View Full Version : FBI Rushes Into Home of Maryland Family and Shoots at Unarmed 18 Year Old Girl.

17th November 2012, 11:47 AM
Thursday morning in District Heights, Maryland, an FBI swat team rushed into the home of an average, innocent family and shot at an unarmed, 18 year old girl.

According to ABC News:

“An early morning FBI raid has a District Heights family in fear. The agents came into the house and drew their guns at the family’s daughter, but she wasn’t armed. “They almost hit my daughter, man,” says Emory Hughley. “If I hadn’t told her to go back in her room they probably would have shot her.”

Hughley says he was asleep in the basement when he heard a bang at the front door. His 18-year-old daughter Myasia was upstairs in her room with two friends who were spending the night. Around 6 a.m. he says he came up to the living room and saw 15 FBI SWAT agents coming inside, guns drawn.

“I’m shouting ‘Nobody is armed, nobody has a gun!’ and then all of a sudden I heard ‘She’s got a gun!’ and they just opened fire,” he says. Hughley says he looked up and saw his daughter standing outside her bedroom in the hallway. Then he heard gunfire. “I’ve got eight holes in my wall. One bullet went past my head, almost hit me, ricocheted off my brick wall and some of the shrap metal hit my little daughter in the back of her neck, all for nothing.” says Hughley.”

The family and the whole neighborhood is stunned and traumatized by the attack, and the FBI has given no explanation aside from saying that they were “exercising a search warrant”

The girls mother is still demanding answers, “They tried to kill her,” she said. “They tried to kill my daughter.”

18 year old Myasia has since been treated and released from the hospital and has now fully recovered.


17th November 2012, 11:49 AM
There ya go.

What else is there to say?

17th November 2012, 12:00 PM
I was surprised that it was the FBI and not a regular police force......times are changing......for the worse.

still afloat
17th November 2012, 01:31 PM
Ok 15 FBI agents , 8 shots fired at close range and all 8 shots miss with only a piece of fragmented bullet hitting someone.
Either I missed getting the new only shoot to scare memo, or that thar is some pretty piss poor shooting skills.
If the time comes I want them in on the raid at my house.

midnight rambler
17th November 2012, 02:24 PM
It's not at all that unusual for the testosterone cowboys to miss their target entirely, and the only real reason anyone ends up getting hit is 'cause these moron do full mag dumps, and when there's dozens and dozens of bullets flying eventually someone is going to get hit.

It's like that cop who recently shot another cop in the back with a shotgun on a 'dynamic entry' type raid when the shotgun shooting cop was *aiming* at a dog.

Bottomline: There's absolutely NO place for heavily armed 'dynamic entries' of homes in a peaceful, civilized society setting (outside of a war zone) and armed home invasions should always be repelled with all the force necessary to do so.

17th November 2012, 02:29 PM
"The Growth of the American Police State" - it's a book that writes itself.


18th November 2012, 01:18 AM
Im getting out of this western BS .............

18th November 2012, 01:38 AM
How did search warrants turn into home invasion warrants?

midnight rambler
18th November 2012, 01:44 AM
How did search warrants turn into home invasion warrants?

Dynamic entries are necessary for 'officer safety' of course. Fuck everyone else.

Old Herb Lady
18th November 2012, 08:18 AM
This story is absolutely terrifying. What the "reason" for this ? What is the excuse this time ?
Look at how many times this has even happened at the WRONG house. Totally insane.
I can't believe how this is allowed to happen. How do you not live in terror knowing this could
happen at anytime to anyone anywhere ? Unbelievable.

18th November 2012, 08:46 AM
People should do this every time a cop walks into a room.... point at the cop and yell: "Watch out! He has a gun!!"

I bet every single cop would spazz out and draw his weapon.

Twisted Titan
18th November 2012, 09:56 AM
there ya go.

What else is there to say?
