View Full Version : I did not vote!

5th November 2012, 07:07 PM
Just wanted to say, this is the first election since I turned 18 where I have abstained from voting for a presidential candidate. I'm sick of voting for the lesser of two evils, hoping one of them will attempt to reign in this Leviathan we call the state, but they never do. I would say the last couple years, reading, studying and finally understanding this corrupt system has led me to the conclusion that voting is not my duty, rather refusing to consent is my duty. This may seem a simple decision, but to me it's a powerful one, this time around I can say I do not support either one of these pieces of garbage they call presidential candidates.

midnight rambler
5th November 2012, 07:09 PM
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting.

5th November 2012, 07:17 PM
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting.

Also, voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for, and consenting to, evil.

5th November 2012, 07:18 PM
I've never voted in a presidential election (albeit this is only the second one I have been eligible to vote in)

I would never compromise my political beliefs to vote for "the lesser of two evils" or anything like that

#### all those people that say we are the problem by not voting

They are the ones giving the two party dictatorship the power

5th November 2012, 07:20 PM
Just wanted to say, this is the first election since I turned 18 where I have abstained from voting for a presidential candidate. I'm sick of voting for the lesser of two evils, hoping one of them will attempt to reign in this Leviathan we call the state, but they never do. I would say the last couple years, reading, studying and finally understanding this corrupt system has led me to the conclusion that voting is not my duty, rather refusing to consent is my duty. This may seem a simple decision, but to me it's a powerful one, this time around I can say I do not support either one of these pieces of garbage they call presidential candidates.

Me too. Well said brother. But, I hope Obongo loses big. He need to be taken down a few pegs, arrogant BS artist phoney liar and illegal alien spy.

5th November 2012, 07:21 PM
Did you vote in the primaries? If not, thanks for nothing.

Voting helps in the primaries and for their party now if they hit 5 percent.

midnight rambler
5th November 2012, 07:25 PM
Me too. Well said brother. But, I hope Obongo loses big. He need to be taken down a few pegs, arrogant BS artist phoney liar and illegal alien spy.

I just wanna see the current house nigger replaced with a fresh house nigger.

5th November 2012, 07:56 PM
me as well.

5th November 2012, 08:05 PM
Same here, this is only my 2nd election, I voted for Chuck Baldwin last time. This time though I'm just going to write in Ron Paul. When I said "Ron Paul or not at all" I meant it.

I'm getting kinda tense about tomorrow too, I think because if obama wins again the 2nd term will be worse, and if romney wins I'll probably be conscripted. I don't worry about that kinda shit honestly, but the reality is always there we've for the most part been in the eye of the storm since 08, we've all done well in PM's, I've personally done well financially. I just think this election is a reminder that there is another shoe to drop. I think the other part is that I realize just how shitty things are, I mean damn these are the choices? It was 8 damn years ago I was a naive 17 year old screaming "4 more years" holding a sign on the side of the road, damn I'm ashamed of that, but it was so easy. Went to GOP HQ that night and watched the election, BS'd around with older GOPers who gave me beer. Ignorance is bliss. I wouldn't trade anything for the things I've learned, but I'd be lying if I said the knowledge doesn't weigh on my soul at times.

Hope everyone stays safe tomorrow, don't forget to do last minute preps and be on your guard. Also fill up your gas tanks and spare gas cans!

Twisted Titan
5th November 2012, 10:01 PM

Never validate the abuse of your oppressors.

6th November 2012, 01:54 AM
The choices they give are no choices at all. To participate in a corrupt system is to participate in corruption. It is a charade and to participate is to lend it credence.

6th November 2012, 05:14 AM
I gave up on the belief in 'Authority' long ago when i removed my name from the Voter Reg.

NO man or group of men have any Right to rule over me. PERIOD. I dont care what fancy words he writes, or how 'authentic' the ceremonious rituals are behind their 'Law'. The biggest problem with Freedom, is nobody knows what it looks like. Most people just keep on trying to find a new Master.

Ron Paul is not my Master! I dont care if you think he would be a better Slave Master than the others, because I AM NOT A SLAVE.

I dont hallucinate a thing called 'Government', and then BOW to its fictional existence.

6th November 2012, 07:00 AM
im tempted to vote against obama because- i SERIOUSLY hate his gucking futs! i have never ever hade such pure hatred and disgust for any human being like i do for this pathetic modern day Nero. perhaps a write in for david duke.....

6th November 2012, 08:01 AM
I gave up on the belief in 'Authority' long ago when i removed my name from the Voter Reg.

NO man or group of men have any Right to rule over me. PERIOD. I dont care what fancy words he writes, or how 'authentic' the ceremonious rituals are behind their 'Law'. The biggest problem with Freedom, is nobody knows what it looks like. Most people just keep on trying to find a new Master.

Ron Paul is not my Master! I dont care if you think he would be a better Slave Master than the others, because I AM NOT A SLAVE.

I dont hallucinate a thing called 'Government', and then BOW to its fictional existence.

I wonder your post reflects my future political metamorphosis. I respect your position. I am just not there . . . yet.

I walked to my voting center. It is such a nice sunny and breezy morning. I had a few minutes to really think about what I was about to do. I wrote in Ron Paul . . . thanks mainly to you, Sui Juris, for the Gary Johnson Federal Reserve video (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?64793-Gary-Johnson-quot-Federal-Reserve-IS-NOT-private-we-own-the-stocks-quot&highlight=gary+johnson), but also to LuckyStrike for his post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?64805-I-did-not-vote!&p=586273&viewfull=1#post586273) in this thread.

As I was handed my sticker, I said to the dude "This might be the last voting sticker I ever receive." and I walked out.

6th November 2012, 08:38 AM
okay, i did go vote after all. i wanted to see the feel of the place. i left the whole ballot blank except for clerk of court. it was uncontested anyway, so i voted for the guy. overall feel i got from eavesdropping was people were voting for romney.

midnight rambler
6th November 2012, 08:39 AM
I wonder your post reflects my future political metamorphosis. I respect your position. I am just not there . . . yet.

I walked to my voting center. It is such a nice sunny and breezy morning. I had a few minutes to really think about what I was about to do. I wrote in Ron Paul . . . thanks mainly to you, Sui Juris, for the Gary Johnson Federal Reserve video (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?64793-Gary-Johnson-quot-Federal-Reserve-IS-NOT-private-we-own-the-stocks-quot&highlight=gary+johnson), but also to LuckyStrike for his post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?64805-I-did-not-vote%21&p=586273&viewfull=1#post586273) in this thread.

As I was handed my sticker, I said to the dude "This might be the last voting sticker I ever receive." and I walked out.

So despite being aware you voted for your own destruction, right?

6th November 2012, 08:46 AM
I voted with the majority.

As in, fuck voting.

6th November 2012, 08:48 AM
I wonder your post reflects my future political metamorphosis. I respect your position. I am just not there . . . yet.

I walked to my voting center. It is such a nice sunny and breezy morning. I had a few minutes to really think about what I was about to do. I wrote in Ron Paul . . . thanks mainly to you, Sui Juris, for the Gary Johnson Federal Reserve video (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?64793-Gary-Johnson-quot-Federal-Reserve-IS-NOT-private-we-own-the-stocks-quot&highlight=gary+johnson), but also to LuckyStrike for his post (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?64805-I-did-not-vote!&p=586273&viewfull=1#post586273) in this thread.

As I was handed my sticker, I said to the dude "This might be the last voting sticker I ever receive." and I walked out.

Im not here to judge you, and at least you did what you thought was right. I just hapen to disagree.

'FREEDOM' means giving up on the illusion, myth, superstition of 'Authority'. It DOES NOT EXIST exept for betwen the ears of 300+ million SLAVES who continutally seek to find a 'better' Master.

I TRULY believe that humans are THE TOP of the food chain. They are not meant to be ruled over by other humans. Each one of us OWNS oursleves. If people would just believe that (Instead of 'Authority'), then TPTB would VANISH like the dream that they are.

Here is the secret: YOU ARE ALREADY FREE. You just dont know it.

6th November 2012, 08:51 AM
im tempted to vote against obama because- i SERIOUSLY hate his gucking futs! i have never ever hade such pure hatred and disgust for any human being like i do for this pathetic modern day Nero. perhaps a write in for david duke.....

I agree with you. But, he is an insult to Nero, who at least rebuilt a greater Rome from the ashes of the slums he burned down. Obongo is turning America into one big slum, one city at a time.

6th November 2012, 09:05 AM
I agree with you. But, he is an insult to Nero, who at least rebuilt a greater Rome from the ashes of the slums he burned down. Obongo is turning America into one big slum, one city at a time.
Great for burning down then, anyway Obama, is only the crowning glory of the slumification that's been ongoing for decades, he is a good representative, le grande slumlord!

6th November 2012, 09:22 AM
To a few of these posts, all I can say is Wow!

Please don't tell me Nixon made the decision to take us off the gold standard.

Hatha Sunahara
6th November 2012, 10:23 AM
After you don't vote, go home and turn off the TV. Leave it off for a few weeks. And with the time you would have spent watching that idiot box, go visit some real people.


6th November 2012, 12:06 PM
Im not here to judge you, and at least you did what you thought was right. I just happen to disagree.

'FREEDOM' means giving up on the illusion, myth, superstition of 'Authority'. It DOES NOT EXIST except for betwen the ears of 300+ million SLAVES who continutally seek to find a 'better' Master.

I TRULY believe that humans are THE TOP of the food chain. They are not meant to be ruled over by other humans. Each one of us OWNS oursleves. If people would just believe that (Instead of 'Authority'), then TPTB would VANISH like the dream that they are.

Here is the secret: YOU ARE ALREADY FREE. You just dont know it.

Hear, hear!

6th November 2012, 12:15 PM
We need an option of make a "VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN THE SYSTEM"

Not voting makes you look the same as someone who stayed home to play HALO 4 on release day. They can't tell that you aren't consenting - on paper you look apathetic.

I respect what you are doing, and I respect the reasons you are doing it for, but it just doesn't work. It isn't enough.

Furthermore the state ballot measures are a huge deal. For example, California is about to Fuck up Monsanto with prop 37. I'm voting in order to vote on those.

6th November 2012, 02:12 PM

From Voltaire's essays

"If we read the history of the Jews written by an author of another nation, we would have sorrow to believe that there were indeed fugitive people of Egypt which came by express order from God immoler seven or eight small nations that they didn't know; to cut the throat without mercy of a woman, old men and children with the udder, and to reserve only the small girls; that these holy people were punished of his God when it had been enough criminal to save only one man devoted to the anathema. We would not believe that so abominable people (Jews) had been able to exist on the earth. But as this nation itself brings back all its facts in its holy books to us, it should be believed. —Voltaire, Essai sur les mœurs (1756) Tome 1, pages 158–159

"[The Jewish nation] dares spread an irreconcilable hatred against all nations; it revolts against all its masters. Always superstitious, always avid of the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous, crawling in misfortune, and insolent in prosperity. Here are what were the Jews in the eyes of the Greeks and the Romans who could read their books. —Voltaire, Essai sur les mœurs (1756) Tome 1, page 186

"If these Ismaélites (Arabs) resembled to the Jews by the enthusiasm and the thirst for plundering, they were prodigiously higher by courage, by the nobility of soul, by the magnanimity: their history, or true or fabulous, before Mahomet, is filled of examples of friendship, such as Greece invented some in the fables of Pilade and Oreste, of Thésée and Pirithous. The history of Barmécides is only one continuation of amazing generosities which raise the heart. These features characterize a nation. We do not see on the contrary, in all annals of the Hebrew people, no generous action. They do not know nor hospitality, nor liberality, nor leniency. Their sovereign happiness is to exert wear with the foreigners; and this spirit of wear, principle of any cowardice, is so natural in their hearts, that it is the continual object of the figures that they employ in the species of eloquence which is proper for them. Their glory is to put at fire and blood the small villages they can seize. They cut the throat of the old men and the children; they hold only the girls nubiles; they assassinate their Masters when they are slaves; they can never forgive when they are victorious: they are enemy of the human mankind. No courtesy, no science, no art improved in any time, in this atrocious nation. —Voltaire, Essai sur les mœurs (1756) Tome 2, page 83

"You seem to me to be the maddest of the lot. The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.[2] —Voltaire, From a letter to a Jew who had written to him, complaining of his antisemitism in L'Essai sur le Moeurs

"… [Jews] are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.[2] —Voltaire, Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron (1771)

"I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made... But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth." —Voltaire, Letter to Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, December 15, 1773. Correspondance. 86:166

6th November 2012, 02:48 PM
We need an option of make a "VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN THE SYSTEM"

Not voting makes you look the same as someone who stayed home to play HALO 4 on release day. They can't tell that you aren't consenting - on paper you look apathetic.

I respect what you are doing, and I respect the reasons you are doing it for, but it just doesn't work. It isn't enough.

Furthermore the state ballot measures are a huge deal. For example, California is about to Fuck up Monsanto with prop 37. I'm voting in order to vote on those.

Isn't it kind of insane, off your face, ridiculous that this option isn't available?

Pretty much every form I can think of provides an "other" option with a few blank lines for explanation. Even the most mundane ones.

6th November 2012, 02:50 PM
arizona or some state out there has a "none of the above"option. can't remember which state. theoretically, "none of the above" could win there.

6th November 2012, 03:04 PM
Driving around today, and voting at a precinct I have multiple times before, I have never seen it so packed. I think Obama got everyone he was going to get to the polls in 08, this excess leads me to believe it's Romney going to clinch it. Obviously too with Romney polling at 85% in kikestan, it looks like he is the favored puppet, which I swear to you damn near made me vote obama. Of course I didn't I wrote in Ron Paul like I said, wrote myself in for everything else and my dog for sheriff.

Voted Yes to basically repeal obamacare in FL, not sure how that will turn out.

midnight rambler
6th November 2012, 04:12 PM
arizona or some state out there has a "none of the above"option. can't remember which state. theoretically, "none of the above" could win there.

That'd be Nevada, which the Gay Old Perverts tried to get squashed this year - dunno if they succeeded or not.

6th November 2012, 05:10 PM
Chuck Norris has offered a dire warning to America, claiming that U.S. citizens face "1,000 years of darkness" if President Obama is reelected for a second term in November.


6th November 2012, 05:43 PM
Chuck Norris has offered a dire warning to America, claiming that U.S. citizens face "1,000 years of darkness" if President Obama is reelected for a second term in November.

Bah what is a thousand years of darkness to Chuck Norris!

6th November 2012, 05:48 PM
Chuck Norris has offered a dire warning to America, claiming that U.S. citizens face "1,000 years of darkness" if President Obama is reelected for a second term in November.

Did he say anything about 999 years of darkness if romney wins?

6th November 2012, 05:56 PM
Did he say anything about 999 years of darkness if romney wins?

I suspect he got paid handsomely to leave that part out.

6th November 2012, 06:31 PM
yes it looks like the nigger is a shoe in...fools will get just what they deserve!

6th November 2012, 06:44 PM
We need an option of make a "VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN THE SYSTEM"

Not voting makes you look the same as someone who stayed home to play HALO 4 on release day. They can't tell that you aren't consenting - on paper you look apathetic.

I respect what you are doing, and I respect the reasons you are doing it for, but it just doesn't work. It isn't enough.

Furthermore the state ballot measures are a huge deal. For example, California is about to Fuck up Monsanto with prop 37. I'm voting in order to vote on those.

Im sorry but i disagree. You sound like a victim with Stockholm syndrome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome). Stop validating your oppressors abuse system.

You cannot 'ask' for more freedom. You cannot 'vote' more freedom. You cannot 'beg' for a little more freedom.

It is a philosophical/moral issue, not a legal/technical issue. Right and wrong exist is REALITY. Stealing is wrong, not because there is a Law against stealing but because stealing is wrong in REALITY. Voting allows them to alter this reality in the minds of 300+ million people who imagine that since its called 'Authority' or 'Government' it is somehow gives them a moral exemption from REALITY.

I know you understand this, but it isnt a matter of opinion, again its a fundamental philosophical standpoint. Theft by force is wrong, therefore Government in ALL FORMS is immoral and unjust.

Think about this: If it has the power to steal from its citizens, then it cant be Government because ITS THIEVES. And if it doesnt have the power to steal from its citizens, then it cant be Government, its just a group of people with absolutely no power whatsoever that nobody will listen to.

Government CANT even exist.

6th November 2012, 07:00 PM
FVK!....FVCK FVCK FVCK.....were going to have to suffer this gloating nigger for 4 more years FFFFFFVVVVVCK!

6th November 2012, 07:10 PM
FVK!....FVCK FVCK FVCK.....were going to have to suffer this gloating nigger for 4 more years FFFFFFVVVVVCK!

1. I doubt we have another four years, and

2. Why would Romney be better?

I ain't stressin.

6th November 2012, 07:10 PM
If only the Republicans wouldn't have disrespected/cheated Ron Paul, they probably could have pulled in the extra votes Romney needed. Ron Paul had a huge following and it could have made the difference. Repubs shot themselves in the foot imo.
Now you get this...


6th November 2012, 07:17 PM
If only the Republicans wouldn't have disrespected/cheated Ron Paul, they probably could have pulled in the extra votes Romney needed. Ron Paul had a huge following and it could have made the difference. Repubs shot themselves in the foot imo.
Now you get this...


Are we still working under the premise that regular people "voting" is what decides who is president?

Hmmm, I must have misunderstood.

6th November 2012, 07:21 PM
Are we still working under the premise that regular people "voting" is what decides who is president?

Hmmm, I must have misunderstood.

I know better, just had to say that. :)

6th November 2012, 08:27 PM
If only the Republicans wouldn't have disrespected/cheated Ron Paul, they probably could have pulled in the extra votes Romney needed. Ron Paul had a huge following and it could have made the difference. Repubs shot themselves in the foot imo.
Now you get this...

These are my thoughts as well. I will never forget the way they treated Ron Paul, it was horrendous. I said at the time and it is still my opinion, I hope they fucking lose every election until the end of time those rats, I will not just bend over and vote romney like I'm some fucking automaton. They can suck my balls and all the retards who voted for anyone else but Ron Paul can cry themselves to sleep tonight. It was super clear 4 years ago and clear this time Ron Paul is the ONLY one who could've beat obama, and this is what they did.

So Rot In Piss GOP.

6th November 2012, 08:34 PM
These are my thoughts as well. I will never forget the way they treated Ron Paul, it was horrendous. I said at the time and it is still my opinion, I hope they fucking lose every election until the end of time those rats, I will not just bend over and vote romney like I'm some fucking automaton. They can suck my balls and all the retards who voted for anyone else but Ron Paul can cry themselves to sleep tonight. It was super clear 4 years ago and clear this time Ron Paul is the ONLY one who could've beat obama, and this is what they did.

So Rot In Piss GOP.

"So lick my butt and suck on my balls"

-Team America Theme

6th November 2012, 08:36 PM
These are my thoughts as well. I will never forget the way they treated Ron Paul, it was horrendous. I said at the time and it is still my opinion, I hope they fucking lose every election until the end of time those rats, I will not just bend over and vote romney like I'm some fucking automaton. They can suck my balls and all the retards who voted for anyone else but Ron Paul can cry themselves to sleep tonight. It was super clear 4 years ago and clear this time Ron Paul is the ONLY one who could've beat obama, and this is what they did.

So Rot In Piss GOP.

Can you imagine how the country would have united under Ron Paul.
What a historical movement we would have had.

Like you said, let them rot in their own piss!

6th November 2012, 08:37 PM
so, how long until they start burning stuff down in celebration?

6th November 2012, 08:40 PM
"So lick my butt and suck on my balls"

-Team America Theme

Incidentally, that's probably Barry O's thought right now as well.

I bet there are some cold 40's in the White House refrigerator waiting for a celebratory opening.


Let Freedom Ring!


6th November 2012, 08:44 PM
so, how long until they start burning stuff down in celebration?

When did they stop?

6th November 2012, 09:20 PM
I almost went and voted for Gary Johnson today, mostly because he is the libritarian candidate. Think wife voted for mittens. Asked her prior if it sounded stupid voting for someone you do not like just because you did not want someone else that you do not like to win. I need a I WITHHELD MY VOTE sticker .