View Full Version : Marc Faber - Obama's 2nd term. Protect yourself. Buy a tank.

7th November 2012, 05:45 PM
At least thats what they say he said. Haven't watched yet but sounds typical Faber

Marc Faber's Asset Protection Plan: "Buy A Machine Gun", No Really, "You're Right, Buy A Tank"

Trish Regan and Adam Johnson do their best to hold themselves together in this sublime rant by 'Gloom, Boom & Doom's Marc Faber on Bloomberg TV as he sees Obama's re-election as "very negative for the economy". From his view that the market should be down at least 20% - and maybe 50%, to the implied ignorance of both of the candidates, he believes fervently that the "standards of living of people in the western hemisphere will continue to decline." Faber views Obama's re-election as one of many unintended consequences of market manipulation (since Democrat attacks on the wealthy were 'enabled' by their profiteering from Bernanke's money printing) and sees the need to protect one's assets "with a gun, a machine gun... or perhaps a tank." He concludes with a stunner as he exclaims his view doubting Obama will make it through the whole four-year term because "there will be so many scandals" since "there is so much smoke, there must be some fire!"

The pre-amble is useful and well worth listening to as Faber describes exactly what is occurring in the world...

The good stuff begins around 7:30 as Faber goes Baumgartner... and gives the Bloomberg hosts a taste of reality we suspect they have not heard from their run-of-the-mill portfolio manager sheep guests...

Video at link (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-11-07/marc-fabers-asset-protection-plan-buy-machine-gun-no-really-youre-right-buy-tank)

7th November 2012, 06:02 PM
Jim Rogers: Obama Re-election Will Spark Soaring Inflation

Wednesday, 07 Nov 2012 09:25 AM
By Forrest Jones

A newly re-elected President Barack Obama will continue encouraging loose monetary policies that will fuel inflation rates down the road, and investors need to get ready now, said famed commodities investor Jim Rogers.

Under Obama's first term in office, the Federal Reserve slashed interest rates to near zero and pumped the economy with trillions of dollars in fresh liquidity via a monetary policy tool known as quantitative easing, under which the U.S. central bank buys bonds from banks and floods the economy with excess money supply to encourage investing and hiring.

Republican challenger Mitt Romney has said he opposes such policy and suggested he would not renew Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's term when it expires in January 2014.
Editor's Note: You Deserve to Know What Obama and Bernanke Are Hiding From Americans (http://w3.newsmax.com/a/money_mischief/video2.cfm?PROMO_CODE=F162-1)
Now that Obama is set to preside for another four years, expect the Fed to keep monetary policy loose with the aim of spurring investing and hiring, when in reality, inflation rates are on the rise.

“It’s going to be more inflation, more money printing, more debt, more spending,” Rogers told CNBC just prior to Obama's re-election.

Investors should avoid U.S. government debt and the dollar and stock up on gold.

“It’s not going to be good for you me or anybody else,” Rogers said.

The Federal Reserve recently announced it plans to spend $40 billion a month buying mortgage-backed securities from banks to pump liquidity into the financial system in a way that pushes down interest rates to spur recovery, the U.S. central bank's third round of quantitative easing.

Side effects to such a policy tool — branded by many as printing money out of thin air — include a weaker dollar, rising stock and commodity prices, all of which stoking inflationary pressures considering the excess amounts of liquidity floating in the system.

Past quantitative easing measures rolled out in 2008 and again in 2010 injected a combined $2.3 trillion in inflation-fueling liquidity into the economy on top of other stimulus tools.

“It looks to me like the money printing is going to run amok now, and spending is going to run amok now,” Rogers said.

“I have to invest based on what’s happening and not what I would like.”

Rogers also told CNBC that he didn’t vote for either Romney or Obama, saying that “they’re both evil as far as I’m concerned.”

While many Americans are worried how the president will navigate the country away from a series of tax hikes and spending cuts due to strike the country at the same time early next year — a dreaded combo known as a fiscal cliff that could throw the country into recession next year — loose monetary policies merit attention as well, others agreed.

"As pundits will shift the focus on the fiscal cliff, the market appears firmly focused on what may be more relevant: an Obama win favors a continuation of the current easy money policy," said Axel Merk, president and chief investment officer at Merk Investments, according to CNNMoney.
Editor's Note: You Deserve to Know What Obama and Bernanke Are Hiding From Americans (http://w3.newsmax.com/a/money_mischief/video2.cfm?PROMO_CODE=F162-1)

Read more: Jim Rogers: Obama Re-election Will Spark Soaring Inflation (http://www.moneynews.com/StreetTalk/Rogers-Obama-Re-election-Inflation/2012/11/07/id/463179#ixzz2Banc6O8t)

7th November 2012, 06:04 PM
THE SUGAR HIGH WILL END AND TIME FOR MARGIN CALLS!! Stock Market Is At Risk Of Losing 2,000 Points Within The Next Few Weeks


Twisted Titan
7th November 2012, 09:33 PM
We are truly living at the cusp of the Event Horizion.

Dam this is nerve racking

Keeping prescene of mind is paramount

midnight rambler
8th November 2012, 01:08 AM
He concludes with a stunner as he exclaims his view doubting Obama will make it through the whole four-year term because "there will be so many scandals" since "there is so much smoke, there must be some fire!"

President Bidet, I mean President Biden - that has a ring to it, huh?