View Full Version : Strange Pyramid Tomb Found on Mt. Nemrut.

10th November 2012, 01:01 PM
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A pyramid shaped tomb thought to be the final resting place of King Antiochus has been found on Mt Nemrut by a team of Turkish archaeologists.

A team of archaeologists today announced on Turkish TV that they have discovered the underground tomb of King Antiochus at Mt. Nemrut. Amazingly the team has found what appears to be an underground pyramid shaped tomb that is buried fairly deep inside the artificial hill on top of Mt. Nemrut. The team said they are currently petitioning the Turkish government to allow excavations at the site but they also said they expect this could take several months if not years before they are granted access. The team was able to find a pyramid shaped cavity using a combination of ground penetrating radar and other electronic scans to find what they believe is the final resting place of King Antiochus.

The team had this to say about the discovery so far:

The chamber is pyramid shape and is at least 20 ft long, 8 feet wide, and 10 feet in height.
The chamber tapers up to the ceiling in a pyramid shape or a corbeled system.
The chamber contains a large box that is over 6 feet long which is most likely the burial sarcophagus of King Antiochus.
There appears to be multiple small objects or statues inside the chamber but the scans cannot determine exactly what they are.
The chamber is buried at least 50 feet below the top of the artificial hill of Mt Nemrut and appears to be the in center of this hill.
The radar scans also revealed two other smaller chambers located fairly close to the pyramid chamber but no big objects were seen on the scans.

Read more: http://scienceray.com/earth-sciences/paleontology/strange-pyramid-tomb-found-on-mt-nemrut/#ixzz2BqNbGbdU