22nd November 2012, 01:27 PM
Americans Feast on Hoaxes and Propaganda While Astonishing Truths Are Assigned to the Dustbin of History: (1) Prosperity preachers promise the gullible that God wants them to have earthly riches, yachts, jewelry, fur coats, mansions; (2) Former President Bill Clinton calls Mitt Romney a liar—pot calling the kettle black?; (3) U.S. government colludes with Israel to deny 1969 Israeli murderous attack on U.S.S. Liberty Ship; (4) JFK assassination—We finally are shown buried video of First Lady Jackie Kennedy claiming her husband was killed in a conspiracy and that Lyndon B. Johnson was part of it; (5) Nuremberg War Crimes Trial—hoax perpetrated by U.S. and Allies. Torture was used to compel Germans to “confess.” Most of the evidence was fabricated; (6) Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess’ secret peace mission to Great Britain: Hess was strangled to death in prison to keep him from telling what really happened; (7) Hitler allowed British Army to escape at Dunkirk to prove to the British that Germany truly desired peace. History books conceal; (8) There was no such thing as a Nazi “Final Solution” for the Jews. The concentration camps were internment camps, not death factories; (9) Most “anti-Semitic” crimes and incidents against Jews have been hoaxes; (10) Homosexuals are haters of Christians and heterosexuals, not the other way around; (11) “Zombie Jesus:” Actors mocking Christ are celebrated in Philadelphia while Christians are discriminated against; (12) The Pope’s butler did it! Why did Pope Benedict’s butler at the Vatican steal thousands of secret documents?; (13) Citizens of Iceland overthrow regime and renounce the government’s huge debt “owed” the bankers. Iceland prospers afterwards! Role model for U.S.A.?