View Full Version : Chinese Man Invigorated by 220 Volts of Electricity

8th November 2012, 06:23 PM
Source: http://www.theepochtimes.com/news/7-1-20/50713.html

CHINA�An unusual person in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, can light up bulbs by touching 220-volt power lines. When shocked by the generated current, he feels no pain or convulsions, but feels invigorated instead. He is even able to do diathermic massage for people by controlling the voltage.

According to the Beijing Sci-Tech Report Ma Xiangang can fix electrical circuits by using his bare hands; he does not wear any safeguards. He can hold a positive wire in one hand and a negative wire in the other and a bulb will light up.

Since an accident 15 years ago, Ma has been immune to electrical shocks and instead he is invigorated by them.

Ma recalls a day 15 years ago, while he was watching television with his wife, when the television went off after a sudden flash of light. He rushed outside to check the wiring and found a broken, worn-out wire under the eaves. He started to fix the problem, but after pulling at the wire a few times he suddenly discovered the line was alive.

He was perplexed and wondered why, even though the wire was alive, he had no trouble touching it? He made a bold attempt to touch the wire again and this time discovered that he was immune to electricity.

He did not feel any pain or convulsions when he was jolted by the power, instead he felt comfortable. In fact, he enjoyed the sensation and even became addicted to electrical shocks.

As time went on, he found he could control the voltage of the power passing through his body and do diathermic massage, in which high-frequency electrical currents are used to heat deep muscular tissues.

An electrician named Mr. Wang doubted the phenomenon. From his experience, Wang believed it was impossible. He used a voltmeter to thoroughly test whether the voltage on Ma's body was really 220 volts. The results of the test concluded that Ma was able to bear the 220 volts without any damage to his body.

Ma also underwent a series of tests at the physics laboratory in Haerbin Industry University. These test results showed that his body's resistance was seven to eight times higher than a normal person's resistance.

[see below] to read the original article in Chinese

【大纪元1月8日讯】黑龙江省大庆市有一位奇人,他可以触摸220伏的电压来点亮灯泡。这位现实版的“霹雳 贝贝”,被电击时不但没有疼痛与痉挛的感觉,反而觉得舒畅无比,精神倍增;他还可以控制电压大小,帮人做电 疗按摩。

据北京科技报报导,这位“霹雳贝贝”名叫马显刚,他替人维修电路不需任何防护设施,都是用手直接触到标准的 220伏家用电压。他可以一手拿着火线,一手拿着零线,灯泡居然被点亮了。


电工王师傅对于马显刚触电的本领半信半疑,因为他的工作经验判断,马显刚的做法是绝对行不通的,也是不可能 的。王师傅拿出万能表,要为马显刚仔细地检测一下,看看马显刚身上通过的到底是不是220伏的电压。检测结 果马显刚确实能够承受220伏电压的考验,而且也没有对身体造成什么损害。

马显刚回忆15年前的那一天,他和爱人正坐在一起看着电视,突然间,电视一闪,没电了,他赶紧出去查看停电 的原因,结果发现,屋檐下老化的电线被风刮断了。他小心翼翼地找到了被刮断的电线,也先试探性地摸了两下, 发现没有电,在确定安全的情况下,他开始维修起来。

马显刚事后觉得十分奇怪,明明电线是有电的,但为什么自己却摸着没事呢?难道是感觉有误,还是自己不怕电呢 ?他越想越想不明白,琢磨再三后,作出了一个大胆的决定,他再次触电试一试。

这次大胆的尝试让马显刚惊奇地发现,自己竟然是一个不怕电的人,他不但没有被电击到时的疼痛与痉挛,反而触 电会感觉到舒畅,精神倍增。

此后,马显刚触电竟上了瘾,没事的时候他就会通上电享受一下,时间长了,还可以承受220伏的 电压。


马显刚到哈尔滨工业大学物理实验室进行一番检测。结果发现,马显刚的电阻确实比一般人大得多,是普通人的八 、九倍。

据专家透露,马显刚之所以不怕 220伏的电压,这和他本身的电阻大有着直接的关系。因为电流流经他身体时,才只有6毫安左右,远远低于正 常人所能承受的8毫安到10毫安的范围。

专家还发现,马显刚的手与其他人相比很粗糙,它的作用就是保护身体不受外界伤害,皮肤细胞进行新陈代谢后, 老化的细胞并不会马上脱落,而是在人体表面形成一个角质层,这厚厚的角质层是皮肤的第一道屏障,它可以抵挡 外界的物理刺激。

专家提醒马显刚,虽然现在对身体没有影响,但是并不能保证今后不出现意外情况,所以还是建议他 要多加小心。