View Full Version : Regardless of what happens tomorrow night, Wed morning we're fucked

General of Darkness
5th November 2012, 07:01 PM
I hope everyone on this forum understands that, and lets it really sink in. Come Wednesday, regardless of who wins, we loose. I hope people are still prepping for the future, because as we saw in Sandy, people in this country have become clueless zombies.

That is all.

midnight rambler
5th November 2012, 07:06 PM
We don't have to wait a couple of days, we've been screwed, blued, and tattooed for years. lol

And with only 0.000000000000009% of the vote in I'm projecting that 0bomney will win.

Shorty Harris
6th November 2012, 05:32 AM
It's simple, basically its is the American people..half this country still wants Obama to win. It may go a point or two either way, but the ObamaPhone hording EBT toting Gimme free shit segment of the populace, is still half this country, or more. When you have basically half the population too lazy, or too stupid to even set aside a minimum amt of Food, water, Medicine and other BASIC preparations in order sustain themselves in an emergency situation for any length of time, There is definitely something fundamentally wrong. I don't know but here in Ohio we knew abt the storm 5 days before it hit...5 DAYS. Its really not just the storm per sey, it calls in to question the larger overall scope and condition of the mentality of your avg American. I could go on and on but whats the point? The point is that these leeches exist in society and they're the root of the problem. Obama is only a symptom. Until you can make the majority, a BIG majority of people here want to earn their way and to do so alone, no meaningful long term change is going to happen, it doesn't matter who is in office.

6th November 2012, 06:13 AM
Reason 1,539,033 electronic voting machines should have never been created:



6th November 2012, 06:15 AM
I believe G.o.D. is right and the crash is inevitable. It's too late to stop it now. The question is who can help clear the wreckage away better?

6th November 2012, 06:57 AM
In a republic when you see a need you step in and do it. In a sense this is a de facto office you take on.

When Obama decided to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (a residence I used to maintain but discovered the costs were excessive) I saw a need that was not being filled. According to Lysander Spooner oaths are spoken to the wind, given to nobody. As there was (previously) nobody to accept these oaths then nobody was available to hold the politician to his oath. I caused a legal notice to be published for 4 issues of a local newspaper extending an offer to anyone interested in participating in a charitable trust (aka constitutional government) to send me a copy of his/her oath and bond. I received no responses.

If Obama gets to stay rent free for another 4 years I figure I am covered. If Romney gets in I guess I will have to extend the offer to him as well (just to be fair).