View Full Version : Magnetic therapy

8th November 2012, 06:25 PM
Source: http://www.awakening-healing.com/Healing/magnetic_therapy.htm

The use of Magnets for healing is not new. For centuries, healers have attempted to use permanent magnets in healing a variety of health problems that could not be helped by the medical therapies of the day. Magnets, as healing tools, have suddenly become a topic of great interest, as evidenced by the increasing number of books on magnetic healing, magnetic products, and television news stories focusing attention upon magnets as a form alternative healing therapy.

8th November 2012, 06:34 PM
I've been using magnetic therapy for a couple years now. I find it very beneficial for joint pain and also in what I feel is an improved filtering or cleaning of the blood. It's hard to give something concrete as an example but something like lesser after affects from drinking alcohol the morning after. I also feel it enhances recovery from moderate to heavy exercise. I find I return to a resting hearbeat very quickly and muscle tiredness is reduced over the following days. I think it cuts a day from the recovery time. What might take 2 days for recovery takes 1 and like wise 3 days instead takes 2. For me recovery is measured as not feeling any of the affects from that exercise. Depending on how hard I go this might take 2 or 3 days. This is also a factor of improving fitness but I am confident the magnets are a positive influence in muscle recovery.

It's interesting timing you post this because I have reading up on some schools of thought and magentic therapy has been performed quite a bit in the last couple centuries and if you read the history there have been a lot of activity in this area and related tangents. Governments have investigated and aknowledged it actually does work. They were obviously threatened by it.

I was going to post what I had been reading. I'm looking from a scientific investigation of magnetic power sources and on another path, people using magnetism for healing.

By power sources I do not mean engines or machines with moving parts.

8th November 2012, 06:36 PM

where can I find a good source of therapeutic magnets?

10th November 2012, 03:07 PM
I've been using a product called Bio-Flow. I think you can buy out of the UK. Not sure about local US. There maybe an aussie online store. I am not sure. There is a licensed distributor down here.

They do have an aussie web: http://www.bioflow.com.au/

I use a wrist band. I wear it 24/7. I feel it took about 3 months before I noticed improvement. I'm not sure exactly when things actually got better. I just noticed a couple months after starting some pains were gone 100%.

10th November 2012, 03:15 PM