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16th November 2012, 06:45 PM
Source: http://www.thepineywoods.com/

Forest Facts and Information

These firms and organizations are involved in growing, producing, manufacturing, selling, and promoting timber and forest products, primarily in the Southern Pine Belt. To reach their corporate or institutional websites, click the links below

The National Timber Tax Website is a comprehensive resource on the tax treatment of timber, developed to be used by timberland owners, accountants, attorneys, consulting foresters, and other professionals who work closely with timberland owners. www.timbertax.org

American Forest and Paper Association - www.afandpa.org Headquartered in Washington, DC, AF&PA membership consists of corporate forest landowners and forest products manufacturers in North America. Major activities include implementation of the industry-wide Sustainable Forestry Initiative promoting forest management and harvest to maintain supplies of timber, wildlife, water, and ecological resources; lobbying for protection of forest and manufacturing operations; promotion of research and technology, and other issues concerning the industry.

Southern Forest Products Association - www.sfpa.org Headquartered in Kenner, Louisiana, a New Orleans suburb, SFPA is primarily a promotional organization for development and sale of Southern Yellow Pine lumber and wood products for domestic and export markets. Major events include sponsorship of EXPO, a biennial forest equipment exhibition in Atlanta.

National Association of Conservation Districts - www.nacdnet.org Headquarters, Washington, DC, and League City, Texas, NACD sponsors and supports a variety of community-based projects for economic and environmental improvement. The Association lobbies nationally and locally on behalf of forestry and agriculture. Various periodical and special publications from NACD, P.O. Box 855, League City TX 77574-0855, or NACD, 509 Capitol Court NE, Washington DC 20002-4946, phone 202-547-6223; email Laura-McNichol@nacdet.org.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - www.epa.gov National regulatory agency is currently promulgating new rules affecting forestry and agriculture under national Clean Water Act authority. Controversy between Congress, the White House, state and regional interests brings EPA into political and economic conflict with forestry and agriculture. For daily posting of proposed regulations, etc., in The Federal Register, go to www.epa.gov/fedrgstr For information on TMDL water quality rules go to www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/index.html

USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station - www.srs.fs.fed.us Asheville NC. Part of USDA Forest Service Research and Development, the nation's largest forestry research organization, the Asheville headquarters coordinates and publishes research information on dynamics of tree plantations, natural stands, watershed management, and wildlife habitats. SRS scientists work at laboratories, experimental forests, and university campuses throughout the South. Current publication, Annual Report for 1999, is available from SRS, 200 Weaver Blvd., P.O. Box 2680, Asheville NC 28802, phone 828-257-4832, FAX 828-257-4840.

Farm Service Agency (FSA) - www.fsa.usda.gov A federal agency with regional offices, FSA guarantees loans for eligible agricultural lenders for family farmers and ranchers to acquire farm ownership, make improvements, and for agriculture operations, including soil and water conservation, purchase of livestock, feed, seed, and supplies. Specific information is available from the home page, or from USDA FSA, 1400 Independence Ave SW, Stop 0522, Washington DC 20250-0522, phone 202-720-1632.

Louisiana Forestry Association, www.laforestry.com, based in Alexandria, Louisiana, is the professional organization representing private and corporate forest landowners, forest products manufacturers, and others with interest in forestry issues. One of its main activities is lobbying state and federal government on issues of interest to forestry. The LFA is also the parent organization of the Louisiana Loggers Council, which represents professional loggers on legislative issues, and provides continuing education training through its Master logger program.

Louisiana School of Renewable Natural Resources- www.agctr.lsu.edu/wwwac/ The LSU Ag Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is part of the network of federal Land Grant College system which operates the Agricultural Extension Service in every parish/county in the United States. The LSU Ag Center has developed and sponsored a series of seminars statewide in Louisiana on water quality in forested watersheds and wetlands, including courses for forest landowners, loggers, foresters, and others involved in maintaining water quality in the State's streams, rivers, and lakes. Agencies participating in seminar development and presentations include Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, LSU Agricultural Experiment Station, Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, and Region VI, EPA, Dallas.

USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin - www.fpl.fs.fed.us is the nation's centralized wood research laboratory. Current research is ongoing in five categories: Wood Products; Pulp, Paper, and Composites; Wood Protection; Timber Demand and Technology Assessment; and Microbial and Biochemical Techology. Research is designed to meet needs of the general public, industry, regulatory agencies, state and private foresters, educators, and other government agencies and organizations.

The Nature Conservancy, www.tnc.org is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to "protect plants, animals, and the natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the land and waters they need to survive." The Conservancy relies on private donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations, to acquire ownership to lands which are set aside as habitat for plants and animals. Cooperative land exchanges, donations, and acquisitions, have been made with several major national and regional forestry companies to achieve the Conservancy's goals of habitat preservation.

National Drought Monitor, http://enso.unl.edu/monitor/monitor.html a weather site operated by the National Drought Mitigation Center, P.O. Box 830749, Lincoln NE 68583-0749, phone 402-472-6707, FAX 502-472-6614. Cooperators include the USDA and National Weather Service, showing moisture conditions for agricultural and other applications in the United States.

Texas Forestry Association, www.texasforestry.org, represents landowners, loggers, manufacturers, and others involved in the forestry industry, which is East Texas' number one commodity. TFA is based at Lufkin, and also operates the Texas Forestry Museum, featuring exhibits showing historic and modern uses of forest products.

American Loggers Council, www.americanloggers.org, P.O. Box 966, Hemphill, Texas 75948; Executive Vice President Daniel J. Dructor. Phone 409-625-0206; Fax 409-625-0207; email americanlogger@aol.com Represents state logging associations nationwide. Made up of a coalition of state and regional logging associations and councils, ALC represents more than 50,000 employees and reaches over 10,000 logging contractors.

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