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11th November 2012, 04:59 PM

11th November 2012, 05:38 PM
Source: http://newsandtribune.com/publicsafety/x72185312/Woman-tells-police-man-used-stolen-phone-to-film-himself-masturbating-then-emailed-video

September 14, 2012
Woman tells police man used stolen phone to film himself masturbating, then emailed video

By GARY POPP gary.popp@newandtribune.com

NEW ALBANY — Floyd County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested a man at his home Wednesday on a warrant for failing to appear for a court hearing earlier this month.

Anthony W. Casey, 29, of the 100 block of Gordon Drive in New Albany, was scheduled to be in court on charges of theft, a class D felony, and activity related to obscene performance, a class A misdemeanor.

New Albany police filed a probable cause affidavit June 28, following an incident that originated days earlier outside of Mac’s Hideaway on Slate Run Road. The affidavit was drafted after a woman made a report with police accusing Casey of stealing her cell phone, using the phone to record himself masturbating, then posting the video on her Facebook page and emailing the video to her friends, family members and children’s principal and other faculty members of North Harrison Community Schools.

The woman told police, according to the affidavit, that she was outside of Mac’s Hideaway on June 23, and had left her purse behind while she went inside of the establishment. She said that while she was inside, Casey stole her phone from her purse. The woman told police she knew that Casey had taken the phone because he had made several calls to people in Mac’s Hideaway. She also accused Casey of spending $86 of her money by using her smartphone.

According to the affidavit, the woman exchanged text messages with Casey, who was using her phone. She told police that Casey stated that he was sorry for taking the phone and he would give it back to her. The woman was able to find out Casey’s address and went to his home where she spoke with his mother who told her the phone was in his bedroom.

New Albany police met the woman at the home, at which time Casey’s mother produced the phone and apologized to the woman for her son’s behavior, according to the affidavit. The woman then showed the officer the video of Casey masturbating that he had emailed to her contacts.

After police left the residence, Casey called police and admitted, “he screwed up because he drank too much,” according to the affidavit. He also told police he did not mean to steal the phone and that he was extremely intoxicated at the time.

Officers asked Casey about making the lewd video, and he said he did not remember filming himself or sending the video and that he had blacked out from too much alcohol.

Casey has a pretrial conference scheduled for Oct. 3 in Floyd County Superior Court No. 3.

11th November 2012, 05:58 PM
Won't be long when people will be sawing off their old arms just so they can get a strong new bionic one reattached.
You could have a multi-tool, flashlight and hand gun in different fingers.

12th November 2012, 07:17 AM
Won't be long when people will be sawing off their old arms just so they can get a strong new bionic one reattached.
You could have a multi-tool, flashlight and hand gun in different fingers.


13th November 2012, 04:13 PM
Source: http://newsandtribune.com/publicsafety/x72185312/Woman-tells-police-man-used-stolen-phone-to-film-himself-masturbating-then-emailed-video

September 14, 2012
Woman tells police man used stolen phone to film himself masturbating, then emailed video

By GARY POPP gary.popp@newandtribune.com

Excuse me, why did you post this?

13th November 2012, 04:26 PM
Excuse me, why did you post this?

If an answer is necessary?

13th November 2012, 04:29 PM
If an answer is necessary?

It's pretty demented in the head to say the least, and has nothing to do with the original post.

"For anyone who has been wondering, these 7 simple rules are the LAW of this forum, as most recently published by JohnQPublic (The forum owner). They are in their final form, and will not be altered in the future:

Rule #3 - Stay on topic. If you want to ramble, please go to the lounge."

Is there a problem?

13th November 2012, 04:37 PM
It's pretty demented in the head to say the least, and has nothing to do with the original post.

"For anyone who has been wondering, these 7 simple rules are the LAW of this forum, as most recently published by JohnQPublic (The forum owner). They are in their final form, and will not be altered in the future:

Rule #3 - Stay on topic. If you want to ramble, please go to the lounge."

Is there a problem?

If you don't like my freedom of thought associations?

13th November 2012, 04:43 PM
Source: http://people.wcsu.edu/Heisler003/sociablerobots.html

Sociable Robots

One of the most amazing topics in technology today is the development of robotic technology. As a society, we are constantly asking ourselves what the advantage would be to having robots around as opposed to other humans. The reality is, with robots, the possibilities are endless. There are so many different types of people that can benefit from this amazing technology. Sociable robots have the potential to change the world we live in today and more importantly to positively affect the lives of certain groups of people. When we look at sociable robots, one of the most important aspects to look at is the type of people that will benefit the most from their presence. I think that the most commonly benefited people would be senior citizens, the disabled and single parents.

For many senior citizens, getting around their house on a daily basis is a process that is difficult enough in itself. Physical processes like setting the dinner table, putting away groceries, and vacuming are processes that take a major strain on the body. With the assistance of sociable robots, these everyday problems for senior citizens could easily be prevented, enabling them to live a more low key lifestyle that they can enjoy. Another major aspect concerning senior citizens and robots is the company they could provide. In many cases, senior citizens are very lonely on a daily basis. Imagine how nice it would be to have the company of a robot. The advantage to robots over humans is that robots can be programmed to have the same interests as certain people.

The second category that robots could effect would be the disabled. Similar to the elderly, the disabled need to be taken care of, and there are only so many people who are quallified to deal with their needs. Life would be so much easier if we could program a robot to help handicapped people who struggle in their daily lives. One of the best aspects of sociable robots is that they could be programmed in a way so that they do not make judgements of certain people. One of the problems with humans dealing with handicapped and disabled people is that we commonly judge them as "different" because they are not like us. A robot could be programmed to treat someone that is handicapped as the individual that they are, just like any of us. Imagine the benefits of having a handicaped or disabled child who felt like they had a real friend? A robot that has all the same interests as they do. A robot who makes them feel wanted. A robot that gives them a new reason to live and gives new meaning to life. Simply endless positive possibilities.

Another major group of people that sociable robots would impact is single parents. As many people know single parenting is more responsibility than any job one can have. Not only is it a hassle for single parents to usher their kids from one event to another, but their job does not get any easier once they are home. With multiple children it is hard for a single parent to help everyone out. One child may need help with math homework, while the other might need help with history and the third may just want someone to play Xbox with. Unfortunately there is only one parent, who can only do so many thigns at once. A sociable robot would offer a quick and easy solution to many of the problems. If we programmed robots to help out with math, or with history this would aleviate so much stree from a parents life, and perhaps give them some time do relax and do something they want to be. I don't think any parent objects to the idea of having a little more free time, and a little less complaining from their children.

When we look at the research being done at MIT it really shows us how hopefully one day robots will interact with humans and learn from them. There are two absolutely amazing aspects of robotic technology. The first is that we have not even begun to scratch the surface of creating robots, and the second is that once we do discover a lot, there is no telling how important robots will be to our community. One of the major aspects that is being developed right now is teaching robots how to follow certain items. Visualization is the most important aspect of developing robotic technology at this point in time. I think this is the most important aspect because if a robot can not see what is going on around it, then it serves no purpose. It is simple to program a robot to like certain characteristics, or to think a certain way, but it is nearly impossible to show a robot where to move, or even more so how to get there. As seen in the video with Leonardo "The Sociable Robot" this visual technology is being developed, but it is hard to determine when it will ever be perfected.

While looking at the sociable robot project being conducted at MIT, it is amazing to see how far robotic technology has come over the past few years. Five years ago many of us laughed when we heard of robotic technology. A few years ago, when most of us saw the movie I Robot, we thought the day would never come where we lived in a world where robots were used in everyday life. Now we sit here just a few years later and some very smart people are getting close to introducing sociable robots to our society. Make no mistake, the day robots enter out everyday lives will be a day we remember for our entire lives. However challenges remain and the day we see robots may still be far away, but Leonardo the first sociable robot sure is a starting point for a new generation of living that we look forward to and will remember forever.

13th November 2012, 04:59 PM
If you don't like my freedom of thought associations?

I posted a technology related thread, and you jump in as the first reply with a full copy, and paste of some guy jerking off on a stolen cell phone?

Your response to this was "If an answer is necessary?"

Are you kidding me?

Is this the caliber of etiquette people can come to expect at this forum?

13th November 2012, 05:00 PM
I posted a technology related thread, and you jump in as the first reply with a full copy, and paste of some guy jerking off on a stolen cell phone?

Your response to this was "If an answer is necessary?"

Are you kidding me?

Is this the caliber of etiquette people can come to expect at this forum?

Are you upset? Do you know how to relax?


13th November 2012, 05:02 PM
Are you upset? Do you know how to relax?

I'm just trying to understand, and let everyone else understand as well.

Why did you post that article in response to my thread?

You did not answer the question.

13th November 2012, 05:05 PM
Do I have to attempt to get your understanding?

13th November 2012, 05:12 PM
Do I have to attempt to get your understanding?

Yes, I believe it would be good to get a better understanding.

I asked you how you think a guy jerking off on a stolen cell phone relates to the original topic of this thread.

And your response is?

13th November 2012, 05:14 PM
Are you able to show me how I am obligated to your understanding?

13th November 2012, 05:28 PM
Are you able to show me how I am obligated to your understanding?

Well the general idea is people post topics for discussion, and learning, and what you did was intentionally derail a thread.

You do understand this right?

Do you also understand what you did can be widely considered as something an intellectually sick person would do?

If you disagree with this, make your case.

13th November 2012, 05:32 PM
if it was my intention to derail? if i am obligated to make any case to you? notice: i don't stand under anything / anyone

13th November 2012, 05:36 PM
if it was my intention to derail? if i am obligated to make any case to you? notice: i don't stand under anything / anyone

This is why I'm asking you. Everyone else wants to know as well.

13th November 2012, 05:40 PM
Asking of me? How? Where is the evidence of an obligation to your understanding?

13th November 2012, 05:44 PM
This is why I'm asking you. Everyone else wants to know as well.

Could be was trying to derail your thread because you kept on posting banhammer snipets at him a couple days ago.

I'm not defending him, just playing referee between you's two.

Let's us honor our duty of respect to all persons foreign and domestic, fellas.

13th November 2012, 05:47 PM
Could be was trying to derail your thread because you kept on posting banhammer snipets at him a couple days ago.

I'm not defending him, just playing referee between you's two.

Let's us honor our duty of respect to all persons foreign and domestic, fellas.

I like honor duty respect. Where did you get your authority to be a referee? I don't respect persons a.k.a. legal fictions

13th November 2012, 05:50 PM
I don't respect persons a.k.a. legal fictions

As a member you have to respect me, its also in the rules.

Whether I want to be "playing" referee or not, is of my own choice.

13th November 2012, 05:51 PM
Asking of me? How? Where is the evidence of an obligation to your understanding?

I'm trying to have a reasonable discussion with you as to why you decided to derail this thread with a full copy and paste of someone masturbating on a stolen cell phone.

I've given you several opportunities.

So far you've been unable to come up with anything coherent.

I'm going to say it's fast becoming a good indication of what anyone on this forum can imagine as far as expectations go.

This has been one small example of your ongoing thread derailing endeavors.

Ok. Now what's the deal with your thread spamming?

Gotta be about 100+ threads.

13th November 2012, 05:53 PM
I'm trying to have a reasonable discussion with you as to why you decided to derail this thread with a full copy and paste of someone masturbating on a stolen cell phone.

I've given you several opportunities.

So far you've been unable to come up with anything coherent.

I'm going to say it's fast becoming a good indication of what anyone on this forum can imagine as far as expectations go.

This has been one small example of your ongoing thread derailing endeavors.

Ok. Now what's the deal with your thread spamming?

Gotta be about 100+ threads.

I don't understand you. I don't recognize your claims.

13th November 2012, 05:55 PM
As a member you have to respect me, its also in the rules.

Whether I want to be "playing" referee or not, is of my own choice.

I don't want to play with you as referee. I respect your choices, yours do not trump mine.

13th November 2012, 06:04 PM
I don't understand you. I don't recognize your claims.

What you randomly decide to recognize now as "reality" after the fact is very much trivial. It's all up there on the wall already.

Other users realize this which is why I've given you ample opportunities to back up, and support your own reputation.

The choice is up to you.

13th November 2012, 06:17 PM
What you randomly decide to recognize now as "reality" after the fact is very much trivial. It's all up there on the wall already.

Other users realize this which is why I've given you ample opportunities to back up, and support your own reputation.

The choice is up to you.

So you like playing trivial pursuit?

13th November 2012, 06:28 PM
So you like playing trivial pursuit?

Just to sum up. You post, as the first reply, to this thread a full copy, and paste of some guy masturbating on a stolen cell phone.

Your reply as to why you did this: "If an answer is necessary?"

So I guess on to the bigger question.

Why are you purposefully spamming this forum, and blatantly derailing threads?

13th November 2012, 06:37 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of spamming and derailment. Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression?

13th November 2012, 06:38 PM
Just to sum up. You post, as the first reply, to this thread a full copy, and paste of some guy masturbating on a stolen cell phone.

Your reply as to why you did this: "If an answer is necessary?"

So I guess on to the bigger question.

Why are you purposefully spamming this forum, and blatantly derailing threads?

Do you think my posts are trivial?

13th November 2012, 06:49 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of spamming and derailment. Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression?

I don't understand or recognize your claims of spamming and derailment. Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression?

It has nothing to do with what you consider a claim v.s. reality. It's all up there on the wall for everyone to see already. LOL.

So, I'll ask you again, how does some guy masturbating on a stolen cell phone relate to the original post if you don't consider it derailment?

You still haven't answered this question. That question is my original question actually, the one you keep dodging.

Please keep in mind others may read what you write, and pass judgement based on your response.

13th November 2012, 06:52 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of spamming and derailment. Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression?

13th November 2012, 06:56 PM
In reality, are you a zebra riding a motorcycle? LOL Please keep in mind others may read what you write, and pass judgement based on your response. p.s. It's all up there on the wall for everyone to see already

13th November 2012, 06:57 PM
It has nothing to do with what you consider a claim v.s. reality. It's all up there on the wall for everyone to see already. LOL.

So, I'll ask you again, how does some guy masturbating on a stolen cell phone relate to the original post if you don't consider it derailment?

You still haven't answered this question. That question is my original question actually, the one you keep dodging.

Please keep in mind others may read what you write, and pass judgement based on your response.

Dude, it's in bold. Yeah, I noticed.

13th November 2012, 07:04 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claim of derailment. Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? Do you think my posts are trivial?

13th November 2012, 07:24 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claim of derailment. Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? Do you think my posts are trivial?

How does an individual masturbating on a stolen cell phone relate to the original post if you don't consider it derailment?

Note: Please read above slowly, repeat.

13th November 2012, 07:26 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claim of derailment. Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? Do you think my posts are trivial?

Note: I ask that you read above slowly, repeat.

13th November 2012, 07:43 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claim of derailment. Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? Do you think my posts are trivial?

Note: I ask that you read above slowly, repeat.

I hate to break it to you but some dude jerking off on a stolen cell phone, has nothing to do with robotic hand technology for amputees.

If you think it does, then the onus is entirely upon you to explain this connection, otherwise you are blatantly trolling, on top of blatantly derailing this thread.

And still you provide zero explanation or apology.

13th November 2012, 07:52 PM


13th November 2012, 08:03 PM
A little vision of how this will evolve in the future:



This video is actually made against augmentations by the Illuminati (the Rothschilds/Rockefellers as mentioned in the original game.) They are demonizing augmentations since they only want the Elite to have them and use them to enslave the human population, while David Sariff of Sariff Industries is trying to make them available to everyone so people have a chance against the Elites. I recommend you check out the Deus Ex games since they will show you what (I believe) will be the biggest thing in the next 10-15 years: Human Augmentation.

13th November 2012, 08:11 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

13th November 2012, 08:18 PM
A little vision of how this will evolve in the future:



This video is actually made against augmentations by the Illuminati (the Rothschilds/Rockefellers as mentioned in the original game.) They are demonizing augmentations since they only want the Elite to have them and use them to enslave the human population, while David Sariff of Sariff Industries is trying to make them available to everyone so people have a chance against the Elites. I recommend you check out the Deus Ex games since they will show you what (I believe) will be the biggest thing in the next 10-15 years: Human Augmentation.

human augumentation concept first introduced to me via the game Shadowrun ... http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65048-Bebionic3-myoelectric-hand&p=588245&viewfull=1#post588245

13th November 2012, 08:36 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

It's nice to know you admit to doing all this on purpose.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now you're saying it's deliberate.

So why did you post a link to someone masturbating on a cell phone?

Enlighten everyone.

14th November 2012, 03:31 AM
if you're interested in this, check out an Australian technology artist named "Stelarc".

30 years ago, i watched his presentation at a design conference at a junior university near Palo Alto.

Stel had taken his robotics interest to Japan, where they helped him develop his technology.

In front of the audience, with electrodes from a 3rd arm attached to his stomach, he wrote a 9 letter word on the whiteboard.

wrote the first 3 letters with his left hand.

wrote the second 3 letters with his right hand.

the robot arm wrote the last 3 letters.

when you think how much digital & robotics technology has advanced in the last 30 years, i could only conclude that the best (?) & most advanced technology has not been revealed to the public.

my guess is, organizations like DARPA "optioned" it, and the technology development continued out of the public eye - for 30 years.

i would have to guess that they have gone 'bionic' and that the development has extended into the development of organic robots.

not referring to Walmart shoppers. :)

14th November 2012, 07:57 AM
It's nice to know you admit to doing all this on purpose.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now you're saying it's deliberate.

So why did you post a link to someone masturbating on a cell phone?

Enlighten everyone.

And here I thought you had taken Katmandu's advice and put me on ignore. I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 10:18 AM
And here I thought you had taken Katmandu's advice and put me on ignore. I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

How bout you take some advice, get a clue, and stop spamming my thread?

Hey, everyone knows exactly what you are about now, you are fooling nobody.

14th November 2012, 10:34 AM
How bout you take some advice, get a clue, and stop spamming my thread?

Hey, everyone knows exactly what you are about now, you are fooling nobody.

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment and spamming. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

Source: http://news.discovery.com/tech/bionic-arm-moved-by-thought.html

Bionic Arm Moved by Thought
A young woman who lost an arm at the shoulder in a motorcycle accident is using a computer-controlled, electric-powered arm to do almost everything her own arm could do.

It used to be that you could only find the bionic man or woman in science fiction. Biomedical engineers are changing that. Listen to the podcast.

If you wanted to see bionic arms or legs in action, you used to have to look back to 1970s television shows or Star Wars movies. Now, those fantasies are moving off the screen and into real life.

Claudia Mitchel lost her arm at the shoulder in a motorcycle accident, and is now using a computer-controlled, electric-powered arm to do almost everything her biological arm could do. Peel and eat a piece of fruit. Fold clothes. Even wash the dishes. And maybe best of all, all she has to do is think about what she wants to do, and it happens.

It works like this. Doctors moved the ends of the nerves that used to connect to her mangled arm to her chest. Electrodes on a harness detect tiny electric signals from those nerves and transmit them to a miniature computer. The computer translates them into signals that control small electric motors in her new arm and hand. When she wants to pick up an apple from the kitchen table, she thinks it and her arm, hand and fingers do it.

One problem: the arm and hand have no sense of touch. But everything else seems to be working fine.

Our arm isn’t computer controlled, but it’s still time to close the mike and leave. See you next time.

Engineering Works! is made possible by Texas A&M Engineering and produced by KAMU-FM in College Station. Learn more about engineering.

14th November 2012, 10:50 AM
Article is over two years old, dated and useless information.

The best thing for you is to stop spamming my thread, and this forum, with useless garbage.

It seems to envelop you like a cloud of stink.

14th November 2012, 11:17 AM
What a douchebag.

14th November 2012, 11:18 AM
What a douchebag.

No kidding.

14th November 2012, 11:26 AM
Article is over two years old, dated and useless information.

The best thing for you is to stop spamming my thread, and this forum, with useless garbage.

It seems to envelop you like a cloud of stink.

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 11:32 AM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

Ive asked you to stop spamming my thread with this paragraph of idiotic mind puke.

What's it gonna be?

14th November 2012, 11:40 AM
Ive asked you to stop spamming my thread with this paragraph of idiotic mind puke.

What's it gonna be?

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 11:45 AM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

Stop posting this blatant idiotic spam in my thread.

You are no longer welcomed in this thread, and any further posts will be interpreted as an act of aggression.

I can bump this fucker all day long if you want until everyone is sick to death of your bullshit.

14th November 2012, 11:51 AM
Stop posting this blatant idiotic spam in my thread.

You are no longer welcomed in this thread, and any further posts will be interpreted as an act of aggression.

I can bump this fucker all day long if you want until everyone is sick to death of your bullshit.

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 11:58 AM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

Funny you should mention lack of comprehension.

Stop spamming my thread.

Here's a visual:


14th November 2012, 12:00 PM
Funny you should mention lack of comprehension.

Stop spamming my thread.

Here's a visual:


I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 12:02 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

Stop spamming my thread.

14th November 2012, 12:10 PM
Stop spamming my thread.

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 12:14 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

Stop spamming my thread.

14th November 2012, 12:26 PM
Stop spamming my thread.

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 12:33 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

It seems you want to repeatedly fall on the same knife.

Stop spamming my thread.

14th November 2012, 12:40 PM
It seems you want to repeatedly fall on the same knife.

Stop spamming my thread.

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension, falling. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 12:42 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension, falling. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.


Stop trolling, derailing, and spamming this thread with your repetitive garbage.

Maybe you should grab a clue, and go bugger off somewhere else?

14th November 2012, 12:50 PM

Stop trolling, derailing, and spamming this thread with your repetitive garbage.

Maybe you should grab a clue, and go bugger off somewhere else?

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension, falling, trolling, garbage, buggery. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 12:53 PM
Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression?

Simply choosing the color blue, does not make one an artist.

14th November 2012, 12:55 PM
i knew this would come in handy...lol


14th November 2012, 12:57 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension, falling, trolling, garbage, buggery. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

It really doesn't matter what you think at this point. You have been asked nicely, and you persist with aggression.

You are trolling, spamming, and derailing in my thread, and I've asked you to stop.

You are being extremely disrespectful, and are repeatedly breaking rule #3 of this forum.

14th November 2012, 01:00 PM
It really doesn't matter what you think at this point. You have been asked nicely, and you persist with aggression.

You are trolling, spamming, and derailing in my thread, and I've asked you to stop.

You are being extremely disrespectful, and are repeatedly breaking rule #3 of this forum.

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension, falling, trolling, garbage, buggery, disrespect, rule breaking. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 01:00 PM
i knew this would come in handy...lol

This why joboo, needs to turn on his little green light when logged in.

I start to think that they are the same guy logging off then back on...

14th November 2012, 01:04 PM
This why joboo, needs to turn on his little green light when logged in.

I start to think that they are the same guy logging off then back on...

Nopes. It really is that bad. Hard to imagine it's a human being.

14th November 2012, 01:06 PM
i knew this would come in handy...lol


We're dealing with a long time troll .

Remember the avatar ages ago with that lego looking guy dressed in the black suit and top hat?

Magnes will know.

Notice any similarities?

14th November 2012, 01:09 PM
We're dealing with a long time troll .

Remember the avatar ages ago with that lego looking guy dressed in the black suit and top hat?

Magnes will know.

Notice any similarities?

I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension, falling, trolling, garbage, buggery, being a troll, being a lego looking guy dressed in the black suit and top hat. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles.

14th November 2012, 01:11 PM
.......snipped for complete bastardization of basic human intelligence.

Keep it up. In the end it's going to be ultimately good for you. Let me break out another whet stone.

go ahead.

14th November 2012, 04:03 PM
We're dealing with a long time troll .

Remember the avatar ages ago with that lego looking guy dressed in the black suit and top hat?

Magnes will know.

Notice any similarities?

I was thinking a cross between DBCooper and Matt Marriot.

14th November 2012, 04:50 PM
Fred/PDT - he wanted to start a new religion.

14th November 2012, 05:57 PM
Fred/PDT - he wanted to start a new religion.

I don't have Magnes' knack but I don't think it's Fred. They've been on the member list at GIM2 since it's incarnation. I'm leaning toward DBCooper because of the disjointed, poorly framed sentences and lack of caps etc.

DB started out ok but seemed to get ill over time.

14th November 2012, 06:08 PM
I don't have Magnes' knack but I don't think it's Fred. They've been on the member list at GIM2 since it's incarnation. I'm leaning toward DBCooper because of the disjointed, poorly framed sentences and lack of caps etc.

DB started out ok but seemed to get ill over time.

Just another square peg in a round hole.

14th November 2012, 06:17 PM
Just another square peg in a round hole.

I guess I should feel a sense of brotherhood then.

14th November 2012, 06:35 PM
I don't understand or recognize your claims of derailment, spamming, stink, douchebaggery, idiotic mind puke, bullsh*t, aggression, lack of comprehension, falling, trolling, garbage, buggery, being a troll, being a lego looking guy dressed in the black suit and top hat. I am not responsible for your lack of comprehension. Don't zebras riding on motorcycles bringing claims have the burden of proof? Does your lack of approval of my thought associations trump my freedom of expression? I don't apologize to zebras riding on motorcycles....

14th November 2012, 08:12 PM

LOL you picking up the torch now?

15th November 2012, 03:20 PM
I guess I should feel a sense of brotherhood then.

And well you should.

BTW Fred is a good guess ...... I'll go with dat.