View Full Version : Recipe for A Quiet Diet

8th November 2012, 06:07 PM
Source: http://www.chchearing.org/noise-center-home/international-noise-awareness-day/recipe-for-quiet-diet

ake these few, simple steps to preserve the peace and quiet in your life:

Pay attention to the noises you make and respect your neighbor's right to peace and quiet.

Turn down the volume two notches on your radios and personal stereo systems with headphones.

Turn down the volume one notch on your television.

Do NOT honk your horn, except in the case of imminent danger.

Do NOT tip cab drivers who honk their horns illegally.

Avoid noisy sports events, restaurants, rock concerts and nightclubs unless you use hearing protection.

Replace noisy activities with quiet ones such as taking a walk, visits to libraries and museums.

Ask your health club instructor to lower the music.

Ask the movie theater manager to turn down the volume.

Wear adequate hearing protection if you must be in a noisy environment (the subway, mowing the lawn)

Turn off the television during dinner and have a quiet conversation instead.

Get a free hearing screening.

Organize a town meeting to review (or develop) a local, enforceable noise ordinance.

Spread the word about the danger of noise,

and remember... OBSERVE ONE MINUTE OF NO NOISE FROM 2:15-2:16 P.M (regardless of location)