View Full Version : Summoning Barons

27th November 2012, 04:30 AM
Interesting tidbits. While the title of (land) Baron doesn't exist in the United States there are still people who presume to own land. The United States also recognizes English common law which (as a result of feudal leftovers) actually did have Barons.

So here is the deal. There were two classes of Barons. The most eminent were those classed Barones Regni majores. They were summoned by writs directed to them specifically. The general run of Baron were given summons from the Sheriff (the King's man) in each of the several counties.

Now this last seems to be the way the present day outlaw seems to project his authority. By accepting a summons from the hand of the Sheriff (or one of his underlings) then you have consigned yourself to an inferior class. You have 72 hours to return it if you accepted it in error. Should you do so claiming to be a member of the Barones Regni majores who refuses to be summoned by a servant then who is going to argue with you?

27th November 2012, 04:42 AM
Perhaps this gives rise to the term "Robber Barons". But this is also the position desired by a Sovereign Freeman adherent. To be able to turn away a summons as refused for cause.

interesting info. I've been looking into the question of Public Officers. Australian stautes include a role of being a Public Officer. An apparent umbrella term for anyone claiming authority. There doesn't appear to be any defined process of how to become one. I was thinking there might be some common law public offices that need filling. Specifically notary public but now I'm thinking a Baron could be a public office. Does it need a patent or warrant or something from the head of the commonwealth who appears to be in absence? Worthy of looking into

27th November 2012, 04:46 AM
Here we have "peace officers". Peace used to be of great importance to society. In a society built on war they have lost the meaning of the word though.

27th November 2012, 04:47 AM
This lady seems to have the idea.


27th November 2012, 04:51 AM
In Roman law if one was not present then there was no way he could disrupt the peace. Any summons could be refused unless perhaps directed by the chief magistrate (Caesar or the Emperor) because the lack of physical presence would not injure the public peace. Now they could always CAUSE you to appear by swearing out a warrant but then you have someone accusing you of some criminal action.

Hatha Sunahara
27th November 2012, 09:56 AM
Ms Courtney Cole in the video above seems to have skipped the content of what to write diagonally in blue pen across the document you are refusing. What exactly do you write across the page? "REFUSED"? Or do you have to hire Courtney to give you that information?


27th November 2012, 11:44 AM
Ms Courtney Cole in the video above seems to have skipped the content of what to write diagonally in blue pen across the document you are refusing. What exactly do you write across the page? "REFUSED"? Or do you have to hire Courtney to give you that information?

There does seem to be a little hole in her information.

You might write "I do not consent" or "I reserve all my rights" or "returned without recourse".

For myself I have a stamp that I put on the outside of their envelopes that says "Addressed to a Federal Zone" (when a zip code is present on the address). I am not even curious enough to open up the envelope. It just gets returned by the postman without having to pay any additional postage. Or I might just mark "RETURN TO SENDER", for example, when their return address shows a "$300 FINE FOR PRIVATE USE" offer. There are penalties associated with opening up another's mail.

The thing is ... anything from the government is going to be spelled in all caps without fail. I am on the public record telling MY government how to address me and it it not in a federal zone nor is it my name in all caps. I am a bit particular about this as I have taken the trouble to actually notify federal agencies how I may be contacted and I really don't like agents who are so incompetent that they cannot follow my simple directions.

What it finally gets down to is, if all else is perfect, MY government doesn't pay first class postage. They communicate with me using FRANKED envelopes. I remember a few of these from the '60s and early '70s but they seem to have forgotten that THEY DO NOT PAY POSTAGE.

27th November 2012, 11:56 AM
I have read some of the 1857 Iowa constitutional debates (a two volume set that was printed around that time). One of the problems discussed with the new constitution (which by the way is the CURRENT constitution) was the problem federal areas represented to the state government. The delegates expressed some concern that criminals could run to the nearest federal zone and the state would not be able to perfect service on them. The final conclusion was that there could be a problem but that no other state seemed to be concerned with the possibility and the topic was dropped.

Nonetheless, these federal zones now cover each of the several States entirely and you accept this state of affairs by using the zip code. The feds can't seem to touch you without violating their oaths of office if you are not in a federal zone and are not a federal citizen while the present day states can't seem to reach out and touch you if you are not in a federal zone either. This is not true of the non-federalized state government but there seems to be no interest at all in reviving this constitutional form of state government. Too many people in government pay their mortgages with federal welfare to worry about actually owning anything.

29th November 2012, 08:25 PM
What it finally gets down to is, if all else is perfect, MY government doesn't pay first class postage. They communicate with me using FRANKED envelopes. I remember a few of these from the '60s and early '70s but they seem to have forgotten that THEY DO NOT PAY POSTAGE.

In Australia it is free to communicate with your Government. All postal services for petitions to the Executive are free of all charges. Except no one in the postal service knows this. Of course the other issue you have is that everyone thinks the Prime Minister is the Government when this is not the case at all.

Perhaps your government isn't able to communicate free of charge because they are not a real government? I'm assuming your talking about the usurpers seated at the moment?

30th November 2012, 05:12 AM
Perhaps your government isn't able to communicate free of charge because they are not a real government? I'm assuming your talking about the usurpers seated at the moment?

Yep. The use of first class postage is a tell that they are not in fact a public government. That is not to say they are not a government but that they are a private run affair.