View Full Version : Stupid thread by me.......... :(

12th November 2012, 05:36 PM
Does certain part of your face grow hair faster than the rest?.....I do......lower right side below the lip.

At another site I read that a guy found $20,000 in a hollow out book........me? a 38 pistol at the swap meet.

How about you?

12th November 2012, 05:44 PM

12th November 2012, 05:53 PM
That's only for women............ me? grrrrrrrrrrrr grow more........me macho man......squeeeeeek squeeeeeeeeek

12th November 2012, 06:06 PM
Is it uncommon that one of my testicles is smaller than the other two?

12th November 2012, 06:11 PM
Well I am lucky that I have no problem with that......they are both the same.........small hahahahhaahahahah.

12th November 2012, 06:45 PM
Well I am lucky that I have no problem with that......they are both the same.........small hahahahhaahahahah.

as Ponce is a giant among men small may come to mean baseball sized. but lets not Ponder upon that shall we?

12th November 2012, 07:22 PM
That's only for women............ me? grrrrrrrrrrrr grow more........me macho man......squeeeeeek squeeeeeeeeek






12th November 2012, 07:59 PM
Is it uncommon that one of my testicles is smaller than the other two?

That's due to thinking with one side of your brain too much, try switching sides.

14th November 2012, 02:49 PM

14th November 2012, 02:53 PM
That's due to thinking with one side of your brain too much, try switching sides.

...i don't like to...it's dark over there.


14th November 2012, 03:01 PM
...i don't like to...it's dark over there.


like a vacuum?

where's vacuum?4046

Maybe try parting your hair on the other side, it helps to direct the higher frequency vibrations that way...

Celtic Rogue
14th November 2012, 03:01 PM
Hey I found a video staring Ponce (I think),The hair on your face seems to grow more than mine! ;):rolleyes:


14th November 2012, 03:23 PM
like a vacuum?

where's vacuum?4046

Maybe try parting your hair on the other side, it helps to direct the higher frequency vibrations that way...

what hair?? lol (not me in pic, but close! lol)


14th November 2012, 03:26 PM
what hair?? lol (not me in pic, but close! lol)


Uh-oh you're gonna need something like a chiquita banana sticker up there should do the trick.

Like a flag point on the moon to re-direct.

14th November 2012, 03:33 PM
Things that I learned while practicing with my Katana.

Relax your mind where it becomes like a feather where the circuntances allows it fly freely. Practice till it becomes like playing a musical instrument or like typing.....you are doing it and yet you are not awared of it.

Let your mind lead your body for without a mind there can be no body.......... so that you will have to train your mind, as well as your body.

Create a space around you where you can use all your senses, pay attention not only to your oponent but also to those in your space......someone could be looking over your shoulders, meaning that another attacker could be coming at you from behind.

Continue to move without stopping because to stop would mean to give your opponent , or someone else, an advantage........when ever you can, hit where there is no one because there could be someone.

While your blade is descending...forget about that target and start looking for the next one.

Strike with your hand and forget about the blade because the blade is only an extension to your hand......so practice first without a blade in your hand...however, learn how far you can reach with the blade.

14th November 2012, 03:39 PM
when ever you can, hit where there is no one because there could be someone.

Remind me to stand 10 paces behind you when we jump out of the foxhole. :)

General of Darkness
14th November 2012, 07:20 PM
I found a gray hair on one of my balls, does that count?

14th November 2012, 07:53 PM
I found a gray hair on one of my balls, does that count?

You need Ann Barnhardt's teeth.


14th November 2012, 08:05 PM
I found a gray hair on one of my balls, does that count?

Stop going out with old women...I only like to find blk hair on mine..... and wash after sex.

14th November 2012, 09:15 PM
In keeping with the thread theme.

A man's life force is in his

Some viewer discretion might be advised.

edit: actually I think I might just remove this one. Anyone wants to take a look you can YT vagina power (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr9GqQU6kgI).

15th November 2012, 03:07 PM
I just saw a show about the education in China and Hong Kong.....and compare to the one in the US is like night and day.

Evan Americans are taking their kids overseas to seek a better education.......and education that includes Spanish and Chinese.....remember? "Learn Spanish and Chinese and buy water stock"... Ponce

And once again I say.....we will never be again what we were long ago because no matter we tried to cach up we will never do so because they will be that much ahead............and for the fourth month in the row export is down....remember?.....
"No Export = No Recovery"... Ponce.

How could the American people, and government, allowed the Zionist take our nation down road to perdition?.

15th November 2012, 05:08 PM
How could the American people, and government, allowed the Zionist take our nation down road to perdition?.

they were blinded by a misplaced sense of sympathy and never saw it coming...

15th November 2012, 05:16 PM
they were blinded by a misplaced sense of sympathy and never saw it coming...

Or they were fascinated by watching people put to death from a good safe distance.


15th November 2012, 05:30 PM
one of my favorite tunes! good choice, old bean!