View Full Version : I saw the future today......

26th November 2012, 01:54 PM
Just got back from Wally's at the bit town....while there I ate a deliciour and nutricious Mac meal...hey, I like it.

Anyway, I came out eating an apple dujiky and while walking to may car a pigeon was following me.....so.....I gave him a piece of my pie, then another pegeon came and landed next to me........so.......I gave him another piece. Nex thing that you know there were between 30 to 50 pigeons and birds all around me, I was unable to give everyone a piece of my pie (sorry about that)........and you know what? neither did I, I had NOTHINGGGGGG left.........this is the way that it will be if you are thinking about helping others WTSHTF, first a couple and then dozens.......and they will keep on coming back till there is nothing left for you or your famiy................. BEWARE... I also saw this in Cuba.

First post of the day.........good afternoon to one and all.

26th November 2012, 02:10 PM
Nobody said anything about sharing. :p

26th November 2012, 03:00 PM
Silver Island is a place where pigeons will be made into pie.

A refuge from a storm, where forum members and the like can go and contribute to as much as they would like. And stay so long as they can support themselves.

I will create a church on the grounds and be the preacher, so that Spectrism has somewhere to go to confess. :)

26th November 2012, 04:57 PM

Silver Rocket Bitches!
26th November 2012, 05:05 PM
Come SHTF time it will be more like hungry rats than pidgeons looking for food.

26th November 2012, 06:39 PM
Good metaphor Ponce.

26th November 2012, 07:05 PM
Of couse Fanks, only jewels of knowledge emates from this woderfull brain of mine hahahhahahahaahah.

26th November 2012, 07:24 PM
ponce needs a new keyboard for christmas...his seems to be missing a few keys...lol ;D

mick silver
27th November 2012, 04:18 AM
give till it hurts . someone stole 50 ricks of firewood from one of my places .

27th November 2012, 04:57 AM
Silver Island is a place where pigeons will be made into pie.

A refuge from a storm, where forum members and the like can go and contribute to as much as they would like. And stay so long as they can support themselves.

I will create a church on the grounds and be the preacher, so that Spectrism has somewhere to go to confess. :)
This one already has a church:
A bargain at $122.000

27th November 2012, 05:52 AM
give till it hurts . someone stole 50 ricks of firewood from one of my places .

Holy shit Mick! That is a lot of firewood. Was it all split and seasoned? $2500 worth at least.

27th November 2012, 07:30 AM
Of couse Fanks, only jewels of knowledge emates from this woderfull brain of mine hahahhahahahaahah.

Can it be true, I've been honored with one of Ponce's rare and valuable "thanks"?? I am not worthy! http://www.capcom-europe.com/forum/images/smilies/worthy.gif

27th November 2012, 08:24 AM
Hahahahaaahaahah.....thanks for thinking of my thanks...... :)

First post of the day..........good morning to one and all.

27th November 2012, 12:55 PM
This one already has a church:
A bargain at $122.000

Ther'ya go Ponce, Silver Island ready to purchase with a church already constructed.

We're ready to move.


27th November 2012, 01:57 PM
Silver Island is a place where pigeons will be made into pie.

A refuge from a storm, where forum members and the like can go and contribute to as much as they would like. And stay so long as they can support themselves.

I will create a church on the grounds and be the preacher, so that Spectrism has somewhere to go to confess. :)

Dont you know what pigeons can do to churches............http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65428-Church-tower-collects-2-tonnes-of-pigeon-poo

27th November 2012, 02:08 PM
I love the small island that they show in the center of the bay......is like my property here where I have very few tall trees but I am surrounded by the forest...also the fact that there is only one entrance from the oceas as per only one road here.

27th November 2012, 05:55 PM
The more you give the more you get back, that is the one thing God said to test him on. Try it!

27th November 2012, 08:17 PM
Today the guy who walks with me every morning came over to clean my yard and he asked me ........ "How come you don't do it? are to to lazy or what?".....and I told him...... "To old and to lazy and as long as people needs money I'll someone to do it for me"...... he told me "Well, I wond do it and you owed me nothing"........he worked for ! !/4 hour.......so I gave him a $20.00 and told him ...... "Now you wil rememer for ever that you did work for me" hahaahaahahh.

To proud to work for me but not to proud to take a $20.00......he was only expecting $8.50....... He is one of those that I don't trust WTSHTF and that's why I allowed him only in certain part of my property.

28th November 2012, 05:31 AM
Ther'ya go Ponce, Silver Island ready to purchase with a church already constructed.

We're ready to move.

I think this move would make amazing reality TV, gold-silver.usland...

28th November 2012, 06:45 AM
It's like a miracle.

"Ponce told the flock to sit on the ground. Then He took seven apple dujiky's, and when He had given thanks, He broke them and gave them to the pigeons. They all ate and were satisfied. Afterward He picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was four thousand, besides starlings and blackbirds. After Ponce had sent the birds away, He got into the car and went to the vicinity of Magadan."

28th November 2012, 07:26 AM
Don't feed the swans.

Swans caused death of kayaker (http://www.sj-r.com/breaking/x35745372/Swans-caused-death-of-kayaker)

28th November 2012, 01:21 PM
It's like a miracle.

"Ponce told the flock to sit on the ground. Then He took seven apple dujiky's,

Yeah Ponce, where's the plans for that Telsla dujiky you promised?

You remember the one that caused an extremely nauseating effect when attached to the footers of a building.

28th November 2012, 03:22 PM
It's like a miracle.

"Ponce told the flock to sit on the ground. Then He took seven apple dujiky's, and when He had given thanks, He broke them and gave them to the pigeons. They all ate and were satisfied. Afterward He picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was four thousand, besides starlings and blackbirds. After Ponce had sent the birds away, He got into the car and went to the vicinity of Magadan."

Hey Santa?, in another 2 millions years I'll be able to do all that, not yet, that's why I am only "God Jr Ponce" :)