View Full Version : Briffault's law

8th November 2012, 06:51 AM
“The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.” -- Robert Briffault, The Mothers, I, 191

Imo, every man should watch this video. It is a tough video to watch.


8th November 2012, 07:01 AM
this law was proven wrong beginning in the early 1970s with the development of "hood life." look at detroit, compton, cabrini green, etc. for a perfect example of why this law is wrong.

8th November 2012, 07:53 AM
this law was proven wrong beginning in the early 1970s with the development of "hood life." look at detroit, compton, cabrini green, etc. for a perfect example of why this law is wrong.

it's logical for some sub-cultures to 'follow the model' - and others not to.

how about in Beverly Hills - or Silicon Valley - or San Francisco <eyes popping emoticon> ?

8th November 2012, 08:10 AM
it's logical for some sub-cultures to 'follow the model' - and others not to.

how about in Beverly Hills - or Silicon Valley - or San Francisco <eyes popping emoticon> ?

I think you might be missing the point of the video. Marriage law follows this model. Anyone who gets married legally must follow it.

This is why you shouldn't enter a contract with the state. Keep them out of your personal lives.

8th November 2012, 08:13 AM
Bitchez, bitchez!!!

8th November 2012, 08:19 AM
Bitchez, bitchez!!!

The poor guy in the video is a slave to his ex-wife. She puts him in jail, then decides she can't financially benefit from him being in jail....so she has him released. At anytime however, on an emotional whim, she can have him tossed back in.

This my friends is what our country has become. Men are tools to be used and discarded.

8th November 2012, 08:30 AM
They should change the marriage vows to reflect the truth....

"From this moment forward, I promise to be a slave to my wife. I agree that at any time, I can get my ass kicked out on the curb. I agree to financially reward her for booting me out. I agree that if she does boot my ass, I will either live in jail or a cardboard box, which ever benefits her more. My life is her decision."

8th November 2012, 08:30 AM
Is it any wonder why the white race is dying? Why would any intelligent male want to have kids and hand over this kind of power over his life?

A man can love a women with all his heart, give her the best care he knows how...the first sign of trouble/problem, he is met with a lifetime of anger, resentment, and in the end, revenge. A man can only wonder where it all comes from.
Women for the most part, are the most vindictive of the species.

I learned something about females several years ago when I did a construction project at a middle school. A fight between two girls broke out, outside the window of an area I was working. I was shocked at the viciousness of the attack. A few other girls were covering for this brutal beating. Once it was over, I spoke to the principal and told what I saw. The female principal told me that the girls always want to kill each other when they fight. So much for sugar and spice?
She said it's not at all like that when boys fight...boys usually get over their fights and in many cases become friends again. The girls are mortal enemies for life.

Maybe women should be fighting our wars?
Men are usually more brave, but it seems women can be more heartless and vicious killers.

8th November 2012, 08:35 AM
Men are usually more brave, but it seems women can be more heartless and vicious killers.

Many years ago, I knew a guy who was a bouncer at a big club. This guy was tough, he once tossed out a professional football player. One time he was escorting a woman out, and she started fighting. She jabbed a finger into his eye. He almost lost an eye. Who could be that vicious? She wanted to rip his eye out. Crazy.

8th November 2012, 08:44 AM
I wonder how many women are in prison over marital problems, compared to males?
There are many more divorced men with destroyed lives then women, I'd be willing to bet!

8th November 2012, 08:46 AM
Is it any wonder why the white race is dying? Why would any intelligent male want to have kids and hand over this kind of power over his life?

A man can love a women with all his heart, give her the best care he knows how...the first sign of trouble/problem, he is met with a lifetime of anger, resentment, and in the end, revenge. A man can only wonder where it all comes from.
Women for the most part, are the most vindictive of the species.

I learned something about females several years ago when I did a construction project at a middle school. A fight between two girls broke out, outside the window of an area I was working. I was shocked at the viciousness of the attack. A few other girls were covering for this brutal beating. Once it was over, I spoke to the principal and told what I saw. The female principal told me that the girls always want to kill each other when they fight. So much for sugar and spice?
She said it's not at all like that when boys fight...boys usually get over their fights and in many cases become friends again. The girls are mortal enemies for life.

Maybe women should be fighting our wars?
Men are usually more brave, but it seems women can be more heartless and vicious killers.

If women fought our wars we'd all be radioactive dust a long time ago.

Women today are totally self-centered and this is enabled and encouraged by the state which functions as a surrogate husband. The feminist movement undermined the primacy of motherhood and woman as nucleus of the family. It was only a matter of time before women discarded any sense of allegiance and duty to the family and to their husbands and fathers of their children. They no longer view the marital union as the essential cultural-economic nucleus of the family. They have been seduced by the feminist version of motherhood, all pushed by the NWO/Fabian Socialists and funded by the social welfare state (i.e. your taxes) that provides for a libertine lifestyle of hedonistic sexual relations, contraception and abortion on demand. So modern liberated women are virtually harlots and sluts. A man is simply needed to supply sperm. Once the desired number of children are procreated, the man is only useful as a supplier of capital and labor. He can be discarded at the whim of the woman for any reason. This situation will evolve into a society where women outnumber men and live as virtual concubines of the state. Their reproduction will be controlled by the state elite who will procreate with only the most desirable females. The rest will be virtual wage slaves without even knowing it. And men will live apart from this and progressively become extinct. Only total collapse of this aberrant inbred hive-like society can rectify life back to western man's family-based decentralized society.

8th November 2012, 08:53 AM
Amen to that mamboni! Great post. Heck, you don't even have to be the biological father to be stuck slaving away to a woman. There was a story about a guy in the military, overseas. He comes back home and gets stuck paying child support. Some woman, he had just met once, just put his name on the birth certificate as the father. He didn't know about it. He didn't even sleep with her. A contract was formed. He's the woman's slave now.

Pretty soon, if you are a single guy. They will just pick you at random to pay for some woman and her child. Oh slowbell's single, carefree, financially free....we can't have that. Make him pay, there's a woman in nebraska, she will do just fine.

Burns me up.>:(

8th November 2012, 09:09 AM
I learned something about females several years ago when I did a construction project at a middle school. A fight between two girls broke out, outside the window of an area I was working. I was shocked at the viciousness of the attack. A few other girls were covering for this brutal beating. Once it was over, I spoke to the principal and told what I saw. The female principal told me that the girls always want to kill each other when they fight. So much for sugar and spice?
She said it's not at all like that when boys fight...boys usually get over their fights and in many cases become friends again. The girls are mortal enemies for life.

I've said for a long time that when two men meet, they are polite and with enough time, may become friends. When two women meet, they immediately act like best friends while looking for a reason to hate each other.

Twisted Titan
8th November 2012, 09:12 AM
If women fought our wars we'd all be radioactive dust a long time ago.

Women today are totally self-centered and this is enabled and encouraged by the state which functions as a surrogate husband. The feminist movement undermined the primacy of motherhood and woman as nucleus of the family. It was only a matter of time before women discarded any sense of allegiance and duty to the family and to their husbands and fathers of their children. They no longer view the marital union as the essential cultural-economic nucleus of the family. They have been seduced by the feminist version of motherhood, all pushed by the NWO/Fabian Socialists and funded by the social welfare state (i.e. your taxes) that provides for a libertine lifestyle of hedonistic sexual relations, contraception and abortion on demand. So modern liberated women are virtually harlots and sluts. A man is simply needed to supply sperm. Once the desired number of children are procreated, the man is only useful as a supplier of capital and labor. He can be discarded at the whim of the woman for any reason. This situation will evolve into a society where women outnumber men and live as virtual concubines of the state. Their reproduction will be controlled by the state elite who will procreate with only the most desirable females. The rest will be virtual wage slaves without even knowing it. And men will live apart from this and progressively become extinct. Only total collapse of this aberrant inbred hive-like society can rectify life back to western man's family-based decentralized society.

Only with white American women

This is unheard of in jewish communities.

Women can be assualted sexually and their first order of business is not to call 911 to report domestic violence but to call the local rabbi and he will conduct a " investigation" and dole out any punishment if so deemed

Any jewish woman that steps out of pocket is ostracized by her entire community cheif among them are the women