View Full Version : Golden Analytical 10 oz Silver Bars

10th November 2012, 02:49 PM

Just seeing if anyone can supply me with some additional info about these bars and the company.

From what I gather Golden Analytical was a company based out of Golden, Colorado and produced many of these bars throughout the 80's. Then when silver price fell, the company closed up shop.

However, a few years ago whe the silver price was around $10-12, these started popping back up again at my dealers shop up in northern colorado and on ebay looking freshly poured and without a serial number

Guess I was just curious if anyone knew the backstory. Did someone get a hold of the dies and make these? Is the company still in operation? etc

11th November 2012, 06:53 AM
I've always liked those bars because I like the old "poured" style, and while I've tried, I've never found a detailed story behind them. But like you, I see them popping up at local coin shows and stores every now and again.

They make more than 10 oz bars; they make 5, 10, 20, even 100 oz bars.

Half Sense
11th November 2012, 07:48 AM
I have also seen a GA bar in the handy 25-oz size.

11th November 2012, 11:57 AM
http://iaspub.epa.gov/enviro/fii_query_detail.disp_program_facility?p_registry_ id=110008299162




10th May 2013, 02:38 PM
I am selling one of these on eBay it is very nice and the ten ounce bars were the more common bars they poured but I am selling a five ounce it is less expensive and more collectible, it has qualities unique to hand poured bars like some silver tacking that is there to get the correct weight. You can easily check it out just search golden analytical on eBay to check it out it is the only five ounce bar (since they are so rare) so it should be easy to find.