View Full Version : mike adams "what is coming next"

Large Sarge
13th November 2012, 08:29 AM

13th November 2012, 09:58 AM
As far as I am concern Ron Paul is a traitor to the American people, he should have form a third part and won the election.

Even thou he could have not stop the downgrading of America he could have slowed down by bringing back 90% of all troops from overseas and stopped the so called "aid" to the state of Israel.....I still don't know why he did this.

I was talking to the guy with who I walk everyday, in the morning, about my plan to save out two from the incoming fright train without brakes and when I told hime that everyone would earn only 2.00 of our currency per day he told me that the people would nog go for that.......but.......75% free food, jobs for everyone, safety, free DR care, free dentist care, free pet care, free repair of home, water pipes, electric cables and so on.

The 2.00 a day would cover stuff like, tooth paste, candy, soap, champoo......and so on. Saturday and Sunday everyone would be off (but for security) so that in those two day's they could make extra currency by working for someone else that has the cash or by making candles, sopa and much more.

It would not be a matter of becoming "rich" but rather of surviving, either work as one or die one by one...I still don't know if I want to get involved in this......to many people here on food stamps and so on.....besides the drug users and drunks.

13th November 2012, 10:13 AM
As far as I am concern Ron Paul is a traitor to the American people, he should have form a third part and won the election.

Even thou he could have not stop the downgrading of America he could have slowed down by bringing back 90% of all troops from overseas and stopped the so called "aid" to the state of Israel.....I still don't know why he did this.

I was talking to the guy with who I walk everyday, in the morning, about my plan to save out two from the incoming fright train without brakes and when I told hime that everyone would earn only 2.00 of our currency per day he told me that the people would nog go for that.......but.......75% free food, jobs for everyone, safety, free DR care, free dentist care, free pet care, free repair of home, water pipes, electric cables and so on.

The 2.00 a day would cover stuff like, tooth paste, candy, soap, champoo......and so on. Saturday and Sunday everyone would be off (but for security) so that in those two day's they could make extra currency by working for someone else that has the cash or by making candles, sopa and much more.

It would not be a matter of becoming "rich" but rather of surviving, either work as one or die one by one...I still don't know if I want to get involved in this......to many people here on food stamps and so on.....besides the drug users and drunks.


13th November 2012, 10:17 AM
As far as I am concern Ron Paul is a traitor to the American people, he should have form a third part and won the election.

Even thou he could have not stop the downgrading of America he could have slowed down by bringing back 90% of all troops from overseas and stopped the so called "aid" to the state of Israel.....I still don't know why he did this.

I was talking to the guy with who I walk everyday, in the morning, about my plan to save out two from the incoming fright train without brakes and when I told hime that everyone would earn only 2.00 of our currency per day he told me that the people would nog go for that.......but.......75% free food, jobs for everyone, safety, free DR care, free dentist care, free pet care, free repair of home, water pipes, electric cables and so on.

The 2.00 a day would cover stuff like, tooth paste, candy, soap, champoo......and so on. Saturday and Sunday everyone would be off (but for security) so that in those two day's they could make extra currency by working for someone else that has the cash or by making candles, sopa and much more.

It would not be a matter of becoming "rich" but rather of surviving, either work as one or die one by one...I still don't know if I want to get involved in this......to many people here on food stamps and so on.....besides the drug users and drunks.
It sounds like a hard core Cuban communist system. Are you inspired by Castro, Ponce?

13th November 2012, 10:19 AM
I still don't know if I want to get involved in this......to many people here on food stamps and so on.....besides the drug users and drunks.

I thought Silver Island was a scheme where we deposited our silver, then you issued Ponce fiat currency (toilet tissue).

Then create a factory to sell our "Almost Zero Energy" products.

13th November 2012, 10:26 AM
The economy has been crumbling since 2001. But the pace of collapse is accelerating now with the election of the illegal alien Kenyan Marxist interloper. The die is cast. Businesses in the thousands have frozen hirings, announced layoffs, and will be converting workers to part time status to avoid the Obamacare taxes and penalties. Many businesses will drop their employee healthcare plans entirely and opt for the lesser Obamacare fines instead. It's all dollars and cents on Main Street, the real world. The collapse in going to be staggering. I predict that government receipts will begin imploding by the second quarter of 2013. The federal deficits will approach $1.5 trillion and continue climbing indefinitely. Sooner or later the bond markets will panic; it's only a matter of time.

13th November 2012, 10:29 AM
I thought Silver Island was a scheme where we deposited our silver, then you issued Ponce fiat currency (toilet tissue).

Then create a factory to sell our "Almost Zero Energy" products.


13th November 2012, 10:29 AM
No Neuro, I am inspired by the fact that by saving others I am saving myself...... if to want peace and safety in time of terror then I can only guess that I am a Commie (but not a Jewish one).

Horn.....now it would be impossible to create my "Silver Island"......as a matter of fact, it would be impossible to take any kind of currency out of the country........that was my idea behing my $4,600 in $100,00 bills with no bar codes, in order to go past the scanners in the airport.

I have decided that "they" will go after silver and gold for they will want anything of value that they can get hold off, and at the same time to make us weaker.

Every day I like all my loose coins more and more...they will become more valuable than whatever pape money they can come up with.

13th November 2012, 10:35 AM
Horn.....now it would be impossible to create my "Silver Island"......as a matter of fact, it would be impossible to take any kind of currency out of the country........that was my idea behing my $4,600 in $100,00 bills with no bar codes, in order to go past the scanners in the airport.

Just fill a car up with it, and tear the engine out to equal the weight, put it on a crate and export it wherever you want.

You'd still want to be as close to the center of demand for the factory.

Unless your making Cuban cigars, those are light enough to ship anywhere.

Better yet do a Techshop operation...


13th November 2012, 11:01 AM
As far as I am concern Ron Paul is a traitor to the American people, he should have form a third part and won the election.

Even thou he could have not stop the downgrading of America he could have slowed down by bringing back 90% of all troops from overseas and stopped the so called "aid" to the state of Israel.....I still don't know why he did this.

I was talking to the guy with who I walk everyday, in the morning, about my plan to save out two from the incoming fright train without brakes and when I told hime that everyone would earn only 2.00 of our currency per day he told me that the people would nog go for that.......but.......75% free food, jobs for everyone, safety, free DR care, free dentist care, free pet care, free repair of home, water pipes, electric cables and so on.

The 2.00 a day would cover stuff like, tooth paste, candy, soap, champoo......and so on. Saturday and Sunday everyone would be off (but for security) so that in those two day's they could make extra currency by working for someone else that has the cash or by making candles, sopa and much more.

It would not be a matter of becoming "rich" but rather of surviving, either work as one or die one by one...I still don't know if I want to get involved in this......to many people here on food stamps and so on.....besides the drug users and drunks.

Hombre your credit score just took a dump.

13th November 2012, 11:03 AM
It sounds like a hard core Cuban communist system. Are you inspired by Castro, Ponce?

Its a cooperative, and fits in quite well with capitalism.

A cooperative ("coop"), co-operative ("co-op"), or coöperative ("coöp") is an autonomous association of persons who voluntarily (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_association) cooperate for their mutual social, economic, and cultural benefit.[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative#cite_note-ica-principles-1) Cooperatives include non-profit community organizations and businesses that are owned and managed by the people who use its services (a consumer cooperative) and/or by the people who work there (a worker cooperative) or by the people who live there (a housing cooperative).


13th November 2012, 11:10 AM
Its a cooperative, and fits in quite well with capitalism.

this one has master cleanse.... http://www.maplevalleysyrup.com/MasterCleanser.html

13th November 2012, 11:13 AM
The economy has been crumbling since 2001. But the pace of collapse is accelerating now with the election of the illegal alien Kenyan Marxist interloper. The die is cast. Businesses in the thousands have frozen hirings, announced layoffs, and will be converting workers to part time status to avoid the Obamacare taxes and penalties. Many businesses will drop their employee healthcare plans entirely and opt for the lesser Obamacare fines instead. It's all dollars and cents on Main Street, the real world. The collapse in going to be staggering. I predict that government receipts will begin imploding by the second quarter of 2013. The federal deficits will approach $1.5 trillion and continue climbing indefinitely. Sooner or later the bond markets will panic; it's only a matter of time.

So a freeze then rules change. Some markets will fare better than others however, I do not see a simultaneous country wide panic resulting in the epic collapse that many have subscribed. Life's routine goes on. It will be interesting to see if the IMF can further "marry" currency blocks though...

13th November 2012, 11:14 AM
Hombre your credit score just took a dump.

Ponce is a creditor. I'm not keeping score.

13th November 2012, 11:18 AM
Ponce is a creditor. I'm not keeping score.

Exactly if he's not working upto the stock holders standards (the people), he can be dismembered as well.

Its the only way anything would work.

13th November 2012, 11:56 AM
"golden grease"


13th November 2012, 12:15 PM
Exactly if he's not working upto the stock holders standards (the people), he can be dismembered as well.

Its the only way anything would work.

Is the FED in charge or the "government"? Who's holding printing presses?

13th November 2012, 12:21 PM
Its a cooperative, and fits in quite well with capitalism.

But Ponce already decided on their work schedule, their salary, benefits, and what they should use their earnings on... Seems a bit totalitarian for my taste, but I wouldn't be surprised if people accepts the terms when hungry zombies start congregating outside their inferior fences.

Even more will probably voluntarily join FEMA camps, and Obama youth, where the compensation and/or conditions may be even less than Poncetania...

Btw Ponce how are you planning on dealing with people, who wants to leave? I mean they could provide important information re your security system, weaknesses in command structure, etc. to your enemies?

13th November 2012, 12:23 PM
this one has master cleanse.... http://www.maplevalleysyrup.com/MasterCleanser .html (http://www.maplevalleysyrup.com/MasterCleanser.html)
You do spam a lot! What do you get for it?

13th November 2012, 12:32 PM
Is the FED in charge or the "government"? Who's holding printing presses?

Whoever gatekeeps the prime rate is in charge.

It would be like trying to keep highschool boys from 30yr. old hookers any other way around.


13th November 2012, 12:39 PM
But Ponce already decided on their work schedule, their salary, benefits, and what they should use their earnings on...

Its my understanding those were given as extreme examples.

The 75% percent of food cost doesn't fit in with being able to purchase the other 25% with 2 pieces of toilet paper.

My estimation is that he is trying to form some kind of non-profit cooperative. But is already discounting his profit as very low, and is trying to guarantee a minimum for sales points...

Not a very good sales plan... :)

13th November 2012, 12:41 PM
You do spam a lot! What do you get for it?

you're laying down breadcrumbs?

13th November 2012, 12:56 PM
you're laying down breadcrumbs?
Answer my question and I'll answer yours...

13th November 2012, 01:02 PM

13th November 2012, 01:02 PM
if i have to answer your question(s)?

13th November 2012, 01:09 PM
if i have to answer your question(s)?
No you don't, it was just an offer!

13th November 2012, 01:26 PM
Of course I am not making the rules but only thinking of a plan to follow......for example, we have wide areas where nothing is grown so that "everybody will be working" applies to working those emty parcels, what's more, those with up to 10 acreas of cultivated land would keep 15% of what is grown, those with up to 25 acreas would keep 10% and those over 25 acreas would keep 5%......the people would cultivate the land for them, the gas would be for free, machines would be repaired for free........all that vast ammount of food would feed the town people and the left over could be taken to the big cities for exchanged for medecine, gas, prophane and so on........

And the same goes for our home grown currency.......for every $100.00 they would get 105.00 and if they exchanged it here to buy something in the big city they would get back 95.00....in other words, they would get more if the cash is used here.

We could have a "exchage" store where they would bring anything in exchange for someting of equal value, we could put it up for sale for 5% more than what they want and give him back 95% of what they want.......in other words, out of 1.00 the city would make 10%.....this would go to support those not actually working, like security personnel, the 12 directors of the round table, the father and so on.

Males and females of 16 would be considered to be grown ups like those 21 and over, and would receive the same punishment if they screw up.

All those confined to be would be place in one place where one person would take care of three of five instead on three or four person taking care of one.

Trouble makers would be sent to work farm whre there would be no guards, if he "scapes" then they better stay away for good, three months would be the minimun.....first month slee, eat, shit and work...second month visitors on saturday or sunday...third month go home sturday morning be back by sunday night and if late then another week would be tag to the three months.

Only one road gong thrue town so that it would be easy to protect and with a lot of "creek" bridges easy to knock down and a lot of hill to blow into the road.......on the hills I would place those who are 16-20 as observers who would report if anyone tried to come by way of a back road.........walkie talkies would realay messages from one to another till HQ could get the message....and they would walk, horse, bikes as transportation.

Those who used to be cops or sheriff would become "advisors" with no real power, this would be for many reasons...the only ones to wear full uniforms would be the spear heads, nown now and the SWAT team.....the regular cops would use everyday clothings as to not intiminate the people, only a visible badge....the elite home guards would be composed of those who serve in active wars overseas.

The "Round Table Of Directors".......there would be 12 of them.....if you are a DR, and there were 2 more, the town people would choose who he would be, a mechanic as transportation director, someone that build and repair houses as the housing director....and so on......the people would choose 11 directors, the 11 directors would choose the father (or mother) and then him or she would choose the intelligence director......these two must trust each other 100%, even if the father would know more than what the intelligence director would know.

Rifles, shoot guns and hand guns no problem but any other kind of weapon must be reported to the father, and no one else, in case that it is neede in a emergency.

There would be ration cards, one for food and another one for whatever.......pres meds for free.

I did work on this plan for about six years and did travel a lot in this area in order to formulate my plan for "Salvation"

There is a lot more but I would like to challenge you to make it better from what I have said......that would help me.


13th November 2012, 02:22 PM
There is a lot more but I would like to challenge you to make it better from what I have said......that would help me.

12 members of the round table is feudal age, Ponce.

My guess is you would need to get away from a simply agrarian type society as quickly as possible, and provide some level of manuf. to keep the profits up enough to do anything.

Everyone should work as well be armed, this would eliminate the need for any "uniformed" non-working members, only an elected sheriff to coordinate any enforcement would be required, but he can also have intelligence duties. If it gets too large simply add another county sheriff.

Other than an original constitution agreed to. there would be nothing else needed. Unless of course you are in it for personal profit...

Elders would need to find sponsors equaling their support amount, then they could be wheeled over to some weekly town hall meeting somewhere to discuss such things as ancient history, hair growth products, and expansion plans. If they can't find enough sponsors then they get put out to pasture to work as unarmed security guards, or parking lot attendants with the proceeds.

13th November 2012, 03:01 PM
did you guys look at Mike Adams predictions ?

seems like most of them are already true, and/or a "work in process".

#1) December 21st, 2012 "Mayan Calendar" day will be a bust

>> Safe call ... probably.

#2) Before January 2, 2013, another huge fiat money creation scheme will be initiated by the Fed to prevent a U.S. bankruptcy.

>> remember that old story about the scorpion stinging the guy because it's "in his nature" ?

#3) Just like he did last year, Obama will use New Year's Eve (or possibly Christmas Eve) to sign another police state executive order

>> i don't think it's quite so predictable. if Romney had won the election, it would be more likely.

i wonder if Israel will launch another attack on Gaza, as in December 2008.

#4) Massive food inflation will strike the USA beginning in February or March

>> uhhh - has this guy bought food lately ?

#5) The TSA will engage in a massive hiring spree and expansion into the streets, running roadside checkpoints

>> talk about "work in process" - old manufacturing engineering term for - wait for it - WORK IN PROCESS !

#6) The expansion of the welfare state will kick into high gear with explosive growth in food stamps and unemployment

>> what was that about WORK IN PROCESS ?!

#7) A wave of unemployment will gut America's economy as Obamacare causes employers to fire workers en masse

>> they don't call it Obamacare Nightmare for nothin'.

#8) A wave of crime seizes America

>> where has this guy BEEN since 9-11 ?

#9) Another radiological scare will erupt as Fukushima's fuel polls suffer continued structural failure

>> it's like calling the silver price & setting a specific schedule. for sure, wel will have more nuclear "accidents", though i don't think accident is the correct term.

#10) Massive government crackdowns on the free speech of anyone advocating liberty

>> what was that about WORK IN PROCESS ?!

i mean it's good to talk about this stuff, but i don't think Mike Adams exactly went out on a limb here. he stayed with in a few feet of the trunk of the tree.

the general subject being, the march of the Judeo-Fascist Police State in America since 9-11. it is relentless, like the Alien in Aliens & Prometheus.

but instead of having acid for blood, it has acid for a soul.

i'd rather deal with creatures having acid for blood, myself.

13th November 2012, 03:33 PM
I agree with your main sentiment gundriller, that it is work in progress, but I think what he is saying is that it is going to be a lot worse, we have seen nothing yet... As for predicting the unexpected, that is for the prophets...

13th November 2012, 03:42 PM
The 12 memberw of the round table would be speiclalist in their own field and for which they would be chosen as a director.

The intelligence service would integrated into each of the eleven fields of the round table but very few whold know who they are, this way there would be some sort of control.

The only automatic death sentence would be for the printing of more funny money..... even the drug dealers would be offered to stay in the town if they were to turn in their suppliers and after serving six months in the work farm.....the suppliers would probably be from the outside...still thinking about what to do about them......anyone who is cought with drugs at the work farm would recieved another six months to their sentence....after telling us where the drug came from, if they didn't they they would be thrown out after their six months sentence.

In summer kids would have to walk, at least, two miles to a gathering point to be pick up by a school buss, still thinking about winter.

A siren or general alarm every one mile thrue out the whole area of control so that everyone would know what to do in case of trouble..... a short sound with , and or, combination of long sounds would mean different things.

13th November 2012, 03:45 PM
If someone would work for 2 dollars a day. Good for them. A free market system should support this. If I had a competing product or service , I would offer 3, someone might respond and offer 4. Eventually the market would decide a fair market price for their labour.

13th November 2012, 03:56 PM
If the 4.00 comes from the pocket of someone on saturday or sunday then good for them.......and if they earn more trading currency over the weekend it would have to be without using the tools that they use in the week day.....in others words, they would not be using the tools, equipment or material of others for their own benefit.

But of course if they set up a cottage industry where everyone were to benefit in the weekday then they could use it in the week end.........but they better not be producing more in the weekend than in the weekdays.......soap, toothpaste, candles and much more could be done.

We have plenty of cattle so that leather work could also be done to trade with the outside world.

Kids would recieve a real education without electronics.......and little by little, with baby steps, we could move forward.

We will never be what we were at one time.......this could be for the better.

13th November 2012, 03:59 PM
If the 4.00 comes from the pocket of someone on saturday or sunday then good for them.......and if they earn more trading currency over the weekend it would have to be without using the tools that they use in the week day.....in others words, they would not be using the tools, equipment or material of others for their own benefit.

But of course if they set up a cottage industry where everyone were to benefit in the weekday then they could use it in the week end.........but they better not be producing more in the weekend than in the weekdays.......soap, toothpaste, candles and much more could be done.

We have plenty of cattle so that leather work could also be done to trade with the outside world.

Kids would recieve a real education without electronics.......and little by little, with baby steps, we could move forward.

We will never be what we were at one time.......this could be for the better.

As you may have noticed I don't use the $ sign when talking about our internal currency, that's because it will have the initials of my town.......shhhhhhhhh is a secret.

13th November 2012, 04:16 PM
The more I hear about your system Ponce, the more totalitarian it seems. As I understand it people who are not under suspicion of any subversion to the system (would probably exclude almost all members here) could vote for directors, but only those candidates that are eligible for the work are up for voting upon. If you try to escape you are sent to Gulag for forced labour, if you don't "behave", you get more time. How about those who were landowners before, will they get to choose what can be done on their lands? If they want to be part of your system... Or do they have to concede to what the directors of the board considers to be the right action? How will you deal with a landowner that is situated between two areas that are under your command, but refuses to join?, and refuses to allow transport of essential supplies between the two areas? How would you deal with such a landowner?

13th November 2012, 04:23 PM
As you may have noticed I don't use the $ sign when talking about our internal currency, that's because it will have the initials of my town.......shhhhhhhhh is a secret.

The redcoats will flood your market with counterfeit toilet paper as happened to Continental Notes.

You would need an on site mint for coining Ponce doubloons only.

Really Ponce, I think you have Pennsylvania Amish in your veins.


13th November 2012, 04:31 PM
As you may have noticed I don't use the $ sign when talking about our internal currency, that's because it will have the initials of my town.......shhhhhhhhh is a secret.
Ah the old Rothschild adage: I don't care who makes the laws, as long as I am in control of the issuance of money...

13th November 2012, 05:41 PM
Beacuse the way that you think is the same way that they will think.....so, I'd better buy more ammo.