View Full Version : unsexy-guys-annoy-fertile-girlfriends

2nd November 2012, 04:02 PM

"Women who settle down with a stable guy instead of a sexy one might subconsciously struggle with that decision during their most fertile window of the month, a new study suggests.

Just before ovulating, women with a more reliable long-term partner are more likely to have negative feelings about their beau than those paired with more sexually desirable men, the researchers found.

"A woman evaluates her relationship differently at different times in her cycle, and her evaluation seems to be colored by how sexually attractive she perceives her partner to be," researcher Martie Haselton, a professor of psychology and communication studies at UCLA, said in a statement."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/10/26/unsexy-guys-annoy-fertile-girlfriends/?intcmp=obnetwork#ixzz2B6pZW8qW

2nd November 2012, 04:29 PM
my brother has an interesting rule-of-thumb for guys bar-hopping -

"if she smokes, she fvcks."

2nd November 2012, 04:38 PM
I've never attracted a gal, or "won her over" by being nice.

Women are biologically driven to seek the most testosterone packed men when they ovulate. The gal that marries the "nice guy" will gladly cheat with a prison thug because of this, she'll blame the nice guy too! Ain't life something else.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2012, 04:43 PM
my brother has an interesting rule-of-thumb for guys bar-hopping -

"if she smokes, she fvcks."

I heard it was "if she smokes she'll ****."

2nd November 2012, 04:58 PM
If a woman has a hairy chest and smokes big fat cigars, she'll likely settle for a nice stable guy over a sexy one. :)

Old Herb Lady
2nd November 2012, 05:45 PM
Maybe the gents should all go and just buy themselves one (or more) of these beauties
and you'll never have to worry about a thing & she won't even backtalk to you when she'd annoyed with you.
Best invention EVER ! Too bad it doesn't have some robotics installed in it.


2nd November 2012, 05:56 PM
Maybe the gents should all go and just buy themselves one (or more) of these beauties
and you'll never have to worry about a thing & she won't even backtalk to you when she'd annoyed with you.
Best invention EVER ! Too bad it doesn't have some robotics installed in it.

That's pretty creepy, OHL. You can't fall in love with an object. You fall in love with a gal who's got a soul.

I just wish I could trust women. I will always enjoy the time spent with them, however long that may be, but I don't think I will ever have that trust I have with a brother, or a guy friend. Women are to be cherished, protected, and enjoyed...just not trusted.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2012, 05:59 PM
Best invention EVER ! Too bad it doesn't have some robotics installed in it.

Any woman who says that obviously doesn't know about this -


Carmen Electra: ...this is the best thing I've ever felt...this is awesome...wow


2nd November 2012, 06:08 PM
Oh, you guys have had your heart broken one to many times.

2nd November 2012, 06:14 PM
Oh, you guys have had your heart broken one to many times.

Isn't once too many times?

midnight rambler
2nd November 2012, 06:26 PM
Isn't once too many times?

Only once and it causes an issue?? Dang

It's just like riding a horse, when the horse throws you ya gotta get right back on the horse or else the horse knows it beat you, then every horse picks up on the fact that you're afraid to ride 'em. (I've been thrown off a horse several times, literally, there is definitely something to the metaphor, and I've picked myself up and gotten right back on that instant - if you let the horse beat ya you'll never ride again)

ETA: if you manage to hang on when the horse bucks with you on it, the horse will have a whole new respect for you - and that's a fact

2nd November 2012, 06:46 PM
Only once and it causes an issue?? Dang

It's just like riding a horse, when the horse throws you ya gotta get right back on the horse or else the horse knows it beat you, then every horse picks up on the fact that you're afraid to ride 'em. (I've been thrown off a horse several times, literally, there is definitely something to the metaphor, and I've picked myself up and gotten right back on that instant - if you let the horse beat ya you'll never ride again)

ETA: if you manage to hang on when the horse bucks with you on it, the horse will have a whole new respect for you - and that's a fact

By God there's some wisdom there. Man, I need to get back on that horse already.

Many thanks Midnight, cheers to you!!!

midnight rambler
2nd November 2012, 06:50 PM
ETA: if you manage to hang on when the horse bucks with you on it, the horse will have a whole new respect for you - and that's a fact

When I was a teenager living in the country I had this really cool quarter horse gelding (my pet). He could read people really well. He LOVED girls and would allow any girl to ride him, but with guys he could sense what they were made of and the end result was either he was mellow or completely unruly and in one instance he ran full blast up to a 7 strand barb-wire fence and stopped short throwing that particular guy (a friend of my brother's who was riding him without my permission) right into the fence - lucky for that guy that he was wearing a heavy winter coat (which got totally shredded). And of course that guy didn't get back on my horse.

2nd November 2012, 06:51 PM
By God there's some wisdom there. Man, I need to get back on that horse already.

Many thanks Midnight, cheers to you!!!


2nd November 2012, 06:57 PM
I just wish I could trust women. I will always enjoy the time spent with them, however long that may be, but I don't think I will ever have that trust I have with a brother, or a guy friend. Women are to be cherished, protected, and enjoyed...just not trusted.

How can you ever truly love someone if you don't trust them?

2nd November 2012, 07:12 PM
How can you ever truly love someone if you don't trust them?

Trust has to be earned. Love develops over time. Both, together, is what keeps a relationship, and marriage, together.

We have a +50% divorce rate in our country.

Logic tells me, as a man, the odds are not in my favor to believe in "love".

I won't rule it out...I'm just cautious. That's all.

2nd November 2012, 07:32 PM
Trust has to be earned. Love develops over time. Both, together, is what keeps a relationship, and marriage, together.

We have a +50% divorce rate in our country.

Logic tells me, as a man, the odds are not in my favor to believe in "love".

I won't rule it out...I'm just cautious. That's all.

from one man to another, being cautious is one thing, but don't be paralyzingly so. the trick is not to blind oneself with ridiculous expectations of some fairy tale union. life can be a shit storm and relationships are hard work sometimes, but when your actions towards your spouse are based in love, the rewards are immeasurable. I've always been comfortable by myself, but now i couldn't imagine what it would be like to be without her. i'm glad i didn't let my cautiousness keep me from acting on my feelings.

Old Herb Lady
2nd November 2012, 08:01 PM
You can't fall in love with an object. You fall in love with a gal who's got a soul.

I just wish I could trust women. I will always enjoy the time spent with them, however long that may be, but I don't think I will ever have that trust I have with a brother, or a guy friend. Women are to be cherished, protected, and enjoyed...just not trusted.

Trust has to be earned. Love develops over time. Both, together, is what keeps a relationship, and marriage, together.

We have a +50% divorce rate in our country.

Logic tells me, as a man, the odds are not in my favor to believe in "love".

I won't rule it out...I'm just cautious. That's all.

Well stop devaluing yourself. Find your confidence. Stop letting what some loser women have done to you to make your self-esteem so low.
Be the man God has meant for you to be. Start thinking of yourself as a king shit instead of the way you do. (lower than women, you're not)
Look at how you treat women. Look at how you adore women. Look at how you want to love a woman & be loved back by a good woman.
A good single woman out there would die to have a man like you. Stop putting them up on some great pedestal that their all goddesses or something.
Don't show them all your mush, they'll just take advantage of you & your mush. It's hard, I know, but it's true.
Melt her heart with your tougher masculine side then give/show her your mushier side later. You do it backwards.
Then she'll be obsessed with you forever and you won't be able to get rid of her then you'll be on here typing about how sore your body is cuz your woman won't leave you the hell alone. ;D

2nd November 2012, 08:33 PM
Trust has to be earned. Love develops over time. Both, together, is what keeps a relationship, and marriage, together.

We have a +50% divorce rate in our country.

Logic tells me, as a man, the odds are not in my favor to believe in "love".

I won't rule it out...I'm just cautious. That's all.

I think there is a high rate of divorce because people get "married" for the wrong reasons and when things get tough it is easier for them to give up then try and work things out since they didn't have any real investment in the relationship in the first place. The odds are only against you if you lump yourself in with those people....

2nd November 2012, 08:58 PM
"Women who settle down with a stable guy instead of a sexy one might subconsciously struggle with that decision..."

i like to think that by being sexy and stable, i save my wife the trouble...


3rd November 2012, 07:10 AM
"A woman evaluates her relationship differently at different times in her cycle..."

No shit, Sherlock. As far as I can tell a woman evaluates her relationship differently at different times of the day.

3rd November 2012, 08:06 AM
Well stop devaluing yourself. Find your confidence. Stop letting what some loser women have done to you to make your self-esteem so low.
Be the man God has meant for you to be. Start thinking of yourself as a king shit instead of the way you do. (lower than women, you're not)
Look at how you treat women. Look at how you adore women. Look at how you want to love a woman & be loved back by a good woman.
A good single woman out there would die to have a man like you. Stop putting them up on some great pedestal that their all goddesses or something.
Don't show them all your mush, they'll just take advantage of you & your mush. It's hard, I know, but it's true.
Melt her heart with your tougher masculine side then give/show her your mushier side later. You do it backwards.
Then she'll be obsessed with you forever and you won't be able to get rid of her then you'll be on here typing about how sore your body is cuz your woman won't leave you the hell alone. ;D

OHL, thanks for the message, it's given me a lot of thought. Sometimes I wonder if some of you folks know me better than I know myself..

That's the thing though. I had a conversation with a guy at work the other day. Now this guy, great guy, has to be the most masculine guy around, upon meeting him. He's a giant. A modern day Paul Bunyan. Stands at 6'9" tall, has to be 350 lbs, standing next to the guy I look like a hobbit.

He said to me, "you know what's great about my wife. I can truly be myself around her. That's very rare."

That's the difference between men and women, I think. Women want to be impressed. They want to think their man is the biggest man around. Men however, when coming home at the end of the day "conquering the world", just want to be accepted. Just want to hang their hat up, and be themselves.

Old Herb Lady
3rd November 2012, 05:07 PM
OHL, thanks for the message, it's given me a lot of thought. Sometimes I wonder if some of you folks know me better than I know myself..

That's the thing though. I had a conversation with a guy

He said to me, "you know what's great about my wife. I can truly be myself around her. That's very rare."

That's the difference between men and women, I think. Women want to be impressed. They want to think their man is the biggest man around. Men however, when coming home at the end of the day "conquering the world", just want to be accepted. Just want to hang their hat up, and be themselves.

No Slowbell, not true, NOT all women want to be impressed. just is not true. Mine's a quiet nerd man ( i like quiet & nerdy ! He never tried to impress me , ever, he just is who he is !) and he gave up on ever finding a wife cuz he was used & abused by so many women)
That's just what you think in your head to be true. You just haven't clicked with the right one yet ...the one that accepts you for exactly who you are ! Then you'll get to be yourself and she'll treat you like a king forever. just rememba NOT to give ALL of your mushiness away ALL at the beginning !! Make her WORK for it !! Im telling you the truth, boy !
I mean of course you'd naturally show her respect and friendship, yadda, yadda, but don't try to give her the whole world right away....Then she has it ALL, gets bored and moves on. Lather , rinse , repeat process with next girl...NO ! Give her little bit....just enough to make her want MORE.
Stand your ground, be strong and make the ladies fall in love with YOU !
Then you be runnin away from them.
Dayum that crazy old herb lady was on to sumthin ! LOL
Nice guys finish LAST, but the reward is worth it ! You'll treasure her more ! ( and she --you ! )

(ETA: princesses aren't just born with this princess complex that they have...they are created and will expect the princess treatment forever if you show them everything/ give them everything in the beginning so you only end up hurting YOURSELF if you do. )

4th November 2012, 12:40 PM
My wife is mostly annoyed with me just prior to period...

4th November 2012, 12:48 PM
Just before ovulating, women with a more reliable long-term partner are more likely to have negative feelings about their beau than those paired with more sexually desirable men, the researchers found.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/10/26/unsexy-guys-annoy-fertile-girlfriends/?intcmp=obnetwork#ixzz2B6pZW8qW

Luckily I seem to be both of these men. Who says you can't be the nice guy and the stud at the same time?

Old Herb Lady
4th November 2012, 02:21 PM
Neuro---PMS is just a hormonal issue. It's NOT normal to get that out of whack no matter how "normal" they make it out to be.
The hormones get out of whack from improper nutrition (among other things, too )


I can't say it enough. All women need to drink it everyday and then more around Mother Nature times.

I have NEVER seen it NOT work. NEVER.

We're not allowed cranky at my house for longer than 5 minutes...
my husband knows about the TEA. He knows how I preach about it daily.
HE KNOWS it works without a doubt.
If I get "the look" from him like as if I just sprouted an extra head or something and I say, What are you lookin at, What the hell is wrong with YOU ? And he says YOU !!
I straighten out right quick and go drink some tea because I know I haven't drank any in a long time if I get that look !

And that whole article in the OP, those kind of women need some of that tea, too.
They won't be worrying about some other stud because they'll be too busy with the one they're with !

.....unless of course he is a complete moronic idiot, then...well...that's a whole different story......make him drink it then !