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Old Herb Lady
22nd November 2012, 02:52 PM
Depopulation by Innoculation: The Gardasil Conspiracy

by Dave Hodges -
October 16, 2012 -

http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2012/10/Bill-Gates-Vaccines.jpg (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/10/16/guard-us-all-against-gardasil-the-evil-1/bill-gates-vaccines/)

“The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing.”Christopher Manes, Earth First

California Governor Brown vetoed a mandatory ski helmet law. The Governor stated that the “State was over stepping its bounds of control.” In stark contrast, on October 9th, 2011, Brown signed AB 499 into law which provides that the Merck manufactured, Gardasil, designed to prevent cervical cancer, can be administered to children 12 years old and up without parental consent.

Government should not be in the business of mandating personal choices and government should never be allowed to legislate choices which should be reserved for parents with regard to their children’s health and welfare. At least the notion of wearing a helmet while skiing makes sense on the surface. Yet to Governor Brown, saying yes to the deep pocketed interests of Merck makes more sense to the financial well-being of the Governor’s future political campaigns than it does to the welfare of the children that he is constitutionally sworn to protect. This travesty will soon become the poster child for America’s increasing incidences of corporate fascist cronyism courtesy of people and organizations such as Merck, Governor Brown and the rest of the California State Assembly.

The passage of AB 499, sponsored by Toni G. Atkins, D-San Diego, begs the question of who has the ultimate authority of the welfare of our children. Is it the state or is it the parents? Well, if you live in California, the nanny state purports to have the final say. At least ski helmets would have promoted some measure of safety, while Gardasil has resulted in needless tragedy for over 40,000 children who have been vaccinated by well intentioned doctors who are ignorant of the side effects (http://http//www.judicialwatch.org/documents/2008/JWReportFDAhpvVaccineRecords.pdf).
What the medical establishment is not telling you is that thousands of girls are having adverse reactions to the HPV Vaccines, some have even died -at last count, at least 103 lives have been lost to Gardasil (http://http//geniuspregnancy.com/health/boys-vaccinated-against-human-papillomavirus.html).

The American public should remember Merck, the creator of Vioxx. This is the same Merck, who only after intense pressure from the medical community and the media decided to pull the dangerous drug, Vioxx, from the market after an estimated 140,000 adverse reactions (http://http//www.judicialwatch.org/documents/2008/JWReportFDAhpvVaccineRecords.pdf) had already occurred. And the pulling of Vioxx occurred only after a safety trial was stopped because there was an undeniable and increased risk for serious cardiovascular dangers such as heart attacks and strokes (http://http//www.whale.to/vaccine/vaers_gardasil.html)from using the drug.
http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2012/10/gardasil1.jpg (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/10/16/guard-us-all-against-gardasil-the-evil-1/gardasil-3/)

Merck has been no less reckless in their administration of Gardasil as they were with Vioxx. First and foremost, Merck and the Food and Drug Administration’s clinical trials have been called into question for blatant fraud committed during the required FDA testing period. Both the control group and the experimental group, in the clinical trials, were given the aluminum adjuvant contained in the Gardasil. Control group and experimental group comparisons are done to ensure public safety from adverse side effects as much as possible. In this case, it would have be standard practice to provide the control group with a saline solution instead of the aluminum adjuvant in order to determine the risk posed by the adjuvant given to the experimental group. In failing to follow these research norms, Merck and the FDA have endangered the public health. These research protocols violate every known tenant to proper research; it represents an air of unprofessionalism that demonstrates collusion to commit fraud against the general public on behalf of Merck as sponsored by the FDA. In fact, Judicial Watch was forced to file a lawsuit under the Public Records Act in order to obtain the obfuscated side effect results as the FDA tried to cover up their own complicity in this research fraud (http://http//www.judicialwatch.org/documents/2008/JWReportFDAhpvVaccineRecords.pdf)by refusing to release the relevant documents.

Gardasil is marketed as a vaccine that prevents cancer, but the drug has not been evaluated (http://http//www.judicialwatch.org/documents/2008/JWReportFDAhpvVaccineRecords.pdf) for the potential to cause cancer or genotoxicity. Gardasil is a prophylactic, preventative vaccine and is of absolutely no value in the treatment of a pre-existing HPV infection. It is neither a cancer vaccine nor a cure; yet, the public has been led to believe that this is the case. The New England Journal of Medicine found that there remains no conclusive proof that Gardasil altered the course of HPV-16 or HPV-18 infection (http://http//www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa061741)for which the patient was symptomatic prior to the administration of the first dose.
Gardasil is the most costly vaccine ever to be approved by the FDA. However, its long-term effectiveness (http://http//www.judicialwatch.org/documents/2008/JWReportFDAhpvVaccineRecords.pdf) is not known and several estimates state that Gardasil’s life as a vaccine could be only two to three years. This opens up the distinct possibility that a Gardasil vaccinated child will require several booster shots which will undoubtedly increase the bottom line for Merck, but the risk for side-effects among the vaccinated could increase exponentially with each successive vaccination.

http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2012/10/INJECTIONS-150x150.jpg (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/10/16/guard-us-all-against-gardasil-the-evil-1/injections/)

The VAERS reports show that as many as eighteen people have died after receiving Gardasil. The VAERS reports document identifies 38 reports of Guillain-Barre Syndrome among juvenile females who previously received the Gardasil vaccine. Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a catastrophic illness (http://http//text.vaccineriskawareness.com/Gardasil-and-Cervarix-The-Cervical-Cancer-Vaccines) that attacks the nervous system which can and often does result in paralysis. Ironically, Gardasil is being developed against only four types of HPV (http://http//www.whale.to/vaccine/vaers_gardasil.html). However, there is over 100 strains of HPV, 30 of which are transmitted sexually. Just what could have Governor Brown been thinking?
Do you not think that this is the first time that this kind of dangerous medical fraud has been and will be visited upon your children for profit and political career advancement? Think again! The American Academy of Pediatrics (http://http//geniuspregnancy.com/health/boys-vaccinated-against-human-papillomavirus.html)recommends that boys of the age of 11 to 12 years should be vaccinated with the vaccine against HPV with the Gardasil vaccination. Even my doctors are serving the Big Pharma agenda, as evidenced by the fact that my son’s former pediatrician relentlessly tried to give my 11 year old son the Gardasil injection. When I presented the good doctor with some of the data contained in this report, he replied “your ideas are not contained within the mainstream of medicine.” Since when is scientific research required to reflect the mainstream of the Big Pharma agenda? The moral of this story is to fire your doctor and find a health care provider who is committed to the welfare of their patients.

http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2012/10/death-by-teen-screen-150x150.jpg (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/10/16/guard-us-all-against-gardasil-the-evil-1/death-by-teen-screen/)

Undoubtedly, school districts will be provided incentives as they do in the TeenScreen scam as another Big Pharma giant, Eli Lilly, is attempting to entice every school district in the country to test pre-teens and teens for suicidal depression. The diagnostic instrument devised by TeenScreen produced a false positive rate of 84% in comparison with other tried and tested diagnostic instruments. TeenScreen, just as it is with Gardasil, is a scam designed to get the children hooked on psychotropic drugs through the use of a bogus screening instrument (http://http//www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2012/10/06/government-sponsored-mind-control-in-america-the-teen-screen-scam/)and it was done without parental notification and permission in the same manner being implemented in California. As was the case with TeenScreen, your children will be bribed with movie tickets and coupons for pizza in order to get them to line up for their Gardasil vaccination. And of course, as was the case with Governor Brown and Gardasil, the government lent their support to the TeenScreen effort as well when President George W. Bush issued an executive order which sanctioned this insanity. Bush, Brown and every other Gardasil endorsing politician drink from the same troth and your children need you to protect them from people and organizations such as these.
Unfortunately, Merck has its long financial arm in many state legislatures and soon every child in the country, both boys and girls, is going to be at risk thanks to this unholy partnership between the school districts, Merck and the politicians who are all too eager to curry favor from this pharmaceutical giant.
Your children are not the property of Eli Lilly, Merck, Governor Brown or any of the other political prostitutes. Your children look to you, their parents, to protect them from evil 1% such as the ones discussed here.

Perhaps what we need to do in order to best protect our children is to begin an “Occupy Big Pharma” movement. Until that day arrives, and in the meantime, what will you do when the Gardasil fraud debuts in your community? I can unequivocally state that organizations like TeenScreen and the Big Pharma will never get their hands on my ten year old son. Not now, not ever! Can you say the same for your child?
For the good of your children, distribute this article to your family, friends, neighbors, local school board members as well as your elected representatives. And at the end of the day, pray to almighty God that he will guard our children from the purveryors of Gardasil.


22nd November 2012, 04:01 PM
Merck is a dangerous company. They have form going way way back. They were involved in polio catastrophy. It's my contention that the almost ubiquitous incidence of cancer is a result of the polio campaign over more than 50 years. Now 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women contract cancer. 50% of men now get cancer in their lifetime.

22nd November 2012, 04:02 PM
The heading of this thread is the first thing that came to mind.

mick silver
23rd November 2012, 09:10 AM
there just looking out for the kids