View Full Version : Rothko painting (degenerate art) sells for $75 million

14th November 2012, 08:30 PM

An abstract canvas by Mark Rothko sold for $75 million leading Sotheby’s record-setting contemporary-art sale in New York. The auction fetched a total of jaw-dropping $375 million.

The sellers, a former Sotheby’s president John Marion and his wife, expected the 1954 Rothko painting “No. 1 (Royal Red & Blue)" to go for a maximum of $50 million.

Bidders went beyond expectations with the painting eventually selling for $75 million. Sotheby’s specialist Charlie Moffett who works with American collectors placed the winning bid.

The sale made the artwork the second most expensive Rothko sold at auctions outrunning his "White Center (Yellow/Pink/Lavender)” 1950 piece that fetched $72.8 million in 2007.

Earlier this year another Rothko painting "Orange, Red, Yellow" (1961) sold for $86.9 million.

Apart from Rothko, Sotheby's sale offered a list of other coveted contemporary artworks from the collection of department-store magnate Sidney Kohl and his wife. Those included Jackson Pollock’s "Number 4, 1951," that fetched $40.4 million, a $19.6 million Willem de Kooning’s "Abstraction," and Clyfford Still’s "1948-H" that sold for $9.8 million.

Also on offer were works by British painter Francis Bacon, German artist Gerhard Richter, American Jean-Michel Basquiat and other important artists of the 20th century.

Russian collectors were not very active this time around, Sotheby’s said.


14th November 2012, 08:36 PM
I can only guees that the painting is what he will eat WTSHTF.....I'll give him a dollar just to smell it.

14th November 2012, 10:03 PM
Not too many people know this but when John Wayne Gacy died he had several paintings that he did and they were put up for sale.
They were burned so that they would NOT become ICONS and help erase as much of the memory of such a wicked devil as possible.

Proverbs 10:7 The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.

Here's a quick souce I found http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-05-15/news/9405150441_1_john-wayne-gacy-burn-elvis-presley

What it doesn't say is that these men were Christians. Typical

14th November 2012, 10:17 PM

15th November 2012, 05:34 AM
i should take a picture of my kitchen floor.

especially after one of my non-house-broken chickens drops a turd. i like to let them in to eat crumbs & stuff off the floor.

print out in 24x36 color, frame out.

on sale, for discount - $1,000,000.

or will trade for ... 50 Monster Boxes ?

15th November 2012, 05:42 AM
i should take a picture of my kitchen floor.

especially after one of my non-house-broken chickens drops a turd. i like to let them in to eat crumbs & stuff off the floor.

print out in 24x36 color, frame out.

on sale, for discount - $1,000,000.

or will trade for ... 50 Monster Boxes ?

I don't know what amazes me more; the fact that the piece of shit painting sold for more than a dollar, or that you let chickens in your house or that you actually have some house trained. Now if you could just get them to lay eggs on the counter next to the fry pan......

15th November 2012, 05:50 AM

Just goes to show and prove the saying " That Fools and their money are soon parted!"

15th November 2012, 06:20 AM
I don't know what amazes me more; the fact that the piece of shit painting sold for more than a dollar, or that you let chickens in your house or that you actually have some house trained. Now if you could just get them to lay eggs on the counter next to the fry pan......

well, they're not ALWAYS house trained. but they stay on the hardwood floor and most of the time do minimal damage.

one of things that 2 of them do is to lay eggs on top of a particular pile of old computer stuff that is about 4 feet off the floor on some Metro Shelving. They walk in the house, very purposefully, like "outta my way, i've got chicken work to do, human". they make their way over to the one specific shelf (there are about 10 shelves with old computer stuff - for some reason they like that one shelf.)

they fly up, gain their footing, then spend about an hour fidgeting on top of a box of cables. after about an hour, they lay the egg, and they also squawk loudly. i'm still trying to figure out if it's a pre-lay squawk, like "Yahoo, victory is imminent", or a birthing pain squawk (the chicken version of "this really hurts"), or a post-egg-laying squawk, like "Glad that's done". they then hop/fly down to the floor, and walk over to the sliding glass door, and wait for me them to let them out.

15th November 2012, 06:29 AM
Cool as hell! I always had to go out to the barn to fetch the eggs. I do miss having chickens. I will get some in the spring.

15th November 2012, 09:16 AM

That about sums up my reaction.

15th November 2012, 09:32 AM
Of course the one who painted them doesn't get to see that kind of money. These things are tax dodges in some way aren't they? There's got to be something I'm missing.

Art is a very strange world.

The youngest of four children, Mark Rothko was born in Dvinsk, Russia on September 25, 1903 to Jacob and Anna Goldin Rothkowitz. In 1910, his father, a pharmacist, emigrated alone to Portland, Oregon and worked for his brother, Samuel Weinstein, in the clothing business. After Jacob had established himself, he sent for his two older sons, Albert and Moise, in 1912, and for the rest of the family, his wife, his son Marcus, and his daughter, Sonia, in 1913. Seven months later, Jacob died and the children went to work to help support the family; Marcus, who was commonly known as Marc, delivered groceries and sold newspapers after school. A precocious student in high school, he completed his studies in three years, excelled in many subjects, and expressed a love for music and literature in particular. One of his Yale classmates also from Portland, Max Naimark, recalled that Rothko sketched a good deal in college

At the outbreak of World War II, Rothko was virtually unknown as a painter although he had exhibited his work for over a decade. His financial situation was still difficult, but he kept himself going through black humor and an absolute belief in himself as a painter. Despite these hardships, the late 1930s and early 1940s were years of tremendous significance for Rothko, and his art underwent a dramatic evolution. Earlier, he had struggled with the figure, unwilling to abandon it yet unable to find a new form to express the ideas that he had already begun to formulate in his writings. The intellectual turmoil in which he was now engaged led him to reject the figure in favor of a mythological imagery that dominated his work from 1938 to the mid-1940s. . Rothko himself later admitted, "It was with the utmost reluctance that I found the figure could not serve my purpose... But a time coma when none of us could use the figure without mutilating it."

Rothko largely abandoned conventional titles in 1947, sometimes resorting to numbers or colors in order to distinguish one work from another. The artist also now resisted explaining the meaning of his work. "Silence is so accurate," he said, fearing that words would only paralyze the viewer's mind and imagination.

There is a lot of text here: http://www.markrothko.org/

It's an interesting read. There are several samples of his work and each includes a page of description of the example and the guy. There is a lot of hidden stuff in what could just look like a stylized doodle or something. I think there is hidden symbology in it, which could be why it changes hands at astounding prices.

Like this

15th November 2012, 10:29 AM
Compare to even Van Gogh's black and white work, or his earlier stuff - no comparison in terms of artistry.

15th November 2012, 10:54 AM
Me thinks P.T Barnam was right..."there's a sucker born every minute".

15th November 2012, 11:04 AM
It's an interesting read. There are several samples of his work and each includes a page of description of the example and the guy. There is a lot of hidden stuff in what could just look like a stylized doodle or something. I think there is hidden symbology in it, which could be why it changes hands at astounding prices.

Either that, or its a Royal Scam.

Uncle Salty
15th November 2012, 01:41 PM
A fiat money system requires that excess cash flows to rare assets to maintain purchasing power. That is all this is. If you are sitting on billions, how else do you manage your wealth? Gold, art, mansions. But mansions have diminishing utility. Gold and art do not. You can't just sit in fiat or you lose.

You may not like this painting, but it is rare and a piece of history. When the printing presses go into overdrive, it forces fiat into wealth assets and art has always been one.

15th November 2012, 03:05 PM
Also, it's interesting to keep in mind that the CIA initially financed the New York modern expressionist art movement in order to shift the Capital of the "Art" world from Paris(The Old World) to NYC(The New World) because those who control the direction of Art in culture control the culture... and history itself to a large extent.

In other words, control is the key word here as usual. Or, more specifically, centralizing control.

One vital method of control in culture is to make the direction of art and music relatively incomprehensible to the populace, which keeps them confused, and then to give it excessive monetary value through these auctions, which causes the shit to shine... like goldensteinian shinola.

Art is the final cultural identifier throughout history. Controlling it's direction is central to civilization.

15th November 2012, 03:13 PM
http://www.adweek.com/files/imagecache/node-blog/blogs/campbell.jpg (http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/campbells-soup-creates-limited-edition-andy-warhol-cans-143225) (http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/campbells-soup-creates-limited-edition-andy-warhol-cans-143225)

15th November 2012, 08:35 PM
Everyone projects themselves onto others. White people think blacks are rational and thinking, because they themselves are. jews think everyone is out to get them because they are out to get everyone. Freedom to a White man is being able to speak your mind, read what you want and form an opinion without being persecuted, freedom to a jew is bisexuality, beastiality, free love, scat paintings etc.

This ENTIRE modern art bullshit is nothing but jewish filth, it isn't talent, no jew can hold a candle to the White man in terms of artistic talent so they create another genre and hype it up with their jewish writers and pay ludicrous prices with money their uncle shlomo printed up this morning or got from selling the organs of goyim in order to provide false validity. If I were to criticize this painting people would say "well, what have you created that's worth 75million"

It is such a scam added to the long long list of jewish scams.

15th November 2012, 08:37 PM
Everyone projects themselves onto others. White people think blacks are rational and thinking, because they themselves are. jews think everyone is out to get them because they are out to get everyone. Freedom to a White man is being able to speak your mind, read what you want and form an opinion without being persecuted, freedom to a jew is bisexuality, beastiality, free love, scat paintings etc.

This ENTIRE modern art bullshit is nothing but jewish filth, it isn't talent, no jew can hold a candle to the White man in terms of artistic talent so they create another genre and hype it up with their jewish writers and pay ludicrous prices with money their uncle shlomo printed up this morning or got from selling the organs of goyim in order to provide false validity. If I were to criticize this painting people would say "well, what have you created that's worth 75million"

It is such a scam added to the long long list of jewish scams.

PROJECTION!!! YES!!! well, no comment on the rest of the article.... but projection? yes!