View Full Version : Epic Travelling Soap Man

Old Herb Lady
31st October 2012, 08:33 PM
Oh shut up. I have a better story than all u bitchez. A couple of days ago I was home all by myself working in the kitchen like a slave as usual and I happened to glance out the window. had to do a double take. there was a brutha walking up my driveway. Im like no way, right. No for real ! he was pulling one of those suit cases with wheels on it behind him. I can hear him saying..." Hello...hello...Im not here to rob you, hellooooo" He was repeating it. I go flying out on the back porch before he can knock at the door. he says WHOA you scared me ,ma'am. I said sorry, but you scared me first, I heard somebody out here talking. he says well I was just trying to let somebody know that I was coming. I said what can I do for you. he takes out some cleaning supplies from his suitcase and opens it and shines up my glass door and shows me how there won't be any fingerprints or smears on the glass now for a month ! I was like, Dude, that's awesome. he took the spray nozzle out of the bottle and licked it to show me how Eco-friendly the cleaner was. He said he was from New Orleans and working up here and he said "used to sell dope and now Im sellin soap ". I said GOOD for you dude, and I'm sorry that I'm not interested in your cleaner. he kept trying to sell it, but I kept trying to go back in the house to get back to work !!! As I open the kitchen door, he says WHAT IS THAT SMELL ? WhAt are you cooking ? I said , oh that's just kielbasa for my husband and he should be home any second now ! He says what about samples ? I said no thanks, I don't need any samples of your cleaning product. he says, No I mean a sample of that stuff you're cooking.

So I said wait right here, I go and make him a kielbasa sammich for the road, go back out and give it to him and
watch him walk down the street eating a sammich. LMAO
He was harmless, just shocked me half to death is all.

Give the trick or treaters some damn candy you fckrs !

31st October 2012, 08:39 PM
Oh shut up. I have a better story than all u bitchez. A couple of days ago I was home all by myself working in the kitchen like a slave as usual and I happened to glance out the window. had to do a double take. there was a brutha walking up my driveway. Im like no way, right. No for real ! he was pulling one of those suit cases with wheels on it behind him. I can hear him saying..." Hello...hello...Im not hear to rob you, hellooooo" He was repeating it. I go flying out on the back porch before he can knock at the door. he says WHOA you scared me ,ma'am. I said sorry, but you scared me first, I heard somebody out here talking. he says well I was just trying to let somebody know that I was coming. I said what can I do for you. he takes out some cleaning supplies from his suitcase and opens it and shines up my glass door and shows me how there won't be any fingerprints or smears on the glass now for a month ! I was like, Dude, that's awesome. he took the spray nozzle out of the bottle and licked it to show me how Eco-friendly the cleaner was. He said he was from New Orleans and working up here and he said "used to sell dope and now Im sellin soap ". I said GOOD for you dude, and I'm sorry that I'm not interested in your cleaner. he kept trying to sell it, but I kept trying to go back in the house to get back to work !!! As I open the kitchen door, he says WHAT IS THAT SMELL ? WhAt are you cooking ? I said , oh that's just kielbasa for my husband and he should be home any second now ! He says what about samples ? I said no thanks, I don't need any samples of your cleaning product. he says, No I mean a sample of that stuff you're cooking.

So I said wait right here, I go and make him a kielbasa sammich for the road, go back out and give it to him and
watch him walk down the street eating a sammich. LMAO
He was harmless, just shocked me half to death is all.

Give the trick or treaters some damn candy you fckrs !

I met that EXACT same guy in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2002 - did the EXACT same thing, licked the spray bottle spout, had the roller suitcase, told me how he used to sell drugs, was from New Orleans, etc.


31st October 2012, 08:43 PM
I met that EXACT same guy in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2002 - did the EXACT same thing, licked the spray bottle spout, had the roller suitcase, told me how he used to sell drugs, was from New Orleans, etc.


I met him too...really wierd!

1st November 2012, 05:07 AM
I met that EXACT same guy in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2002 - did the EXACT same thing, licked the spray bottle spout, had the roller suitcase, told me how he used to sell drugs, was from New Orleans, etc.


Nigga gets around!

Old Herb Lady
1st November 2012, 05:40 AM
I met that EXACT same guy in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2002 - did the EXACT same thing, licked the spray bottle spout, had the roller suitcase, told me how he used to sell drugs, was from New Orleans, etc.


Did he look like / talk like Chris Rock ?

1st November 2012, 06:14 AM
I met that EXACT same guy in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2002 - did the EXACT same thing, licked the spray bottle spout, had the roller suitcase, told me how he used to sell drugs, was from New Orleans, etc.


could it be the African American version of the Israeli art students ?

1st November 2012, 06:48 AM
I met him too...really wierd!

Apparently this guy gets around. he's been to my house as well. Perhaps some research is in order?

1st November 2012, 06:49 AM
could it be the African American version of the Israeli art students ?

Immediately what I thought!

midnight rambler
1st November 2012, 08:32 AM
Apparently this guy gets around. he's been to my house as well. Perhaps some research is in order?

Four members of this forum spread across the country have seen this guy? What are the odds??

1st November 2012, 10:34 AM
Did he look like / talk like Chris Rock ?

I don't recall that... but I do remember he was kind of annoying. Talked kind of fast, and I think he REALLY wanted to make a sale, because I remember telling him I wasn't interested at least 3 times.

1st November 2012, 10:46 AM
Oh shut up. I have a better story than all u bitchez. A couple of days ago I was home all by myself working in the kitchen like a slave as usual and I happened to glance out the window. had to do a double take. there was a brutha walking up my driveway. Im like no way, right. No for real ! he was pulling one of those suit cases with wheels on it behind him. I can hear him saying..." Hello...hello...Im not here to rob you, hellooooo" He was repeating it. I go flying out on the back porch before he can knock at the door. he says WHOA you scared me ,ma'am. I said sorry, but you scared me first, I heard somebody out here talking. he says well I was just trying to let somebody know that I was coming. I said what can I do for you. he takes out some cleaning supplies from his suitcase and opens it and shines up my glass door and shows me how there won't be any fingerprints or smears on the glass now for a month ! I was like, Dude, that's awesome. he took the spray nozzle out of the bottle and licked it to show me how Eco-friendly the cleaner was. He said he was from New Orleans and working up here and he said "used to sell dope and now Im sellin soap ". I said GOOD for you dude, and I'm sorry that I'm not interested in your cleaner. he kept trying to sell it, but I kept trying to go back in the house to get back to work !!! As I open the kitchen door, he says WHAT IS THAT SMELL ? WhAt are you cooking ? I said , oh that's just kielbasa for my husband and he should be home any second now ! He says what about samples ? I said no thanks, I don't need any samples of your cleaning product. he says, No I mean a sample of that stuff you're cooking.

So I said wait right here, I go and make him a kielbasa sammich for the road, go back out and give it to him and
watch him walk down the street eating a sammich. LMAO
He was harmless, just shocked me half to death is all.

Give the trick or treaters some damn candy you fckrs !

You mean this guy?


1st November 2012, 11:24 AM
You mean this guy?



The very same! Amazing.

Love his quote: "If it were any darker than me, it wouldn't work!" ;D

Old Herb Lady
1st November 2012, 11:33 AM
Sui Juris !! OMG !!!!!! THAT'S HIM TO A T !!!!!! HILARIOUS !!!!!!!
Never laughed so hard sitting in front of a computer in my life . Tears rolling. LMAO.
OMG. thank you for that !!! I can't see, must go


1st November 2012, 11:54 AM
Good Lord! That dude was in Cape Coral Fl at the liquor store about 4-5 years ago. The demo he did on the carpet was the only spot of clean carpet in the whole place. This is too wild!

1st November 2012, 12:20 PM
Oh shut up. I have a better story than all u bitchez. A couple of days ago I was home all by myself working in the kitchen like a slave as usual and I happened to glance out the window. had to do a double take. there was a brutha walking up my driveway. Im like no way, right. No for real ! he was pulling one of those suit cases with wheels on it behind him. I can hear him saying..." Hello...hello...Im not here to rob you, hellooooo" He was repeating it. I go flying out on the back porch before he can knock at the door. he says WHOA you scared me ,ma'am. I said sorry, but you scared me first, I heard somebody out here talking. he says well I was just trying to let somebody know that I was coming. I said what can I do for you. he takes out some cleaning supplies from his suitcase and opens it and shines up my glass door and shows me how there won't be any fingerprints or smears on the glass now for a month ! I was like, Dude, that's awesome. he took the spray nozzle out of the bottle and licked it to show me how Eco-friendly the cleaner was. He said he was from New Orleans and working up here and he said "used to sell dope and now Im sellin soap ". I said GOOD for you dude, and I'm sorry that I'm not interested in your cleaner. he kept trying to sell it, but I kept trying to go back in the house to get back to work !!! As I open the kitchen door, he says WHAT IS THAT SMELL ? WhAt are you cooking ? I said , oh that's just kielbasa for my husband and he should be home any second now ! He says what about samples ? I said no thanks, I don't need any samples of your cleaning product. he says, No I mean a sample of that stuff you're cooking.

So I said wait right here, I go and make him a kielbasa sammich for the road, go back out and give it to him and
watch him walk down the street eating a sammich. LMAO
He was harmless, just shocked me half to death is all.

Give the trick or treaters some damn candy you fckrs !

I'm surprised that he didn't offer you a sample of his kielbasa. You know what they say about the brothas.

"Used to sell dope and now I'm sellin' soap"

That has a definite catchy ring to it. Could be a good campaign slogan for Marion Barry.

1st November 2012, 12:49 PM
Four members of this forum spread across the country have seen this guy? What are the odds??
He must work for Hunt III!

mick silver
1st November 2012, 01:49 PM
Apparently this guy gets around. he's been to my house as well. Perhaps some research is in order?

he really works for the CIA .

1st November 2012, 02:14 PM
This one deserves to be a thread of its own! ;D

1st November 2012, 02:25 PM
This one deserves to be a thread of its own! ;D
You're in trouble now, wait til Ponce finds out about this young man! Hrrrmpfff! ^^^

1st November 2012, 02:27 PM
You're in trouble now, wait til Ponce finds out about this young man! Hrrrmpfff! ^^^

Meh... I'm not worried. I can't do anything around here that pleases Ponce anyway, he'll see me as the "Hitler Cop" 'til the day he dies. ;)

1st November 2012, 02:33 PM
Meh... I'm not worried. I can't do anything around here that pleases Ponce anyway, he'll see me as the "Hitler Cop" 'til the day he dies. ;)
Yeah I know. I am worried about his knee though. Get well soon you old fart!

Silver Rocket Bitches!
1st November 2012, 03:50 PM
"You know you can't put bleach on colors, right?"

Then he sprays it on himself.


Silver Rocket Bitches!
1st November 2012, 03:59 PM
He uses the "soap instead of dope" line in this vid! At 4:23.

He also says "cleaning driveways instead of doing drive bys" LMAO


1st November 2012, 05:06 PM
No one EVER comes knocking on my door trying to sell something. No trickertreaters either. If they did, they'd be looking down the barrels of a sawed off double barrel shotgun.

1st November 2012, 05:17 PM
This guy's probably hip hopping himself to a million bucks. Good on him.

1st November 2012, 05:37 PM
This guy's probably hip hopping himself to a million bucks. Good on him.

That's how I feel too. He is providing entertainment, after all.

Most of his jokes were racial, but . . . nobody is mad. Imagine that! I wonder if he tells his black jokes to white people and he has white jokes he tells to black people.

1st November 2012, 07:23 PM
You mean this guy?


That guy was better than any that I've ran into, I'm sold.

1st November 2012, 07:40 PM
Don't you guys have dogs? No one ever comes to the door since we got ours. Thank goodness, cuz I make most of my own cleaning products. ;-)

1st November 2012, 08:06 PM
Bombers scanned you guys.

2nd November 2012, 12:29 PM
Osoab ban posts moved to Board Communications, in this thread:


This is in keeping with long-standing GS-US policy that member disputes, ban discussions, etc. be moved to a members-only section. Please post any further dialog re: Osoab's ban in that thread.