View Full Version : silver shield "the system will collapse"

Large Sarge
14th November 2012, 06:55 AM

14th November 2012, 07:08 AM
Put yourselves in the boots of our rulers. Given the current circumstances, what would be the best strategy for them to gain power, maintain power and/or increase power? Then you'll have an idea what will happen.

The system will merge into another system, IMHO.

14th November 2012, 07:44 AM
Put yourselves in the boots of our rulers. Given the current circumstances, what would be the best strategy for them to gain power, maintain power and/or increase power? Then you'll have an idea what will happen.

The system will merge into another system, IMHO.
I think the only way for them to gain power in economical collapse, is through tyranny. However the system is incredibly complex, they need to keep control over food production, and its distribution, key to that is petroleum...

14th November 2012, 07:50 AM
I think the only way for them to gain power in economical collapse, is through tyranny. However the system is incredibly complex, they need to keep control over food production, and its distribution, key to that is petroleum...Think CENTRALIZATION. They gain power through centralization. Any kind of centralization, even if it initially means more freedom. Perhaps a global currency backed by gold, later to be slowly transitioned to paper gold. Or global unrest and mass corruption in a more obvious form, then a UN charter to "protect" our freedoms with an international constitution.

14th November 2012, 08:41 AM
Think CENTRALIZATION. They gain power through centralization. Any kind of centralization, even if it initially means more freedom. Perhaps a global currency backed by gold, later to be slowly transitioned to paper gold. Or global unrest and mass corruption in a more obvious form, then a UN charter to "protect" our freedoms with an international constitution.
Sure, but I doubt that it is even possible to Centralize and increase power in an ongoing collapse. I think the chips may have to fall where they may, before starting to collect them. Probably the planned sequence of events, is to let the collapse play out with them in the safety on their yachts, South American and African farms, or on their tropical islands, with greater parts of their wealth in gold, and then come out and restart a new monetary system with their gold. Imagine, if we, the 5-10% survivors of the collapse, told them post-apocalypse, that we really don't care about their shiny yellow metal (which main useful property is that it conducts electricity slightly worse than silver, and a little better than copper), not enough to do their dirty work for them, and that they can stuff their government, where the sun don't shine...

Another option would be that they introduce the Global government with its global currency before the world wide collapse gains too much momentum, it should be late enough in the cycle, so that at least a majority will be on the train with their ideas, but not too late so that collapse have descended into chaos... I think their ability to control markets probably has led to hubris in determining the timing of this, plus they are totally out of touch with normal folks, so they will get this wrong. If they manage to push through their global governance, it may take another generation or two before the real collapse plays out with increasing tyranny...

14th November 2012, 09:26 AM
Systems don't collapse so much as go unstable. Depending upon the characteristic equation and location of poles and zeros and the method and magnitude of excitation a system might be stable for years and years.

Obama's re-election changes the fundamentals of the characteristic equation of government so that it has become unstable and all that is needed is the right excitation to get it to oscillating.

14th November 2012, 09:55 AM
Don't try to find white clouds when the sky is covered with only black clouds...... we will be going back "at least" 100 years and will have to rebuild this nation from the ground up, those of you who think that we will only have a unstable country are in la la landd............there will be a great pay back from other nations for what we have done to them so that we wil be like the state of Israel .......... always on the alert.

14th November 2012, 11:00 AM
Systems don't collapse so much as go unstable. Depending upon the characteristic equation and location of poles and zeros and the method and magnitude of excitation a system might be stable for years and years.

Obama's re-election changes the fundamentals of the characteristic equation of government so that it has become unstable and all that is needed is the right excitation to get it to oscillating.
I agree, systems don't TEND to collapse, but SOMETIMES they do, it's when the destabilization becomes so great that the structural integrity of the system can't handle the magnitude of the oscillation with its inherent force. Having a debt/GDP at +400% may TEND to do funny things to oscillations, but these debt levels are not that common in terms of history, but when uncommon valuations are the norm talk about NEW paradigms become common, where the old fashioned valuations becomes obsolete. I remember this from the IT Bubble in 1999. A week or so ago I read an article here, where we were asked to ignore the US debt, because the US had so much going for it (mainly 1.5 Trillion in cash held by S&P companies), so the value of the dollar would be at least stable...

Anyway when the system do collapse, you'ld better be somewhere else, so you don't get crushed by it. DYODD!

14th November 2012, 11:37 AM
I agree, systems don't TEND to collapse, but SOMETIMES they do,DYODD!

Source: http://www.eolss.net/Sample-Chapters/C02/E6-46-01-04.pdf

Entropy is a concept that was derived in the nineteenth century during the study of
thermodynamic systems. Entropy exists in all systems, nonliving and living, that
possess free energy for doing work. As system energy declines, entropy increases.
Entropy has precise mathematical and statistical definitions, but can be approximately
defined as the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system. If a system is isolated, or
cut off from all inputs of matter and energy, it will tend toward a maximum, according
to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy is important for the study of life
support systems because it offers a valuable way of defining and measuring sustainable
systems. A sustainable system must, by definition, ensure that its entropy level does not
rise to the maximum, as maximum entropy is tantamount to system death. To be
sustainable, the system must have life support subsystems that can ensure supplies of
matter, free energy, and information sufficient to maintain entropy levels below the

14th November 2012, 11:57 AM
Sure, but I doubt that it is even possible to Centralize and increase power in an ongoing collapse. I think the chips may have to fall where they may, before starting to collect them. Probably the planned sequence of events, is to let the collapse play out with them in the safety on their yachts, South American and African farms, or on their tropical islands, with greater parts of their wealth in gold, and then come out and restart a new monetary system with their gold. Imagine, if we, the 5-10% survivors of the collapse, told them post-apocalypse, that we really don't care about their shiny yellow metal (which main useful property is that it conducts electricity slightly worse than silver, and a little better than copper), not enough to do their dirty work for them, and that they can stuff their government, where the sun don't shine...

Another option would be that they introduce the Global government with its global currency before the world wide collapse gains too much momentum, it should be late enough in the cycle, so that at least a majority will be on the train with their ideas, but not too late so that collapse have descended into chaos... I think their ability to control markets probably has led to hubris in determining the timing of this, plus they are totally out of touch with normal folks, so they will get this wrong. If they manage to push through their global governance, it may take another generation or two before the real collapse plays out with increasing tyranny...They will define the problems to fit their prepackaged "solutions". Our consent for those solutions will be manufactured on teevee. Oh, sure. There will be chaos and gang warfare, just enough so that the teevee addled masses will be clamoring for those "solutions".
We're dealing with a tribe of strategic geniuses. They pride themselves in maneouvering for the upper hand in every situation, which is not so difficult when they create those situations. They have a 5 year plan, a 50 year plan and a 500 year plan. It's not like they clumsily shit in their own mess kit to let us get the upper hand.

14th November 2012, 12:32 PM
They will define the problems to fit their prepackaged "solutions". Our consent for those solutions will be manufactured on teevee. Oh, sure. There will be chaos and gang warfare, just enough so that the teevee addled masses will be clamoring for those "solutions".
We're dealing with a tribe of strategic geniuses. They pride themselves in maneouvering for the upper hand in every situation, which is not so difficult when they create those situations. They have a 5 year plan, a 50 year plan and a 500 year plan. It's not like they clumsily shit in their own mess kit to let us get the upper hand.
I just think their own hubris will take them down. Really they are not that smart! As the mess they have generated out of generations of manipulation goes out of their hand, they will lose control. The next crisis, or the one after that, will be world wide and bigger than anything preceeding it, and they think they are the master manipulators, due to centuries of successful and huge manipulations they have stepped out of victorious and richer than before. They created a monster, and the monster will defeat them. I have stated this before and now again, they have NO clue of what the end game dynamics will entail, and that will be their downfall.

14th November 2012, 12:34 PM
I agree, systems don't TEND to collapse, but SOMETIMES they do,

A boundary value problem. The allowable boundary values determine when resonance (oscillation) becomes so large as to break down the components of the system. Such aspects as credit available, market forces on necessities, establishment of a black market, number of those on food stamps and unemployment are the "material" that government is made of. I expect there would be 15-20 other key indicators that could be used to determine when the fabric society is constructed of is undergoing stress to the point where only a fracture can result.

mick silver
14th November 2012, 01:42 PM
with just the right number of people left on the earth why would you need paper money are any kind of money as far as the world would need . every thing you need would be there for you . just look at star trek they didnt need money anymore to live the higher you are the more you get the better stuff in life

14th November 2012, 04:43 PM
Sure, but I doubt that it is even possible to Centralize and increase power in an ongoing collapse.

Here in Costa they are decentralizing power to save costs, but all it really means is the people become less than pawns to their pawns.

I also think they have mis-timed things in a way, or let the ball sink too low. I know they've been actively pursuing transferring U.S. wealth to other parts of the world, but the spread didn't go quick enough, or the icing on the cake is rather thin in parts. Now there trying to push the control button prematurely.

Someone will not been happy with the size of their piece of cake, Babylon ensues.

14th November 2012, 11:04 PM
Here in Costa they are decentralizing power to save costs, but all it really means is the people become less than pawns to their pawns.

I also think they have mis-timed things in a way, or let the ball sink too low. I know they've been actively pursuing transferring U.S. wealth to other parts of the world, but the spread didn't go quick enough, or the icing on the cake is rather thin in parts. Now there trying to push the control button prematurely.

Someone will not been happy with the size of their piece of cake, Babylon ensues.
This post made me think of Rahm Emanuel. Why on earth would he step down from being one of the most powerful men on the planet to become mayor of chity? And resort to corruption to do so?

15th November 2012, 12:58 AM
I have heard that they have a new form to get a US passport that is next to impossible to fill out to qualify for a passport.

And waiting in the wings there are other sheepherders who are touting the new World passport from the UN, how convenient, just in time.

15th November 2012, 01:15 AM
I have heard that they have a new form to get a US passport that is next to impossible to fill out to qualify for a passport.

And waiting in the wings there are other sheepherders who are touting the new World passport from the UN, how convenient, just in time.
Catch 22? To be able to get a passport to be able to travel abroad, you need to prove that on your travel, you will not be in the company of enemies of USA, and anyone abroad is a potential enemy of USA, until proven innocent...

15th November 2012, 05:01 AM
Two examples of how centralization empowers Jews are USA and USSR. Working their way into positions of control and keeping them requires much effort and expense. Before USSR, the region had many separate and soveriegn nations too difficult for them to infiltrate at the top. The act of creating USSR solved that in one fell swoop.
In the beginning here in the US we had states rights. What a task it would be for 50 Jews to become Governors. What a task it would have been for them to implement tyrannical laws in 50 states individually. Imagine creating 50 FEMAs and 50 DHSs.
They want top-down control. World government is the easiest way to do it.

15th November 2012, 06:23 AM
The system is designed to collapse. It is in the collapse that the real alchemy takes place. "Out of chaos, order" It is in the ensuing financial maelstrom that they consolidate their grip and impose their will.

From what I see, I believe that they will eventually try to rule us with a technocracy. They are taking away our factories and all of the financial and educational and research facilities belong to these "elite" who desire to lord over us. It will eventually come to pass that whey will control technologies that will make our firearms irrelevant. Will we become a rustic remnant of ourselves? Thing is, the more things change, the more they stay the same. These rat-bastards that are in control of things right now will eventually loose their grip and things will spiral out of control. All their hubris and all their aspirations will fall into the dustbin of history and become just another time distant, failed empire.

15th November 2012, 06:40 AM
I tend to avoid frequenting bankrupt planes and try not to associate with bankrupt (irresponsible) people.

15th November 2012, 07:22 AM
The system is designed to collapse. It is in the collapse that the real alchemy takes place. "Out of chaos, order" It is in the ensuing financial maelstrom that they consolidate their grip and impose their will.

From what I see, I believe that they will eventually try to rule us with a technocracy. They are taking away our factories and all of the financial and educational and research facilities belong to these "elite" who desire to lord over us. It will eventually come to pass that whey will control technologies that will make our firearms irrelevant. Will we become a rustic remnant of ourselves? Thing is, the more things change, the more they stay the same. These rat-bastards that are in control of things right now will eventually loose their grip and things will spiral out of control. All their hubris and all their aspirations will fall into the dustbin of history and become just another time distant, failed empire.

That's the thing, the jew through history was able to transfer away with a portion of the wealth to the next empire, their whole system was based on those directives. Now the empire being more or less total with them accepted part of it, what better way then to transfer into the decentralization of it.

The BRIC(s) and China still need time to foment into an empire and "open its doors" as such.