View Full Version : I am so sad!

7th November 2012, 07:10 PM
I am so sad, with the election of Barky, I fear that my dear friend Janadell will not be around any more! There will be no need for her to pump up Mittens!

So long my little janaspammer! :-[

7th November 2012, 08:11 PM

8th November 2012, 06:39 AM
I am so sad, with the election of Barky, I fear that my dear friend Janadell will not be around any more! There will be no need for her to pump up Mittens!

So long my little janaspammer! :-[

Jeez, i thought one of your pressure canners broke, or one of your favorite chickens died, or something.

i wonder if Janadele was a guy ? when a Zio-spammer shows up, i tend to think of them as guys.

8th November 2012, 08:38 AM
I am so sad, with the election of Barky, I fear that my dear friend Janadell will not be around any more! There will be no need for her to pump up Mittens!

So long my little janaspammer! :-[

Don't worry, she may be back in 3-4 years!