View Full Version : Racist Israel - Where Jew Intermarriage [with gentiles] is ILLEGAL

13th November 2012, 09:12 PM
Imagine if someone advocated that intermarriage between whites and blacks be declared illegal by the state, in order to promote and protect white racial purity. Well substitute the words Jews for whites and Jewish for white and you have the law concerning intermarriage in the state of Israel today. Jews proudly and privately consider themselves a race. Atheistic jews are as welcome as religious Jews into Israel. Gentiles are not. Yet liberal leftist Jews have worked systematically for decades in America to promote mass immigration of non-white races and for intermarriage of whites and non-whites. So in America, Jews promote the mongrelization of the European peoples that founded and built the nation; yet in Israel they practice an apartheid nation where intermarriage between Jew and gentile is not just discouraged, but outright illegal. Do you wonder why this is?


13th November 2012, 09:23 PM
Jews versus Gentile


13th November 2012, 09:32 PM
Should be made a hot topic of discussion, I would like to see Obama posed this question in a Live town hall meeting somewhere.

I guess his response would be something like "Well they have an excuse letter from their church"

Twisted Titan
13th November 2012, 09:38 PM
They are also hyper racist among themselves

Sephardic jew (those local to the region and have good relation with muslim neighbors) are forbiden to marry khzarian jews those who decend from out of europe.

Couples who wish to marry must have their background check or the state of israel will not recognize the union nor will it give a marriage certificate

13th November 2012, 11:35 PM
The Jewish man has a blood desease, forgot the name of it, and is one of the reasons the their women wants to marry goy men.........besides, who wants to have a kid that might look like a Jew?

14th November 2012, 03:38 AM
Jews are clearly not a race, anybody who fully commits to the crime gang is welcomed into the "religion".

in any case, over the centuries, a hundred years before Herzl talked Zionist in 1897, Jews had "diaspora'd" to Khazaria, and then Westward to Europe.

the net result is a mixture of genes from Semitic, Eastern European/ Western Russian region, and Western Europe.

Heck, if Condoleeza Rice said she wanted to be Jewish - since she serves her Zio-masters so well - they would welcome her with open arms.

and she's dark-complected black.

14th November 2012, 04:16 AM
Survey: Most Israeli Jews wouldn't give Palestinians vote if West Bank was annexed (http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/survey-most-israeli-jews-wouldn-t-give-palestinians-vote-if-west-bank-was-annexed.premium-1.471644?block=true)

Survey, conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews.

By Gideon Levy (http://www.haaretz.com/misc/writers/gideon-levy-1.402) | 14:32 23.10.12 | http://www.haaretz.com/images/icons/comment.png 191


Should be made a hot topic of discussion, I would like to see Obama posed this question in a Live town hall meeting somewhere.

I guess his response would be something like "Well they have an excuse letter from their church"

it would go something like asking US ziowhore pols about izzy's nukes,
This is Your Brain on Zionism - Politicians Asked "Who in the Middle East ACTUALLY has Nukes?" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsjbV23cto8)


I don't know if they even deny it any more. The Germans were recently very frank,

Secret Cooperation: Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines (http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/israel-deploys-nuclear-weapons-on-german-submarines-a-836671.html)

http://cdn3.spiegel.de/images/image-358622-panoV9free-ukcq.jpg (http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/bild-836671-358622.html)
The Dolphin class submarines are built for Israel in a shipyard in Kiel (March 2012 photo).

A German shipyard has already built three submarines for Israel, and three more are planned. Now SPIEGEL has learned that Israel is arming the submarines with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. The German government has known about Israel's nuclear weapons program for decades, despite its official denials.


14th November 2012, 04:45 AM
The title of Duke's video must have been hijacked by a certain special tribe. I have never known Duke to state that Jews aren't Khazars.

14th November 2012, 04:56 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsjbV23cto8Everyone needs to watch this and PASS IT AROUND.

14th November 2012, 11:21 AM
Everyone needs to watch this and PASS IT AROUND.

Yes, that might help people draw some comparisons between Israel & the rest of the mideast.