View Full Version : Indianapolis blast - 31 homes will have to be demolished

midnight rambler
12th November 2012, 07:47 AM
I have a hard time believing this was a natural gas explosion -


12th November 2012, 07:49 AM
So far the reports are saying it was Not a gas leak!

But that was from the gas company.

12th November 2012, 07:51 AM
I have a hard time believing this was a natural gas explosion -


Dead link.

12th November 2012, 07:53 AM


12th November 2012, 08:02 AM
Drone strike?

midnight rambler
12th November 2012, 08:03 AM
Dead link.


midnight rambler
12th November 2012, 08:04 AM
Drone strike?

That's as likely an explanation as anything, although I doubt a drone could carry a 500# bomb.

midnight rambler
12th November 2012, 08:05 AM
So far the reports are saying it was Not a gas leak!

But that was from the gas company.

And they supposedly ruled out a meth lab (unlikely at that level of destruction) or a bomb (more likely imo).

12th November 2012, 08:08 AM
And they supposedly ruled out a meth lab (unlikely at that level of destruction) or a bomb (more likely imo).

Dam! Can you imagine the size of a meth lab that if it exploded would cause that magnitude of damage?

12th November 2012, 08:12 AM
Who lived here and cui bono?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th November 2012, 08:13 AM
Holy cow that picture is insane. Possible meteor strike?

12th November 2012, 08:18 AM


12th November 2012, 09:34 AM
Holy cow that picture is insane. Possible meteor strike?Alien false flag?

Hatha Sunahara
12th November 2012, 09:55 AM
There was a similar explosion like this in the San Francisco Bay Area near San Jose a few years ago. The authorities claimed it was a broken gas main, but the damage was far more extensive than would be caused by that. Some people said they saw a military fighter plane crashing into the neighborhood.

I think there are people testing secret weapons, or assassinating people without regard to collateral damage. Any investigation will promptly turn into a coverup.


still afloat
12th November 2012, 12:01 PM
So you really can download plans to build a nuke in your basement .
Better shut down the Internet ,we have to protect the kids .

midnight rambler
12th November 2012, 12:28 PM

I'm thinking 'ground zero' was the house on the right in the above photo. Note how the garage door was blown out on the house in the lower right.

12th November 2012, 02:49 PM
Sigh, drone operators are human too. Nobody's perfect.

12th November 2012, 04:11 PM
There was a similar explosion like this in the San Francisco Bay Area near San Jose a few years ago. The authorities claimed it was a broken gas main, but the damage was far more extensive than would be caused by that. Some people said they saw a military fighter plane crashing into the neighborhood.

I think there are people testing secret weapons, or assassinating people without regard to collateral damage. Any investigation will promptly turn into a coverup.


The explosion in San Bruno? Some people think that Smart meters had something to do with it..

Hatha Sunahara
12th November 2012, 09:31 PM
Thank you PlatinumBlonde. My guess is that it is some kind of secret weapon, and it is being tested. Could be an Israeli weapon to make a small job of house demolitions. Or it's a psy-op to instill fear in the population. Fuel for the war on terror. I seriously doubt that there will be any investigation about this. Never heard the official story from San Bruno, and I doubt there will be one here either.


midnight rambler
12th November 2012, 10:05 PM
It had to be some sort of high velocity explosive considering the range of the extreme high PSI overpressure wave which moved houses off of their foundations.

midnight rambler
12th November 2012, 10:24 PM
Mythbusters episode shows how there's no way a 'faulty furnace' or any other (HIGH VOLUME) 'gas leak' caused this massive explosion -


12th November 2012, 10:59 PM
San Bruno fire as mil plane crash evidence is compelling,
Thread: Killed at San Bruno Fire Ground Zero: Erin Brockovich 2, a $3.2B PG&E Problem (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?44193-Killed-at-San-Bruno-Fire-Ground-Zero-Erin-Brockovich-2-a-3-2B-PG-amp-E-Problem)

old steel
12th November 2012, 11:27 PM
Hellfire missiles from a predator drone.

12th November 2012, 11:53 PM
False flag bomb maker, so now weekly patrols of bomb sniffing canine, with routine inspections required.

13th November 2012, 02:09 AM
Mythbusters episode shows how there's no way a 'faulty furnace' or any other (HIGH VOLUME) 'gas leak' caused this massive explosion -

Yes this proves beyond any reasonable doubt that it couldn't have been a methane explosion...

19th November 2012, 03:33 PM
Authorities call Richmond Hill explosion a homicide case, seek details on white van


Authorities announced this evening they are investigating a Southside explosion as a criminal homicide.

“At this time we’re here to inform you that we’re turning this into a criminal homicide investigation,” Gary Coons, chief of the Indianapolis Department of Public Safety’s Homeland Security division, told the media.

Coons and Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry did not take questions. However, Curry said they are looking for tips, especially about a white van that was seen in the area before the explosion.

The announcement comes just over a week after the deadly blast, which damaged 81 of the 125 homes in the subdivision and flattened five more.

Two people were killed in the blast: Dion and Jennifer Longworth, a couple in their mid-30s who lived in a home adjacent to the epicenter of the explosion.

Their funeral was held earlier today at St. Barnabas Catholic Church.

Much of the focus of the investigation has been on the home of Monserrate Shirley, 47, at 8349 Fieldfare Way where the blast originated.

A week after the explosion, no cause for the blast has been officially determined. Natural gas was likely involved, investigators say, but the disaster site also has been inspected by bomb and explosives experts.

Shirley was out of town that weekend with her boyfriend, Mark Leonard, visiting a Lawrenceburg casino. Her daughter was staying with friends, and their cat had been boarded. Neighbors said a truck parked in front of the house for some time was moved on the afternoon of the blast.

Shirley told the Star last week she was in shock after the explosion, which investigators say will cost $4.4 million.

Shirley, though said she doesn't know why her house exploded, and she denied assertions that her ex-husband John Shirley made that the home's furnace was malfunctioning and could have caused the blast.

Shirley said she was having problems with her home's heat several weeks ago, but that the thermostat was replaced and the heat restored. Since then, she said, there haven't been any other gas-related issues.

At a Nov. 12 news conference, Citizens Energy spokeswoman Sarah Holsapple said there had been no complaints about any furnace trouble at that home.

Meter readings taken in late October, Holsapple said, had also been normal.

Mark Leonard, 43, has a lengthy criminal record dating back to 1992. He has been convicted of several felonies, including intimidation, stalking, operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a prior conviction, theft, dealing in marijuana and possession of cocaine or a narcotic drug, according to Marion County court and Indiana Department of Correction records.

He was sentenced to nearly five years in prison for some of those offenses, according to department of correction. His projected release date for the most recent stint was in March 2009.

State Farm Insurance, which insured Shirley’s home, according to her ex-husband, declined Monday to discuss details of their investigation. “We are not releasing any information about our investigation,” said Missy Dundov, a State Farm spokeswoman.

In 2007, Shirley and her then-husband, John, filed jointly for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Court records show they had liabilities of nearly $410,000 and assets of about $316,000.

Among their liabilities were two mortgages on the Fieldfare Way house, on which they owed a total of $225,794. The house's value was listed as $230,000, according to court records.

The couple divorced in February 2011. According to divorce records, Monserrate Shirley, an intensive care nurse, assumed full responsibility for paying the home's mortgage, though John Shirley is required to pay $1,000 a month in child support.

Cable said as far as he knows, Monserrate Shirley is current on her mortgage payments.

Shirley's bankruptcy attorney, John Steinkamp, told The Star this week that the couple's bankruptcy case was dismissed because the Shirleys prematurely stopped making payments to the trustee. He said the timing of the dismissal coincided with their divorce.

According to the divorce settlement, Monserrate Shirley assumed sole responsibility for the Chapter 13 payment plan.

Prior to the divorce, the Shirley family faced financial stress.

The house was listed for sale at $149,900 in late 2011 as a possible short sale, but it was pulled off the market in March at the request of the owner, according to real estate listings. The house had a gas furnace and a wood burning fireplace with gas starter, according to descriptions.

Police also responded to a domestic disturbance at the Shirley home in February 2011, according to an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department report.


19th November 2012, 03:39 PM
Mythbusters episode shows how there's no way a 'faulty furnace' or any other (HIGH VOLUME) 'gas leak' caused this massive explosion -


Didn't mythbusters also "bust" 911 truthers? I could give two shits what some asshats on teevee say.


Nothing against you rambler, I just don't believe that mythcockstains should be used as a "factual" source. I equate them with snopes.

20th November 2012, 12:13 AM
Didn't mythbusters also "bust" 911 truthers? I could give two shits what some asshats on teevee say.


Nothing against you rambler, I just don't believe that mythcockstains should be used as a "factual" source. I equate them with snopes.

Interesting as "the Busters" have used Thermite in a couple of episodes in recent years. One of those they built a multi level metal frame tower that resembled a high rise building. It had 4 corner columns and multiple metal plates spaced apart that you could say represented floors in a building.

Then they got some thermite/thermate and let that burn down through the "floors" of their structure. I can't recall the exact episode and what is was focused on but they defiantely did this. I took it as an in your face gesture to all the truthers.

Anyone else recall seeing that segment?

20th November 2012, 07:00 AM
Mafia hit.

20th November 2012, 07:27 AM
Mafia hit.

I looked up the two that got killed. A elementary school teacher and the husband worked at a Home electronics store. I don't see it with these two unless there is a shady past.

20th November 2012, 07:50 AM
Deadly Indiana house explosion might not have been an accident

The house explosion that killed two people and destroyed several homes in an Indianapolis neighborhood is now being investigated as a homicide, authorities said, though no suspects have been named.
Indianapolis Homeland Security Director Gary Coons announced the criminal investigation Monday evening, shortly after a funeral was held for the husband and wife who had lived next door to the house where investigators believe the blast occurred.
"We are turning this into a criminal homicide investigation," Coons said after meeting with residents, the first public acknowledgement by investigators of a possible criminal element to the Nov. 10 explosion.

Search warrants have been executed and officials are now looking for a white van that was seen in the subdivision on the day of the blast, Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry said. Federal authorities are offering a $10,000 reward for information in the case.
Curry said the investigation is aimed at "determining if there are individuals who may be responsible for this explosion and fire," but neither he nor Coons took questions or indicated if investigators had any suspects. No arrests have been made.
A lawyer representing Monserrate Shirley and Mark Leonard, who lived in that home that is believed to have exploded, said Tuesday that the couple was bewildered by the new direction of the investigation.
Randall Cable said in a statement that Shirley and Leonard have "cooperated fully" with investigators and that they want the cause "of this horrific and saddening tragedy to be determined."
Officials say they believe natural gas was involved in the explosion, which destroyed five homes and left dozens damaged. Investigators have focused on appliances in their search for a cause. The explosion caused an estimated $4.4 million in damage.
"We thought something like this was not just an accident," said Doug Aldridge, who heads the neighborhood Crime Watch.
Aldridge said he and other residents frequently saw a white van parked outside the home, though he didn't know who owned it. He said residents are angry and upset but that he expects most of them to stay in the neighborhood.
Hundreds of people attended the funeral Monday for John Dion Longworth, 34, and his 36-year-old wife Jennifer Longworth.
She was a second-grade teacher remembered for knitting gifts for her students, while her husband, an electronics expert, was known as a gardener and nature lover. The school where Jennifer Longworth taught was closed Monday so teachers and students could attend the funeral.
Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard told reporters after attending the Longworths' funeral Monday that he had been having a hard time coming to terms with what happened.

"There is a search for truth and there is a search for justice," Ballard said.
John Shirley, who co-owns the house with his ex-wife, Monserrate, has told The Associated Press that he had recently received a text message from his 12-year-old daughter saying the furnace in the home had gone out.
Monserrate Shirley said Leonard had replaced the thermostat and that the furnace was working. Cable has said the daughter told her mother she had smelled an odd odor in recent weeks, but they hadn't reported it.
Shirley and Leonard were away at a casino at the time of the blast, Cable said. The daughter was staying with a friend, and the family's cat was being boarded.


20th November 2012, 07:57 AM
New meaning given to the saying "Going out with a bang!"

If it was a homicide, someone really, really did not like those people!

20th November 2012, 08:18 AM
One more strike against "Mythbusters"



20th November 2012, 08:48 AM
Didn't mythbusters also "bust" 911 truthers? I could give two shits what some asshats on teevee say.


Nothing against you rambler, I just don't believe that mythcockstains should be used as a "factual" source. I equate them with snopes.
Certainly you have a good point here, don't trust myth busters, I agree, but like with most disinformation it has to be mixed with truth to be believable... Certainly the flimsiness of that building may have contributed to a softer explosion, but still I don't find it likely that the above pictures would represent a gas explosion...

20th November 2012, 09:36 AM
And of course the insurance company will not pay, till a guilty party is found...after all...better to blow it up, than to try and sell.

20th November 2012, 10:54 AM


A gas explosion?
-- admin comment - An Air Force colonel familiar with bombing runs said that this damage was equal to 4,000 pounds of military grade explosive. How do you get that much blast from a BBQ with at a max 20 pounds of fuel? Answer - Get educated in a modern public school, that graduates people who can't think.

Absent a barbecue, you would then need a gas connection. ERROR, the utility company confirmed these houses do not have one. -

Question - How did Miss Teary Eye's barbecue get Fema and the DHS on scene within three minutes of the blast? I know! THE SAME WAY CNN AND OTHER NEWS AGENCIES WERE AT THE MURRAH FEDERAL BUILDING BROADCASTING LIVE, ALL SET UP, THREE MINUTES AFTER IT BLEW UP!!!

I was not aware of the conspiracy back then, but I specifically remember being shocked at the fact that they were broadcasting live, on scene, from the Murrah building within three minutes. Media trucks just don't get reporters on scene with satellite uplink to something unexpected that fast. But if they were two blocks over beforehand, waiting along with the reporters for the word GO, sure.

I had a computer related business at the time, and I would listen to Rush Limbaugh and had the radio on all day. I witnessed the very first initial broadcast from the Murrah building, and it went like this:

"We are broadcasting live from Oklahoma City across from the Murrah Federal building, which blew up no more than three minutes ago. Here is a man, there is a man, he has a video camera and he is saying he witnessed it, and he wants to speak"

They handed him the microphone, and he shouted, "YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT. I just got a new camcorder, and I was outside, on the roof of a neighboring building playing with my camcorder. And there was this black helicopter hovering over the murrah building. And it was interesting, so I was recording it and the murrah building, and the building blew up and then the helicopter flew away. AND I GOT IT ON TAPE, I GOT IT ON TAPE, I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT IT ON TAPE!!!"

And I was like, Whoah, I can't wait to get home and see this, they will certainly play that on the nightly news. And that night, NOTHING. No more ever heard from that guy. I wonder why. Anyone else remember this?

A comment from a police officer "It turns out that I am just over four miles in a straight line from the explosion near Sherman and Stop 11. I didnt even put on my uniform as I climbed in my crusier to go to the scene. What I saw was total devistation to four houses and secondary damage to surounding houses. Some houses moved 3 feet off of their foundation!

Initial speculation was that it was a gas explosion. The fire side stated that it didnt look like the normal gas explosion where a house is lifted up and set back down. This had a massive debris field that looks much more like a bomb. The blast was higher than a normal gas explosion. The tree limbs were sheared off at an upward trajectory, not straight out from the house that exploded.

We have had a police presence since Saturday. Today NTSB Haz Mat members arrived at the scene. WTF, for a gas leak? I am begining to subscribe to the notion that something fell from the sky. A couple that lives north of us was outside and said that they heard a sonic boom"

from Stevequayle.com

My comment:

A sonic boom? From the sky? Bombs dropped from airplanes go supersonic in freefall. Bombs dropped from high altitude can make a sonic boom on their way down. Looks like we are inching closer to the story here. Someone tell miss teary eye she can relax, it really was not her grill.

Two interesting mail quotes that are not the norm
"Jim, me and my people have a report of homeland domestic terrorism / knowing endangerment run by Obama, Holder and every governor and attorney general of each state and their counties that is killing 4,500 people each month. It is the "secret society." Please contact me at

My response: If you have a report prepared, please link or send it, and I will check it out. If it passes the sniff test, I will front page it. I believe this, but it has to have relevant proof or it can't go up.

Take a look at this one "Regarding the Indiana blast, I don't know if you saw this or if it would mean anything to you; it came from a Press TV article about the Iranian plane chasing an American drone out of its airspace. It's at the bottom of this article and quoted below.

Link to pressTV


A reasonable analysis of what is being seen in the US is clear. America faces an insurrection driven by extremist groups within the financial community who are actively working with religious cults that have penetrated the officer corps through America’s discredited service academies.

Many American military, some retired but some actively serving, have displayed clear signs of treasonous disloyalty and the willingness to, not only overthrow the civilian government but to stage terror attacks inside the United States in concert with foreign intelligence agencies.

This is not conjecture. One such potential attack may well have happened yesterday, perhaps a “test run.” The report of this wild conspiracy theory came to me from a retired Air Force pilot who flew nuclear-armed F-111’s for a living.

He indicated that the mysterious explosions that took place in Indiana yesterday do not pass the “sniff test.” The retired Air Force colonel responds below, one with top security clearances and a career of special operations behind him.

This is his assessment:

There are two people dead and they will not release their names so far.

The damage area looks like about 4-6 500 pounders, MK-82 Low Drag hard bombs or two 2,000 pounders.

The wife also said that there is a Russian neighborhood and the Arab neighborhood earlier mentioned very near to the explosion. If the Feds release a bombshell, I will email you back. (Redacted)

Has the long warned of “drone war” inside America actually begun? One legitimate expert thinks so."

My response: Solving this mystery explosion is going to require assembling bits and pieces like this. A Colonel is a high rank and that carries credibility. Though I am no explosives expert, I think his estimate on the weight of the bombs is high, thus far, in recent times, American attacks have been against well built cities consisting of concrete and not wood, and when he looks at the damage caused I don't think he is factoring in how much weaker American homes are compared to those in the Arab world. But I agree with this on the other points - there is no doubt that the government has gone fully rogue and we should expect to be seeing more of these mysterious explosions. The fact that Fema and the DHS were on scene within 3 minutes pretty much says it all. Those types of agencies do not respond while the dust is still in the air unless they did it themselves.

Indianapolis blast caused by high velocity explosive
There is little information coming out of Indianapolis, but all of what is coming out indicates that it was a high velocity detonation which occured a few feet off the ground.

There is little concrete foundation remaining at the house the explosion happened at, which totally rules out gas. The lack of high definition photos is damning, we are getting nothing of the blast epicenter and only the debris in the streets. I managed to find a super high quality photo of the neighborhood that does not focus on the house where it originated, but it is clear enough overall to seem to show that the foundation is gone and there is only dirt. But there is so much rubble that it is really hard to tell what is there without a better photo. I am working on this now, and will update it later.

I have received requests to explain the following photo better. When I mention the decompression damage, this is what I am trying to say. If you have a detonation from a military grade explosive, rather than a natural gas explosion, the shock wave that goes out from the blast is supersonic and forms a wall of bunched up compressed air as it moves outward. This creates a vacuum cavity in the heart of the detonation, which can go outward for several hundred feet. Air needs to rush backwards to fill that void after the blast wave has passed, and this creates an enormous suction after the intital blast that can cause significant damage in addition to the initial blast damage. So the arrows are pointing at windows, garage doors, and exterior walls of houses that got sucked off by this negative pressure wave. The fact that the houses I refer to had the external sheathing ripped outward, instead of being blown inward, proves that this was no gas explosion, which is subsonic, it was a detonation of military grade ordinance. Explosions are subsonic, detonations are supersonic, and detonations will cause the reverse pressure wave following the blast. Subsonic explosions will not. This is what I am referring to in the high res photo.

This is the only decent photo which will allow a study of the scene,It can tell us a few things, but not everything. More detail of the epicenter is needed. I hunted for that and cannot find it anywhere.

In the arab world, where the homes are made of solid concrete and have no wood at all, even inside, the negative pressure wave has a negligible effect. But in America, the homes are wood even if they have a brick face, and this will drastically increase the damage potential of the negative pressure wave. When our government decides to make such attacks commonplace, our homes will not offer any protection at all. In fact we are sitting ducks.

This was a much bigger blast than is being stated in the press, with eyewitnesses saying that 8 miles away it sounded like lightning hitting their homes, a recording being made at the time six miles away clearly recorded the blast, and it is not an explosion, it sounds like a detonation. Military veterans are saying it sounded exactly like military ordinance, and people two miles away from the blast say it was so loud they thought a bomb went off within their own yards. The blast effects in the high resolution photo indicate that not only was there a strong compression wave, but there was also a very strong subsequent decompression wave, with homes not badly damaged having their windows sucked out and not blown in, even while facing the direction of the blast. This effect is also visible on several garage doors.

Injuries from the scene exactly match those of battlefield blast wave injuries, which include lung damage, pulmonary damage, ear damage and psychosis/disorientation. This was NOT a gas explosion, meth lab explosion or anything else, it was a detonation of high grade explosives.
Since I do not have a better explanation I am going to tentatively state that the black helicopter and missile plume story could be possible, we all knew this was coming. But I have absolutely no confirmation of this or any other evidence other than blast effects. It appears that it was a smart guided bomb or missile with an ability to detonate after impact, (there are many bombs now that can be set to go off after they have entered a structure to a pre set depth.) This is what we are looking at, they did not want a crater forming ground burst but it appears to have stripped away the foundation. It sure would be nice to get a few REAL photos out of there.

I have also heard now from many writers that Fema and the DHS were on scene within three minutes. If true, this would be proof positive that it was a government hit, and as you know, Obama wrote himself some nice little tyrant powers that allow him to kill anyone he wants. I am not going to take the time to link it, if you don't already know this, you need to study your way to it. Welcome to the U.S.S.A, and in fact, it has been at least partially this way for a few years now.

I would like to know what the people who owned that house were doing. I would like to know if they had the goods on election fraud. I would like to know if they were in a position to be whistleblowers. I would like to know why on earth they were targeted like this, and I am not going along with a Sorcha explanation. The bottom line is I just don't have the answers here, the only thing I can affirmitively state is that this was a military hit of some sort.

21st November 2012, 07:49 PM
now just for a comparison:

another supposed "natural gas" explosion image tonight:

New Jersey News

http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/static/art/global/icon_rss.gif (http://gold-silver.us/forum/rss#New Jersey News)
Explosion rocks Newark neighborhood


NEWARK, N.J. (WABC) -- A massive explosion rocked a neighborhood in New Jersey Wednesday night.
It happened inside a vacant house at 12-14 Fabyan Place in Newark (http://search.abclocal.go.com/search/client?st=wabc&search=siteSearch&q=Newark).

At this point it appears to have been a natural gas explosion.

The blast tore apart the vacant building and fire tore through the roof, spreading to the building next door, which was an occupied home. Five people from that building have been displaced.

No one was hurt in the explosion.


midnight rambler
21st November 2012, 09:24 PM
The 'authorities' are still trying to sell this at least as 'an intentional methane explosion'. Bullshit.

That line of horseshit is an easy sell to the non-thinking and ignorant, but the thing is no matter how much methane is there to go 'boom' there HAS to be the 'just right' ratio of oxygen/methane uniformly available to make it fully and optimally go 'boom'. In the Mythbusters video they mention that the sweet spot for a methane explosion is methane at 9% of the enclosed structure's atmosphere. Even with a good sized home (like in the Indianapolis) there's a limit to how big a methane explosion can be, and that limit is the size of the enclosed structure. There's NO WAY, even if the house was carefully filled to the ~9% methane threshold throughout that it would have EVER produced such a high velocity/high pressure shockwave as evidenced by the destruction in that Indianapolis neighborhood.

I'm betting we never really find out what happened, you know - national security and all that.

21st November 2012, 10:00 PM
Do we know what the address is of that place? I'd like to look at some google maps and do some digging. I find it interesting that there is not a mass of information about the occupants like:

Their facebook page
Their mortgage status
Cars they have on HP
Criminal history
Which neighbor occasionally baby sitted the kids/pets/goldfish

This kind of information is usually pouring out of the gobs of the TV maroons. Someone always has the low down within hours. Not this time? I think it's time we did some snooping of our own and see what we info can compile.

34-year-old John Dion Longworth and 36-year-old Jennifer Longworth. She was a teacher remembered for knitting gifts for her students, while her husband, an electronics expert, was known as a gardener and nature lover.


Ok so he was an "electronics expert".

Interesting that deaths like these seem to bring out the funeral junkies/chasers. Its weird and morbid if you ask me. Linkedin has a profile for a John Longworth in indiana. Same guy?


Anyone had a linkedin can take a look at the full profile?

Obituary notice: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/indystar/obituary.aspx?pid=161088015

So John worked here last 3 years: http://www.indyaudiolabs.com/ as an electrical engineer. Nothing DARPA about his work it would seem.

Not likely to be targets due to anything I can see. Who else disappeared in that explosion? Maybe we should be asking, "What else disappeared in that explosion?" Perhaps John was working on something...... electrical, magnetic or harmonic even?

Maybe he was trying to out Tap, Spinal Tap?

They are fairly close to an airport: Google maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Fieldfare+Way,+Indianapolis,+IN,+United+Sta tes&hl=en&ll=39.645585,-86.095777&spn=0.022107,0.045447&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.27475,93.076172&oq=Fieldfare+Way&hnear=Fieldfare+Way,+Indianapolis,+Marion,+Indiana +46237&t=h&z=15)

22nd November 2012, 04:51 AM
A "normal" gas explosion will start with a leak and terminate when a source of ignition is found. Generally this would not fill the house with gas but with just enough gas to become explosive (5-15% is the lower explosive limit).

Now say someone shut off all the sources of ignition and opened up the valve to release gas into a closed house. The entire house fills with gas. Now a remote controlled device is signaled and sets off a source of ignition. The explosion is likely to shred the entire house to pieces.

If there were a bomb there would be a crater.

22nd November 2012, 05:01 AM
A "normal" gas explosion will start with a leak and terminate when a source of ignition is found. Generally this would not fill the house with gas but with just enough gas to become explosive (5-15% is the lower explosive limit).

Now say someone shut off all the sources of ignition and opened up the valve to release gas into a closed house. The entire house fills with gas. Now a remote controlled device is signaled and sets off a source of ignition. The explosion is likely to shred the entire house to pieces.

If there were a bomb there would be a crater.
Unless the house is filled with pure oxygen, prior to letting out the gas, you would get a smaller explosion if you get a CH4 concentration above 8-9%... CH4+ 2 O2-->CO2+ 2 H2O. With just methane and oxygene you would get the optimal mixture at 1/3 CH4 and 2/3 O2...

22nd November 2012, 07:02 AM
A "normal" gas explosion will start with a leak and terminate when a source of ignition is found. Generally this would not fill the house with gas but with just enough gas to become explosive (5-15% is the lower explosive limit).

Now say someone shut off all the sources of ignition and opened up the valve to release gas into a closed house. The entire house fills with gas. Now a remote controlled device is signaled and sets off a source of ignition. The explosion is likely to shred the entire house to pieces.

If there were a bomb there would be a crater.

If the detonation was above ground there would not be a crater. That is stipulated in the piece I posted.

midnight rambler
22nd November 2012, 07:23 AM
If there were a bomb there would be a crater.

Foundation of house blown was destroyed. Methane explosions don't demolish concrete foundations.

midnight rambler
22nd November 2012, 07:28 AM
Unless the house is filled with pure oxygen, prior to letting out the gas, you would get a smaller explosion if you get a CH4 concentration above 8-9%... CH4+ 2 O2-->CO2+ 2 H2O. With just methane and oxygene you would get the optimal mixture at 1/3 CH4 and 2/3 O2...

Hadn't considered the possibility of someone adding O2 to the house atmosphere. Taking a step further, adding LOX would have made for a really big boom.

22nd November 2012, 12:28 PM
I think the Airforce misplaced some ordinance mid flight. Someone was hit.

there definately was a crater. That house was destroyed through to the basement and the basement was very charred.