View Full Version : Take this Job and STICK IT - News Anchors Resign Together from Zio-Stream Media -LIVE

22nd November 2012, 08:26 AM

Have to admire these 2.


"A pair of local TV news anchors had a surprise for viewers at the end of their 6 p.m. newscast on Tuesday: They're quitting.

Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio, anchors for ABC's WVII affiliate in Bangor, Maine, announced their joint resignations, citing a dispute with management over journalistic practices."

""There was a constant disrespecting and belittling of staff," Michaels told the Bangor Daily News. "We both felt there was a lack of knowledge from ownership and upper management in running a newsroom to the extent that I was not allowed to structure and direct them professionally. I couldn't do everything I wanted to as a news director. There was a regular undoing of decisions."

"It's a culmination of ongoing occurrences that took place the last several years and basically involved upper-management practices that we both strongly disagreed with," she continued. "It's a little complicated, but we were expected to do somewhat unbalanced news, politically, in general." "

Quoth Upper Management ~
"Palmer also told the Associated Press that the pair "were on their way out, anyway," and that "sometimes people leave their jobs before they're asked to leave."

Uhhh ... yeah. That, Mr. Palmer, is why the 2 people you had in this job both resigned at once.

So GREAT !!! to see people 'stand up to the system' - even if it's just once, in a smaller city.

Something to be thankful for - GREAT TIMING !

Thank God for Cindy & Tony !