View Full Version : Nice

14th November 2012, 08:30 AM
Source: http://www.wordcentral.com/cgi-bin/student_clean?va=nice

3 entries found for nice.
To select an entry, click on it.

Main Entry: nice
Pronunciation: primarystressnimacrs
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English nice "foolish, stupid," from early French nice (same meaning), from Latin nescius "ignorant," from nescire "not to know," from ne- "not" and scire "to know" --related to SCIENCE
1 : finicky in tastes or habits
2 a : not obvious : SUBTLE <a nice distinction> b : having the ability to notice small differences <a nice ear for music>
3 : PLEASING, AGREEABLE <a nice time> <a nice person>
4 : well behaved : RESPECTABLE <wasn't a nice thing to do>
- nice·ly adverb
- nice·ness noun
Word History Five hundred years ago, when nice was first used in English, it meant "foolish or stupid." This is not as surprising as it may seem, since it came through early French from the Latin nescius, meaning "ignorant." By the 16th century, the sense of being "very particular" or "finicky" had developed. In the 19th century, nice came to mean "pleasant or agreeable" and then "respectable," a sense quite unlike its original meaning.

14th November 2012, 08:38 AM
As joe stumbles over mounds of dead consumer goods formed into abstract statues dedicated to the quality of american craftsmanship, dreaming his stupid little guitar notes, he hears, somewhere in back of his head, the voice of mrs. borg, taunting him...

He used to Cut my grass... He was a Very nice boy... He used to Cut my grass... He was a Very nice boy... He used to Cut my grass... He was a Very nice boy... He used to Cut my grass... He was a Very nice boy...


Old Herb Lady
14th November 2012, 10:29 AM
Source: http://www.wordcentral.com/cgi-bin/student_clean?va=nice

3 entries found for nice.
To select an entry, click on it.

Main Entry: nice
Pronunciation: primarystressnimacrs
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English nice "foolish, stupid," from early French nice (same meaning), from Latin nescius "ignorant," from nescire "not to know," from ne- "not" and scire "to know" --related to SCIENCE
1 : finicky in tastes or habits
2 a : not obvious : SUBTLE <a nice distinction> b : having the ability to notice small differences <a nice ear for music>
3 : PLEASING, AGREEABLE <a nice time> <a nice person>
4 : well behaved : RESPECTABLE <wasn't a nice thing to do>
- nice·ly adverb
- nice·ness noun
Word History Five hundred years ago, when nice was first used in English, it meant "foolish or stupid." This is not as surprising as it may seem, since it came through early French from the Latin nescius, meaning "ignorant." By the 16th century, the sense of being "very particular" or "finicky" had developed. In the 19th century, nice came to mean "pleasant or agreeable" and then "respectable," a sense quite unlike its original meaning.

This is actually very interesting.

How many times have you met someone who is very "nice" and later on realize they weren't so "nice" after all !

I mean they seemed sooo nice, but you come to find out that the original meaning of "nice" is what kind of "nice" they are !
Weird !

Kewl vocabulary lesson for the day, actually ! Nice !

14th November 2012, 10:31 AM


14th November 2012, 11:07 AM
Kewl vocabulary lesson for the day, actually ! Nice !

So am I O.K. to say Old Herb Lady is a nice lady?

Old Herb Lady
14th November 2012, 11:13 AM
So am I O.K. to say Old Herb Lady is a nice lady?

YES ! Very nice ! I've been very "nice" for being too "nice" before ! Everyone has !
Dont be so "nice", Horn ! Duh !

14th November 2012, 11:53 AM
YES ! Very nice ! I've been very "nice" for being too "nice" before ! Everyone has !
Dont be so "nice", Horn ! Duh !



14th November 2012, 12:11 PM

14th November 2012, 12:25 PM

nice audio


14th November 2012, 12:31 PM
Speaking of get the fuck out. Reminds me of this total fucking asshole I met on the internet.

Fucking geeked out spaz, with a shit stained rag for a brain.

Odd little fucker, shame what happened to him.

14th November 2012, 12:36 PM
Speaking of get the fuck out. Reminds me of this total fucking asshole I met on the internet.

Fucking geeked out spaz, with a shit stained rag for a brain.

Odd little fucker, shame what happened to him.
