View Full Version : First-ever Gaza missile on Israel's capital - provides window with no permit

16th November 2012, 03:37 PM


16th November 2012, 03:46 PM
those poor J-whiners !

the people they stole a country from are fighting back.

maybe the J-whiners can sue the Palestinians for stress & anxiety.

16th November 2012, 03:49 PM
If they were aiming for this than they suck:


Image will not embed.... hmm maybe cause that word is in the title of the thread?

16th November 2012, 04:01 PM
If they were aiming for this than they suck:


Image will not embed.... hmm maybe cause that word is in the title of the thread?

It will embed, you just have to manually add the "" "" tags. Happens to me all the time. Forum toolbar no worky.

16th November 2012, 04:12 PM
Their missle did very little damage...I've done more damage with cheap fireworks.


16th November 2012, 04:30 PM
Who really fired the rocket? Makes an excellent excuse.

16th November 2012, 05:10 PM
They are going to blow up the Golden Dome and blame it on a Palstinian rocket.

midnight rambler
16th November 2012, 05:22 PM
They are going to blow up the Golden Dome and blame it on a Palstinian rocket.

Gotta find SOME way to get started on the third temple.

7th trump
16th November 2012, 06:06 PM
those poor J-whiners !

the people they stole a country from are fighting back.

maybe the J-whiners can sue the Palestinians for stress & anxiety.
The muslims are not indigenous to this area of the middle east. That area was settled hundreds of years before the muslims stole and murdered all the indigenous people who established Jerusalem.
These so called jews are related closer to the blood line of Christ than these retarded lazy muslims.

This area is only popular because of Christ and the muslims dont even like Christ.

17th November 2012, 04:38 AM
The muslims are not indigenous to this area of the middle east. That area was settled hundreds of years before the muslims stole and murdered all the indigenous people who established Jerusalem.
These so called jews are related closer to the blood line of Christ than these retarded lazy muslims.

This area is only popular because of Christ and the muslims dont even like Christ.

Oy, you're such a riot!

The so called jews aren't even jews, they're khazars from khazaria, so how can they be from Christ's bloodline..

17th November 2012, 05:19 AM
The muslims are not indigenous to this area of the middle east. That area was settled hundreds of years before the muslims stole and murdered all the indigenous people who established Jerusalem.
These so called jews are related closer to the blood line of Christ than these retarded lazy muslims.

This area is only popular because of Christ and the muslims dont even like Christ.

The jews don't believe in Christ.

I think Muslim belief is closer to Christian then Judaism.
I also believe Muslims have as much right to Jeruaslem as Christians and real Jews do.

Muslims believe that Jesus (called 'Isa in Arabic) was the son of Mary, and was conceived without the intervention of a human father. The Qur'an describes that an angel appeared to Mary, to announce to her the "gift of a holy son" (19:19). She was astonished at the news, and asked: "How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?" (19:20). When the angel explained to her that she had been chosen for the service of God, and that God had ordained the matter, she devoutly submitted herself to His will.

17th November 2012, 05:26 AM


Would things still be sitting in the window sill at the left side of the pic if a missle hit the same wall?

This pic is also from the op. It appears from the comments for the pics that they are from two different missiles.


What are the odds that the two pics they show are from a missile hitting right near a window? Why did the spices stay upright?

17th November 2012, 05:30 AM
I've noticed on Faux news regarding the conflict in Gaza, that Palestinians are never mentioned. It seems all Palestinians are now considered Hamas, and all should be put to death.
Is this the final slaughter and end of Palestine?

17th November 2012, 05:43 AM
The muslims are not indigenous to this area of the middle east. That area was settled hundreds of years before the muslims stole and murdered all the indigenous people who established Jerusalem.
These so called jews are related closer to the blood line of Christ than these retarded lazy muslims.

This area is only popular because of Christ and the muslims dont even like Christ.

you must not know any Muslims.

Muslims revere Jesus Christ. In Islam, Jesus is on a pedestal, comparable to that of their own prophet Mohammed.

in terms of "who is indigenous", the Muslims certainly have a prior claim on the land that exceeds that of the Israeli Jews, most of whom emigrated after World War 2 (the second diaspora).

the first diaspora scattered the Jews of Semitic descent to far lands, such as Khazaria, where their parasitic religion grew. given that it came with a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, it was quite popular among those inclined to Crime as a Primary Profession.

as far as "who lived there" 1000 years ago - a mix of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Agnostics, Atheists, and people of other religions. Most notably, they lived in peace, compared to today's one-sided 'war.

17th November 2012, 06:15 AM
The muslims are not indigenous to this area of the middle east. That area was settled hundreds of years before the muslims stole and murdered all the indigenous people who established Jerusalem.
These so called jews are related closer to the blood line of Christ than these retarded lazy muslims.

You do realize that a size able minority of Palestinians are Christians don't you? Something you may consider, when cheerleading the destruction of Palestinians at the hands of Khazars...

17th November 2012, 06:19 AM
You do realize that a size able minority of Palestinians are Christians don't you? Something you may consider, when cheerleading the destruction of Palestinians at the hands of Khazars...

Gee, how would anyone know that...it's never mentioned on faux news?

Various Christian Zionist propaganda sources claim that the main problem for Palestinian Christians is their Muslim neighbours. The decline of Christian presence in Palestine is portrayed as the fault of Muslims and not of the illegal Israeli occupation. Christian Zionist tours to the Holy Land contribute towards the spread of this myth and frame the conflict in an anti-Muslim way in order to distract attention from Israel's continued violations of international law.

During the Deir Yassin Massacre of 1948, over a quarter of a million Palestinians, many of them Christian, were displaced or disappeared. Many of the 531 villages that were levelled in 1948 had a mix of Christian and Muslim inhabitants. To this day, millions of Palestinians have been expelled from their lands, and rendered homeless and as refugees.

In 1967, Israel occupied the remaining 22% of historic Palestine: the West Bank and Gaza (as well as large sections of Syria and Egypt). Since then Israel has transferred many of its citizens to Jewish “settlements,” (colonies, which are illegal according to the fourth Geneva Convention). Today 40% of the West Bank is off-limits to Palestinians, as they are not allowed to live in Israeli settlements, drive on Israeli-only roads connecting these settlements, or even live or travel through “security zones,” surrounding the settlements

Following the 1967 war, Israel began establishing numerous settlements, or illegal housing developments for Jewish Israelis only on stolen Palestinian land (colonies). There are now thousands of these settlements throughout the West Bank and Gaza, as well as numerous settlements in the Syrian Golan Heights.

Settlements are one of the major blockages to a peaceful and just resolution to Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians and other Arabs. The "roadmap" to peace calls on Israel to dismantle these settlements and to return the land to the rightful owners. Unfortunately, Israel continues to expand existing settlements and to build new ones.

Israeli settlers, who are known for their Jewish fundamentalism and desire to take the rest of Palestine (and perhaps even parts of other Arab lands) for Israel, usually carry large guns. They travel on specially built “bypass roads,” that now crisscross the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinians are not allowed to use these roads.

22nd November 2012, 06:15 PM
Press TV's news analysis shows usu have 3-4 guests, diff political persuasions, incl one who'll be a joospewer. On the truthier side they often have Kevin Barrett. Here's a couple recent shows, I just mouseover the play-progress bar where it previews the image of that spot- and I look for Barrett. He always drops some side comment about how djooz did 911, blew up the WTC. Hearing the joospewer guest trying to smear KB as anti-Shlomoic, CTist, shameful, shame on PressTV yada yada is funny stuff!



