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13th November 2012, 06:09 PM

13th November 2012, 07:23 PM
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2232056/Gardeners-florists-named-UKs-happiest-workers-90-horticulturalists-enjoy-going-work.html

Want real job satisfaction? Be a gardener or a florist: 90% of horticulturalists enjoy going to work

By Paul Sims

PUBLISHED: 20:57 EST, 12 November 2012 | UPDATED: 04:47 EST, 13 November 2012

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It may be cold, wet and windy outside and the garden has probably seen better days.

But that is unlikely to dampen the spirit of the UK's gardeners and florists who are today named as the country's happiest workers.

Research carried out by City & Guilds found nine out of ten horticulturalists (87 per cent) were happy in their job.

A remarkable 80 per cent said it was because they were able to manage their own workload and have autonomy over their schedule and daily tasks.
Research carried out by City & Guilds found nine out of ten horticulturalists (87 per cent) were happy in their job

Research carried out by City & Guilds found nine out of ten horticulturalists (87 per cent) were happy in their job

A similar number (82 per cent) said they were able to use and hone their skills every day which helped to boost their job satisfaction.

They were closely followed by hairdressers and plumbers.

In stark contrast - and perhaps not surprisingly - those professionals who hated their jobs included bankers, IT and data processors, and human resources.

Only 44 per cent of bankers - the average salary for a city trader is approximately £80,000 a year - said they were happy in their jobs.


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In fact, the research found those earning more than £60,000 were among the unhappiest.

Furthermore, just 45 per cent of bankers said they felt like they were doing something worthwhile whilst only a third (34 per cent) said it offered good job progression.

Only marginally happier were IT workers (48 per cent) and just above them were human resources employees (54 per cent).

The City & Guilds career happiness index reveals that the majority of desk-based, high pressure jobs do not provide employees with fulfillment.

During the research they interviewed 2,200 workers from a wide variety of professions to gauge employee happiness.
Nine out of ten (82 per cent) of horticulturists said they were able to use and hone their skills every day which helped to boost their job satisfaction

Nine out of ten (82 per cent) of horticulturists said they were able to use and hone their skills every day which helped to boost their job satisfaction

It found the British workforce want flexibility, reasonable control over their daily duties and the opportunity to use their skills to tackle challenges and gain rewards.

Overall, the Career Happiness Index shows that people in vocationally trained and skills-based jobs, such as hairdressers, gardeners, plumbers and electricians, were happiest (65 per cent)

Only 58 per cent of those in largely academically trained, office-based jobs were happy in comparison

Learning a trade from the beginning and working your way up also has a positive impact on levels of pride, with 68 per cent of those in vocationally trained jobs saying they were proud of their work, compared to 62 per cent of those in academically-trained jobs.

The research also found that self-employed people are overwhelmingly happier at work (85 per cent).

More than four in five (83 per cent) of self-employed people claim they enjoy having a flexible work life and 91 per cent said they like having control over their daily duties.

A little over half (54 per cent) of those in full-time employment felt their working conditions were flexible.

The same proportion felt they were appreciated for their work.

Nick Bradley, Group Director at City & Guilds, said: 'At a time when both happiness and employment are high on the Government agenda, we wanted to link the two areas and look into what affects levels of happiness at work and in life.
Only 44 per cent of bankers - the average salary for a city trader is approximately £80,000 a year - said they were happy in their jobs

Only 44 per cent of bankers - the average salary for a city trader is approximately £80,000 a year - said they were happy in their jobs

'Most people spend half of their time working, so we wanted to find out what makes people happy at work and how that differs by job role.

'It's particularly interesting to see that those who have taken the vocational route are happiest and feel the most pride in their work; there's certainly something to be said from learning specific skills and working your way up the career ladder.'

Matt Pottage, Garden Manager at RHS' flagship garden in Surrey, RHS Garden Wisley, said: 'Gardening is undoubtedly the best career there is.

'One of the biggest perks is working outside in the fresh air and being active; on fine summer days or crisp winter days it's just wonderful.

'Similarly to floristry, the scope of creativity is vast on so many levels and the opportunities are endless, it's a wonderful career.'

The findings were released to mark The Skills Show 2012, the UK's biggest careers event which is taking place at the Birmingham NEC from 15 - 17 November.

The event will give young people the chance to have a go at a variety of different skills, and help them to choose the most satisfying career path for them.

13th November 2012, 07:24 PM
Source: http://www.activistpost.com/2012/11/weed-tourism-coming-to-america.html

Weed Tourism Coming to America?
Image Source
Activist Post

When one thinks of marijuana tourism, Amsterdam is usually the first place that comes to mind. With over 700 cannabis cafes and 1.5 million tourists per year, much of Amsterdam's tourism industry is due to marijuana.

In the near future Amsterdam may have some stiff competition for marijuana tourists. Shortly after the states of Colorado and Washington passed legalization initiatives on Election Day, speculation began about how it may draw travelers who wish to openly consume cannabis.

Significantly, marijuana is not even legalized in Amsterdam. It was merely decriminalized in the 1970's and the Dutch government remains vague about its laws. Earlier this year they attempted to make it illegal for foreigners to visit cannabis cafes, which would have effectively destroyed Amsterdam's tourism. In late October, that law was scrapped much to the joy of travelers.

With Colorado and Washington passing full legalization, they would seem to have just as much potential to attract visitors as Amsterdam as long as the federal government doesn't interfere.

According to an article by the Associated Press, Washington state is looking forward to more weed tourism since it already hosts the annual Hempfest in Seattle:

Every summer on the shores of the Puget Sound, Seattle is host to “Hempfest,” which according to organizers attracted around 250,000 people over three days this year. For those three days, people are largely left alone to smoke publicly at a local park, even as police stand by.

“People travel to Seattle from other states and countries to attend Seattle Hempfest every year to experience the limited freedom that happens at the event,” said executive director Vivian McPeak. “It’s reasonable to assume that people will travel to Washington assuming that the federal government doesn’t interfere.”

Wikimedia image
Medical marijuana is enormously successful in Colorado with an estimated $1.7 billion in annual revenue and several small towns, like Breckenridge, already decriminalized marijuana years before this measure. So Colorado law enforcement has been very relaxed in recent years about marijuana consumption.

Already boasting a huge skiing industry with famous slopes in Aspen and Vail, ski bums may now have an even bigger reason to come to Colorado. However, under the new law people are still banned from smoking in public, which would make it difficult to rival the freedom and openness in Amsterdam.

Colorado's governor John Hickenlooper, who opposed Amendment 64, is not too optimistic about his state getting a boost from marijuana tourism,“I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

“They’re going to flock here to buy marijuana as if they’re going to take it back? On an airplane? That seems unlikely to me,” he added.

The Sheriff of the popular ski area of Pitkin County, Joe DiSalvo, told The Aspen Times that he will not pursue weed tourists. “For me, it’s going to be live and let live. If people want to come to Colorado because pot is legal — and that’s the sole reason — it’s up to them. I am not the lifestyle police.”

With that kind of welcome from law enforcement, "Aspendam" may indeed become a reality.