View Full Version : The Lion Sleeps No More - 7 Hours David Icke Non Stop

10th November 2012, 06:07 PM

10th November 2012, 06:11 PM
7 hours...http://www.golfjin.com/images/smilies/smilies4/yikes.gif

10th November 2012, 06:13 PM
7 hours...http://www.golfjin.com/images/smilies/smilies4/yikes.gif

What are you busy building a time machine, or something? :)

I've watched the first 10 minutes so far, you can skip those...

10th November 2012, 07:44 PM
O.K. I got to about an hour in before i break, he's onto something,

but I'm not exactly sure he knows at all what that is...

10th November 2012, 07:53 PM
25 minutes in

10th November 2012, 08:44 PM
The information density in this vs the amount of time and energy spent makes this required viewing.

Twisted Titan
11th November 2012, 01:18 AM
Watch 2 hrs here and save yourself the other 5


11th November 2012, 02:22 AM
Watch 2 hrs here and save yourself the other 5


I'm fine with critics giving counter arguments, but if you don't even listen to the original, the whole thing seems kind of pointless.

I doubt you watched either the 7 hour video in the OP, or the 2.5 hour counter video you posted. If you are ignoring all of the material, why not just ignore this thread as well? The principles which palani speaks of are relevant: let a man present himself, and respond based on that.

Definitely correct me if I am wrong about my assumptions here, if so I apologize.

11th November 2012, 10:15 AM
I was about to post something , but then a lizard dropped a pot while doing the dishes and when I clicked submit I saw I wasn't logged on.

A clear miss is the supposed top down manipulation of emotion, or the definition of emotion is skewed, while it is possible to do manipulate top down the surface of it, emotion itself derives within the devine consciousness. It is who you are.

The moon is a result of the ancient war, a dried blood beast (scab) of its former self. We are just as much products of it as we are products of the Sun.

Thanks EE_ Chris Walken is like the all time favorite :)

midnight rambler
11th November 2012, 10:38 AM
I went to see Icke 9 years ago and he put on presentation that went on for no less than 7.5 hours non-stop (breaking for lunch of course), he was like fucking machine.

Twisted Titan
11th November 2012, 01:20 PM
I'm fine with critics giving counter arguments, but if you don't even listen to the original, the whole thing seems kind of pointless.

I doubt you watched either the 7 hour video in the OP, or the 2.5 hour counter video you posted. If you are ignoring all of the material, why not just ignore this thread as well? The principles which palani speaks of are relevant: let a man present himself, and respond based on that.

Definitely correct me if I am wrong about my assumptions here, if so I apologize.

I watched about 90 mins of the vid i posted as that was sufficent for me to agree with the Producer views

I will in no way invest 7 hours into a man that is either a quack or works at the behest of Pan dimensional beings( i believe both)

All that man does is give his personal opinion that can not be refuted or verified because it is his personal experience

Take for example his statement that the moon isnt real.

Do you truly grasp the magnitude of a statement like that?

This man is saying all of science,oceanograpy and astronomy are incorrect and his mass illusion statement is true?

Are you fricken kidding me?

11th November 2012, 02:38 PM
That's not a so crazy. I believe a the moon is a big a pizza pie!
Hey, I'm a just a kidding around.

Actually, I wouldn't mind watching the video, but it would eat the next 6 months of my allotted satellite bandwidth.

And I'd rather eat a big a pizza pie.

11th November 2012, 02:44 PM
And I'd rather eat a big a pizza pie.

A pizza pie would be easier to explain than the moon.


True scale, and perfect size for total eclipse of the Sun.


11th November 2012, 03:02 PM
Here's another 3 hour video trying to explain the moon.

3-Hours - Digitally Restored - From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. - Ancient Alien ruins on the Moon? Is it possible? The Moon/Mars Connection uses NASA's own data to make a compelling scientific case for the existence of ancient alien artifacts on the earth's nearest neighbor in the Solar System. As no one has done before, Hoagland uses state-of-the-art computer image processing and other analytical techniques to take the viewer into an extraordinary world of possible gigantic structures where NASA says there are none. Have some officials within the U.S. Government, for over 30 years, been hiding the truth? The Moon/ Mars Connection opens the mind to these amazing possibilities.


11th November 2012, 03:17 PM
Damn it Horn I have just finished 7 hours of viewing this, now you have posted another 5? Or so hours... Do you think I am made of time?

11th November 2012, 04:33 PM
Do you think I am made of time?

Little shorter for you. 2:33:50

Author, lecturer and aerospace engineer Mike Bara presented evidence that the Moon is littered with ancient artifacts, which suggests to him that at one time it was inhabited by extraterrestrials, or possibly an ancient or ancestral civilization of humans. The moon has a curious orbit and it's almost as if it's been placed in its position by design, he commented. He concurs with Richard C. Hoagland that there are a number of glass-like towers on the moon. These towers have an engineering structure with layers, and girders that is reminiscent of human architecture, he observed. One vertical tower, that sticks out like the Washington Monument, he estimated to be a staggering 20-25 miles tall.

There are also meteor shields made out of glass-- in the moon's vacuum environment, glass is about twice as strong as steel, he noted. Transparent glass domes are present over the Cleomedes craters, and you can see geometric structures inside them, he continued. Interestingly, he suggested that the Apollo 17 mission was a salvaging operation at South Massif, a hexagonally-shaped mountainous area. The back end appeared to be blown out, and contained geometric patterning inside of it, "as if the whole thing was made up of a series of rooms and cells," he said.

Bara also addressed the "Data's Head" anomaly which he believes is a robot's head, and has a painted red stripe on it, as well as controversies surrounding the Daedalus Ziggurat, a pyramid-like structure with walls and ramps. He explained that he's reached many of his conclusions by studying early lunar photos such as from the Apollo missions. He distrusts newer digital images from lunar probes, as he believes NASA whitewashes evidence and information from them.
Planets & Space Exploration

First hour guest, planetary scientist and space program executive, Dr. Alan Stern, spoke about current and future space missions and exploration. He cited the importance of commercial space development which is bringing down the cost of new space capsules and launch vehicles. His new company Uwingu seeks to fund space exploration and research through the sale of its products. In talking about our solar system, Stern suggested it's likely there could be many small planets out past Pluto, some of which may have subterranean oceans capable of supporting life.


11th November 2012, 04:39 PM
I watched about 90 mins of the vid i posted as that was sufficent for me to agree with the Producer views

I will in no way invest 7 hours into a man that is either a quack or works at the behest of Pan dimensional beings( i believe both)

All that man does is give his personal opinion that can not be refuted or verified because it is his personal experience

Take for example his statement that the moon isnt real.

Do you truly grasp the magnitude of a statement like that?

This man is saying all of science,oceanograpy and astronomy are incorrect and his mass illusion statement is true?

Are you fricken kidding me?

He says he thinks the moon is artificial. There are multiple books and papers speculating the same thing, since before his time. These books and papers are a response to the many strange and inexplicable characteristics of the moon. It still has gravity and stuff.

Now, this is a good example, I don't know if I personally think it's artificial. I think it's likely natural, and we are in a (somewhat) natural process, but it's been hijacked and screwed up. So I actually disagree with him there, but in the grand scheme of things, he's in the right direction.

What you seem to dislike is there is no basis which he can point to as references to support everything he's saying. I get where you're coming from there. But that's how humanity is transferring information more and more. It's the way of the future.

Previously, we had myths and legends. I don't know if people took them literally, but they repeated the stories and passed them down, generation to generation. They didn't have any basis, except that their ancestors believed them.

Then we had religion. It's basis was the holy men and holy books, it was truth, it was absolute, if you questioned it then you were at fault, because these holy things were perfect.

In modern times, we've got the scientific method. This is what you seem to demand, solid proof, deductive reasoning. The problem is that nothing is really known. For the scientific method to work, there have to be postulates, everything builds up from there logically, the way you like to see. But nothing is known. These assumptions are virtually guaranteed to be wrong, and you are stuck with them for a very long time until proven wrong. This is very time consuming, and error prone. We can't pretend we know anything about what's going on or why, really. Lets just admit that fact and stop trying to create constructs based on limited understanding.

The new way information is being transmitted is through revelation. You absorb large amounts of material, you use intuition, inspiration, and chance to come upon what you recognize as the truth. You don't try to spend your life defending you positions, you just tell people what you know is right. Others take in what you say, find parts that they recognize as true. They absorb this from everyone, until they discover something themselves and profess it to everyone. This is gnostic revelation. This is abductive reasoning. This is the new way of doing things.

I understand you buddy, but just go with it. I have a scientific degree, I know exactly what the implication of everything he's saying is. What he's saying doesn't contradict what is known scientifically in any fundamental way. What scientists don't ever admit is that they are really pretty slow and ignorant. Look at how long it took the doppler effect to be accepted, like 20 - 30 years (after the originator dies). This is the most basic, classical, mechanical, physics, taught to grade school students today. We're talking hundreds of years after newton here.

Here's the doppler effect in a 6th grade curriculum. link (http://westfieldnj.com/eis/team6/6science_ch17_3.htm#Doppler_Effect) It was proposed in 1842, and proven by experiment in 1845. It wasn't accepted till about 1860. This is 6th grade material. Look at how pathetic that is...and this is an application where the scientific method truly does excel. When trying to use it inappropriately, imagine how ineffective it is.

Uncle Salty
11th November 2012, 05:07 PM
Take for example his statement that the moon isnt real.

Do you truly grasp the magnitude of a statement like that?

This man is saying all of science,oceanograpy and astronomy are incorrect and his mass illusion statement is true?

Are you fricken kidding me?

No shit. Next thing Icke will tell us is that our fiat money isn't real.

11th November 2012, 07:52 PM
When trying to use it inappropriately, imagine how ineffective it is.

I'm only at about 3:30 in so far,

so how exactly do they feed off of the low vibrational energy?

This should be explained in detailed theory, no?

11th November 2012, 08:14 PM
I'm only at about 3:30 in so far,

so how exactly do they feed off of the low vibrational energy?

This should be explained in detailed theory, no?

I like the new avatar! lol

11th November 2012, 08:42 PM
Horn, here's a budget flick with Christopher Walken in it. Maybe you haven't seen it?
If you like pool hustler movies, it's amusing. Chris comes in, in about a half hour.


12th November 2012, 11:09 AM
That main actor looks like his son.

12th November 2012, 12:43 PM
did anyone follow the Ventura/Icke spat which took place around a year ago?

I just caught wind of it as I heard it mentioned in a podcast- missed it completely at the time. Apparently the 2 were having some kind of interview, & Ventura accused Icke of being a money grubber, ended with Icke walking off the set. I don't have time to get the full story of the incident, check the YT search above & see what I mean?

David Icke on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Reptilians - 7/11/2012 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oNkc5UgbpQ)


Here's one, posted to YT 11/26/11,



12th November 2012, 01:16 PM
Type "Ventura Icke" into your Google, Pat.


I've come to respect Ventura more over the year, after that Pierce Morgan interview.


12th November 2012, 02:49 PM
That's the search I suggested Horn, except I did it in YT (owned by the goog monster).

So I watched the 2 vids I posted ^^ now, which I hadn't watched when posted. Re the "Conspiracy Theory with JV" clip with the hostile Icke interview, a few observations:

The show's prelude set up the Icke interview to be hostile. JV entered the room and his tone was hostile thoughout.

I'd like to see the interview straight through without the editing cuts and spooky music. I appears it was weaved so that every time the focus was on Icke, he was looking squirmy & uncomfortable- reminded me of one of Daly Show's spoof interviews.

The AJ part of the prelude showed the many faces of AJ; namely a few years ago I recall AJ taking a reconcilliatory tone about Icke's lizard shit, noting the primitive "reptilian" fight-or-flight part of our brains, and had Icke on the show a few times. But in the CT with JV show above, at least how it was edited, AJ was on about how JV needs to talk directly to Icke as "the head of the snake"... threw Icke under the bus.

I'm sympathetic to the perspective that Icke's shtick about off-world rulers, something we can only imagine but not prove or disprove, but how it leaves followers with a sense of powerlessness. Icke certainly didn't shine in defense of this, only pointing to his 700 page book(s) & his 9 hour lectures.

The whole CT with JV "lizard conspiracy" show is here, maybe I'll get around to watching it later:

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Reptilians 11/7/2012.avi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhrPpDSO_po)

a few of Icke's post show responses to the debacle (I haven't read):

You are a disgrace Time Warner - the 'Conspiracy Theory' show that ... (http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/75196-you-are-a-disgrace-time-warner-the-conspiracy-theory-show-that-seeks-to-discredit-genuine-revealers-of-the-truth)
This is where I live, Ventura - How About You? - David Icke Website (http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/75198-this-is-where-i-live-ventura-how-about-you)
Jesse Ventura - Pet Detective (A Must Read) - David Icke Website (http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/56029-jesse-ventura-pet-detective-a-must-read-)

13th August 2013, 09:55 PM
Icke on Red Ice Radio

David Icke - Hour 1 - The People’s Voice & Perception Absolutism
August 12, 2013
British author and speaker David Icke has written 20 books and traveled to over 55 countries. His books reveal how a hidden hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem-reaction-solution. While being controversial and often heavily attacked, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch. He returns to talk about the new media channel "The People's Voice" and his upcoming book "The Perception Deception." In the first hour, we discuss the current media climate and the diverse voices and opinions that exist. He shares his inspiration for starting a new media channel and what he sees it developing into. In the second hour, he speaks about his upcoming book and the false science which most people let define their reality. We talk about how most people live in a virtual reality. They reject information by reflex reaction. The rulers are trying to create predictable collectivists who all behave the same. Later, David discusses the source of creativity and mentions that people such as Leonardo Da Vinci & Giordano Bruno were not ahead of their time, but beyond time. We end the discussion on internet censorship in the UK and why this approach will fail.
http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2013/RIR-130812-davidicke-hr1.mp3)

18th August 2013, 07:45 AM
Interesting to see that Chris Bollyn gave this 21 min Icke speech clip his high praise:

David Icke on Rothschild Zionism (http://www.bollyn.com/#article_14233)

July 25, 2013

In the following video, David Icke does an excellent job explaining the fundamental relationship of the Rothschild dynasty and their secret societies to the Zionist state of Israel. This is a very important aspect of Zionism that very few are willing to talk openly about as Icke does here.

If anyone doubts the essence of what David Icke discusses in this video, I would suggest getting a hold of the two volume set of The Encylopedia of Zionism and Israel (http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Zionism-And-Israel-Box/dp/B000OLL37E) and reading the articles about the Rothschilds and those on the secret societies of the B'nai B'rith and the B'ne Moshe.

These articles explain how the Rothschilds funded secret societies to foment Zionist fervor in the Pale of Settlement and how the political ideology of Zionism was grafted onto orthodox Judaism in Poland. The articles on the first Rothschild settlements in Palestine are also essential reading.

Video Link - http://youtu.be/roR3sSunqpo (http://youtu.be/roR3sSunqpo)

Sources and Recommended Reading:

"9/11 & Nine Years of Deception and War," by Christopher Bollyn, August 9, 2010
http://www.bollyn.com/911-nine-years-of-deception-and-war/ (http://www.bollyn.com/911-nine-years-of-deception-and-war/)

18th August 2013, 04:51 PM