View Full Version : Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress

14th November 2012, 03:23 PM

14th November 2012, 03:51 PM
Fucking sad...
Liberty has slipped through our grasp.

14th November 2012, 04:16 PM
I'm gonna have to get the text of that speech and print it out. It wasn't his most eloquent oration by any means but everything he said rang with truth and fact, as usual. Yes, it's sad that he's leaving and this may be the last we hear from him from the House floor but there's a part of me that looks forward to what he might say, do or accomplish without the burden of rules that surely chain him in his representative position. I wouldn't think less of him if he never said another word though, he's more than done his part and in a way I look at RP as going "off grid", something I think we can all identify with. Secretly I hope he raises more hell than a pet monkey.

14th November 2012, 04:20 PM
Oh well, every good thing comes to and end.....he was the last member of congress that was there for the little guys.

Is like loosing and old friend....... but still, I would like to know why he didn't form a third party...he wuld had won it.

14th November 2012, 04:30 PM
Oh well, every good thing comes to and end.....he was the last member of congress that was there for the little guys.

Is like loosing and old friend....... but still, I would like to know why he didn't form a third party...he wuld had won it.

He can't actually create a third party, because there is no such thing as first or second party. ;)

14th November 2012, 04:53 PM
I'm gonna have to get the text of that speech and print it out. It wasn't his most eloquent oration by any means but everything he said rang with truth and fact, as usual. Yes, it's sad that he's leaving and this may be the last we hear from him from the House floor but there's a part of me that looks forward to what he might say, do or accomplish without the burden of rules that surely chain him in his representative position. I wouldn't think less of him if he never said another word though, he's more than done his part and in a way I look at RP as going "off grid", something I think we can all identify with. Secretly I hope he raises more hell than a pet monkey.

http://www.dailypaul.com/263111/ron-pauls-farewell-address-full-text?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+dailypaul%2FFClq+%28The+Daily +Paul+-+Ron+Paul+for+President+2012%29&utm_term=Ron+Paul

14th November 2012, 06:48 PM
thank God he didnt win!.....imagine history remembering (and blaming) RP for the the death of the USA. its game over to all who can see.....this election was nothing more than a race to see who winds up the most laughed at and despised politician in history.

14th November 2012, 08:51 PM
"Why is it political suicide for anyone to criticize AIPAC?" - R.P.

14th November 2012, 09:16 PM
Yes, it's sad that he's leaving and this may be the last we hear from him from the House floor but there's a part of me that looks forward to what he might say, do or accomplish without the burden of rules that surely chain him in his representative position.

I think you're right, LT. He should be able to speak freely now without concern for any political allegiance. I give him credit for being as candid as he has been while a Republican rep, but as you said, now the chains are completely off.

Twisted Titan
14th November 2012, 09:28 PM
Man is gonna make a crapload of money on the lecture circut and book sales.

Thats about it.

Anything of historical signifigence will have to come for the grassroots level.

14th November 2012, 09:50 PM
I'm gonna have to get the text of that speech and print it out.

Full text found here: http://www.theburningplatform.com/?p=43982

15th November 2012, 01:53 AM
There's still hope.



15th November 2012, 02:32 AM
he was the last member of congress that was there for the little guys.

that last bit reminded me of a Paul Wellstone quote:

"I'm for the little fellers, not the Rockefellers".

and they killed him.



15th November 2012, 07:31 AM
Ron Paul is a great great statesman and patriot. One hundred years from now, when America is a sad shadow of it's former greatness, and the people have forgotten their history and traditions, historians will quote this great man as one of the last pillars of the crumbling republic. Obama will merit a mere footnote as one of the last despotic rulers of the former United States of no longterm historic significance.

15th November 2012, 08:48 AM
Many are now acknowledging that a financial crisis looms but few understand it’s, in reality, a moral crisis. It’s the moral crisis that has allowed our liberties to be undermined and permits the exponential growth of illegal government power. Without a clear understanding of the nature of the crisis it will be difficult to prevent a steady march toward tyranny and the poverty that will accompany it.

Homerun Ron!

15th November 2012, 01:05 PM


15th November 2012, 02:29 PM
Thanks Shami, I would have totally missed that vid. And damn was it good!

15th November 2012, 03:03 PM
Ron Paul is a great great statesman and patriot. One hundred years from now, when America is a sad shadow of it's former greatness, and the people have forgotten their history and traditions, historians will quote this great man as one of the last pillars of the crumbling republic. Obama will merit a mere footnote as one of the last despotic rulers of the former United States of no longterm historic significance.





15th November 2012, 05:19 PM
God bless Ron Paul.

Twisted Titan
15th November 2012, 11:04 PM
We seceeded from England and we became the greatest nation on Earth.

Will not seceed from the Republican Party because it can some how me rehabilitated.

Does that make any sense to a logically thinking person?