View Full Version : Iran stockpiling millions in Silver

Large Sarge
14th November 2012, 09:50 AM

14th November 2012, 10:03 AM
Something has to take the place of PM and it wil have to be something that the Federal Reserve cannot reproduce with their printing pressesl like the Petro-Dollar........ Iran is only getting ready for what is to come.

14th November 2012, 12:54 PM

$10 million is silver purchases for all of Iran? That's nothing, a drop in the bucket. Considering how their currency is collapsing you'd think it'd be much much more.

mick silver
14th November 2012, 01:30 PM
and thats why we need to have a war with iran , no one can have real money and use it without the elite being able to control it

14th November 2012, 01:57 PM
$10 million is silver purchases for all of Iran? That's nothing, a drop in the bucket. Considering how their currency is collapsing you'd think it'd be much much more.

Iran has about 100 Billion barrels of easily recovered reserves.

that's why BP - formerly the Persian Oil Company or something like that - and England and the US & Israel have been interfering in Iran since the 1950's.

Mossadegh, a democratically elected leader, tried to nationalize the oil reserves - to claim them for Iran.

for that he was deposed in favor of the Shah.

110 Billion Barrels - $50 a barrel, allowing a $30 recovery cost - i dare say that's a lot of Moolah.

very conservatively, $550 Billion.

Iran, if they wanted, could demolish JPMorgan and the entire US currency manipulation scheme.

i dare say that's why all the BS about sanctions etc.