View Full Version : Winter Date Ideas

8th November 2012, 07:09 PM
Source: http://www.lovesystemsdatesbook.com/winter-date-ideas

Check out a local brewery tour. You’ll get a free beer, some interesting entertainment and it will be very warm.

Hockey games are always a fun time. If you go early you can get up by the glass and watch the players warm up. If you’re lucky there may even be a fight in the game. There is also fun entertainment between periods.

Grab some Kool-Aid and popsicle sticks. Freeze the Kool-Aid in cups in a snow bank at the beginning of your date, come inside for hot chocolate and end your date with Kool-Aid popsicles.

Go to a local tire shop and get a used tractor tire inner tube, blow it up and go sliding together down a local toboggan hill.

The old staple of ice skating is always fun. Hold hands, hold each other up, have fun.

Of course, there is always building a snowman, snowball fights and snow angels. These can be part of your date, but don’t make it the only focus. She’ll want something more inventive.
Winter Date Tips:

Tell her what to wear before the date. Since you’re leading the charge you’re responsible for setting the expectations. She’d hate to get dressed in heels when you’re going to build a snowman. Sometimes you can even tell her what to wear and keep the activity a surprise.
Plan out your travel ahead of time. It’s hard to walk on ice in heels and in the wind in a dress. Know what time subways/buses stop running if she can’t walk.
Meet somewhere where you can both be indoors. One of you is bound to show up later than the other so you don’t want to be freezing outside.

Old Herb Lady
15th November 2012, 07:21 PM

15th November 2012, 07:23 PM
Tell her tha is to cold to go anywhere...suggest that they should get in bed and "read" a nice book.