View Full Version : This guy claims he's not a member of Z tribe

midnight rambler
5th November 2012, 05:17 PM
And I call bullshit, that's a perfect example of a hook nose if I've ever seen one -


General of Darkness
5th November 2012, 06:02 PM
And I call bullshit, that's a perfect example of a hook nose if I've ever seen one -


It's funny you mention this. I've been doing a ton of looking up on this cock blower, and nothing. But the nose and ears, fuck me, that's a jew.

5th November 2012, 06:33 PM
I've noticed that Jews and Italians often have similar facial features. Could there have been some race mixing going on in history? Geographically they would be close enough for it to be convenient. Theres also the possibility of an infiltration campaign to try to control the Roman Empire or some such thing.

5th November 2012, 08:26 PM
horseshoe, you are onto something.

the people around italy basically say "dirty italians" meaning that italians didn't bath, or bathed very rarely, up until 19NN or something. yet, apparently they built all these "bath houses" in every small desert hole or town where apparently "roman empire" (that doesn't exist) had their "legions" (fantasy of historians).

yet, they even copied Colliseum from Lybia, if I am not mistaken.

clearly, some jewish historians were trying to make things NOT how they really happened.

I also was once reading through Bible trying to make sure it was really roman soldiers in Palestine. as you go through pages , you keep wondering why there's nowhere that it actually says "roman" or "Rome" or italian. Except in 2 or 3 places per book, where the word "roman" seem to be pretty out of place because it wasn't used for a huge chunk of text, and then suddenly it is there. As if someone inserted it later.

Twisted Titan
5th November 2012, 08:55 PM

Who is this guy? Why is he important?

6th November 2012, 05:56 AM

Who is this guy? Why is he important?

Leon Panetta, secretary of Defense, former Director of Central Intelligence. He made a claim earlier this year that the US Military reports to the UN and acts at their behest.

Real piece of work..

6th November 2012, 06:55 AM
horseshoe, you are onto something.

the people around italy basically say "dirty italians" meaning that italians didn't bath, or bathed very rarely, up until 19NN or something. yet, apparently they built all these "bath houses" in every small desert hole or town where apparently "roman empire" (that doesn't exist) had their "legions" (fantasy of historians).

yet, they even copied Colliseum from Lybia, if I am not mistaken.

clearly, some jewish historians were trying to make things NOT how they really happened.

I also was once reading through Bible trying to make sure it was really roman soldiers in Palestine. as you go through pages , you keep wondering why there's nowhere that it actually says "roman" or "Rome" or italian. Except in 2 or 3 places per book, where the word "roman" seem to be pretty out of place because it wasn't used for a huge chunk of text, and then suddenly it is there. As if someone inserted it later.

Roman history is extremely well documented, more so than any before and superior to any prior to the 19th century. The Romans were very big on documentation and annals. You need to do some reading. The Romans were fanatical about bathing multiple times per day. Public baths are as ubliquitous as sporting arenas throughout the entire empire. Why the heck do you think the Romans devoted so much time and energy into their greatest public works project after their famous roads, the aqueducts? The ill-informed like to talk of the lead plumbing as a cause of Roman decline. But what is not well known is that the aqueducts provided continuous running water, so lead was not an issue vis-a-vis contamination. The fountains, the baths, the public toilets ran continuously 24 hours per day, virtual man-made rivers and streams. The world has never seen such a technological miracle and it would not be surpassed until the 20th century. No, the Romans, if nothing else, were fanatical about their personal hygiene and the civil structure of society, both legally and physically. Everything about the Romans screamed structure, order and discipline.