View Full Version : The Debt Solution

21st November 2012, 05:59 PM
This appeared in the 1905 Las Vegas Times.


21st November 2012, 07:33 PM
To me a "debt" solution is.....don't get into it to start with.

Make it two of them...Zen Ponce

Hatha Sunahara
21st November 2012, 09:17 PM
This was before anybody heard of the Federal Reserve. I always thought the sovereigns and the banksters were two different gangs, but gangsters nevertheless. The courts in France appear to favor the sovereigns over the creditors. Today's American courts favor the creditors over the sovereigns. That's what democracy is for. So they can pass all the debt off to the people who are sovereigns. You voted for it--now it's time to pay for it. The eternally correct principle is that the people pay for everything--including the inequality. "The bankers own. The Sovereigns rule, the People Pay." Hasn't changed in millennia.
