a report (http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/hrslleo08st.pdf) demonstrating the growth of police in the United States.


The survey was conducted with agencies that participated in the 2008 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies and the results were released by the Justice Department this month.

Between 1992 and 2008 the numbers of police grew by 25 percent. In 2008 there were 705,000 full-time sworn officers employed in the United States. The number was 564,000 in 1992.

This represents an annual growth rate of 1.6 percent, which exceeds the 1.2 percent population growth rate in the United States, according to the survey.

Law enforcement grew its ranks despite a significant decline in crime. According to FBI statistics, murder, rape and robbery went down in the United States in 2011 for a fifth consecutive year. Compared with 2010, the new figures show violent crime down 3.8 percent overall and property crime was down 0.5 percent, CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/29/justice/us-violent-crime/index.html) reported on October 29. Justice Department figures show the crime-rate fell to an all-time low in 2011.

Despite the decline in crime, police departments around the country are rapidly transforming into paramilitary organizations. Forbes reported last year that the Department of Homeland Security granted local cops $3 billion that was spent on “necessary tools” like BearCats and armored personnel vehicles.

In 2011 17,000+ federal, state and local agencies accepted more than $2.6 billion in donated military equipment, much of it used in Iraq and Afghanistan. The combat equipment and lavish funding from the federal government are intended for all-inclusive counter-narcotics and -terrorism enforcement activities, Forbes (http://www.forbes.com/sites/bradlockwood/2011/11/30/the-militarizing-of-local-police/) notes.

The massive presence of militarized police at the establishment’s presidential conventions this year and as a now routine fixture at globalist confabs reveals the real reason for the militarization and growth of the police despite falling crime rates – the United States is a police state and the enemy is not al-Qaeda, anarchists (many who are police and FBI agents provocateurs), or even violent drug gangs.

Americans opposed to a government long ago captured by transnational corporations and their bankster and one-world government globalist overlords are the enemy.

2nd November 2012, 09:22 AM
Who is going to pay for these new Policy Enforcement Revenue Generation Agents every year?


2nd November 2012, 01:06 PM
quote from the article...

"Law enforcement grew its ranks despite a significant decline in crime. According to FBI statistics, murder, rape and robbery went down in the United States in 2011 for a fifth consecutive year."

Perhaps the decline in crime is a result of the increase in law enforcement? :(??

2nd November 2012, 01:14 PM
Who is going to pay for these new Policy Enforcement Revenue Generation Agents every year?


2nd November 2012, 01:20 PM
quote from the article...

"Law enforcement grew its ranks despite a significant decline in crime. According to FBI statistics, murder, rape and robbery went down in the United States in 2011 for a fifth consecutive year."

Perhaps the decline in crime is a result of the increase in law enforcement? :(??

Or perhaps its because thats the time frame that over 40+ states passed Affirmative Self Defense laws, justifiable homicides doubled (self defense shootings), there was a 40% increase in people who CCW'ed, civilian gun-fight training skyrocketed and civilian gun ownership in general over tripled, all of this nation wide.

2nd November 2012, 02:13 PM
Or perhaps its because thats the time frame that over 40+ states passed Affirmative Self Defense laws, justifiable homicides doubled (self defense shootings), there was a 40% increase in people who CCW'ed, civilian gun-fight training skyrocketed and civilian gun ownership in general over tripled, all of this nation wide.

I like your perhaps, better than my perhaps. :) This gives a lot of hope for the future, when crime can go down without involvement of the police. It means good citizens are looking out for themselves, and others.

I know here in CA, the city I recently moved from, the number of LE went down, and crime skyrocketed. So, yes the number LE does affect crime rates, but there's the problem with too much LE. Less crime, but more citizens losing simple freedoms and living in fear of LE too. There's no healthy balance to that. OK, maybe the healthy balance is a heavily armed population.

2nd November 2012, 02:20 PM
When you measure them by the pound the growth rate is astounding!!!


midnight rambler
2nd November 2012, 02:24 PM
When you measure them by the pound the growth rate is astounding!!!


No donut is safe around that guy!

2nd November 2012, 02:27 PM
When you measure them by the pound the growth rate is astounding!!!


That's pretty funny. What's even more ironically funny...is you've got that guy, trying to chase this guy. Neither one can run, but for different reasons..


willie pete
2nd November 2012, 02:31 PM
remember back when pimp master slick-willy was running his oval-office brothel, he wanted 100k new police......::)

2nd November 2012, 02:55 PM
quote from the article...

"Law enforcement grew its ranks despite a significant decline in crime. According to FBI statistics, murder, rape and robbery went down in the United States in 2011 for a fifth consecutive year."

Perhaps the decline in crime is a result of the increase in law enforcement? :(??

Or, perhaps it's because criminals enjoy better pay working as enforcers for GovCorp? :(??

2nd November 2012, 04:27 PM
want to make your town safer ?

cut the police roll-outs in half (that's where they send 2 cops instead of 4 cops to harass a skinny guy on the side-walk).

want to cut expenses ?

fire the police chief & the Chief Goon at the head of the SWAT team.

works EVERY time.

2nd November 2012, 05:41 PM
Activities UNICOR is economically self-sustaining and receives no government funding. In fiscal year 1996, UNICOR had net sales of $459 million. In fiscal year 2008, UNICOR employed 21,836 inmates: 17% of eligible inmates held in federal prisons. The company generated US$854.3 million in sales. Of these revenues, 80% went toward the purchase of raw material and equipment; 16% went to staff salaries; 4% went to inmate salaries.

UNICOR has 109 factories in federal prisons, producing about 175 different types of products and services, including clothing and textiles, electronics, fleet management and vehicular components, industrial products, office furniture, recycling activities; and services including data entry and encoding.
