View Full Version : Brzezinski: US must stop following Israel “like a stupid mule”.

27th November 2012, 02:24 PM
More good read at link......the food for your mind are letters, read and be mind healthy.

Leading US strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski – unofficial dean of the realist school of American foreign policy experts – has drawn an unflattering picture of US-Israel relations.

In a speech to the National Iranian American Council, Brzezinksi said:

“I don’t think there is an implicit obligation for the United States to follow like a stupid mule whatever the Israelis do. If they decide to start a war, simply on the assumption that we’ll automatically be drawn into it, I think it is the obligation of friendship to say, ‘you’re not going to be making national decision for us.’ I think that the United States has the right to have its own national security policy.”

By denying any US “obligation” to “follow like a stupid mule whatever the Israelis do,” Brzezinski accurately implied that this is exactly what the US has been doing up until now. And by plaintively opining that “the United States has the right to have its own national security policy,” the former National Security Adviser underlined the fact that since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who secretly went to war with Ben Gurion in a doomed effort to abort the Israeli nuclear weapons program, the US has not enjoyed that right.


27th November 2012, 02:34 PM
John F. Kennedy, who secretly went to war with Ben Gurion in a doomed effort to abort the Israeli nuclear weapons program

I read some time ago that this was also a reason that Israel was involved in his death. I think it was called the gemstone files

The gemstone file was written in many segments over a period of years by an American man named Bruce Roberts. Parts of the file were released to certain Americans beginning in 1969. The number of handwritten pages is well over a thousand, of which I have read about four hundred. I do not have the time of the research facilities to verify the entire story. Perhaps others can help.

Since the scope of the work is so large, and the events described so complex and interlocking, it may be more easily understood with this skeleton outline of the gemstone thesis. Individual papers can then be read with greater comprehension.


General of Darkness
27th November 2012, 02:53 PM
I find this very very odd. Zbig is not to be trusted, so what he says is always in his, and his masters interests.

27th November 2012, 03:44 PM
I find this very very odd. Zbig is not to be trusted, so what he says is always in his, and his masters interests.

That would mean its in his master's interest that the U.S. stop supporting Israel like a blind mule.

27th November 2012, 03:50 PM
I read some time ago that this was also a reason that Israel was involved in his death. I think it was called the gemstone files
Thank you for this. Its some good reading.

27th November 2012, 03:54 PM
Even mules are not that stupid................

27th November 2012, 04:14 PM
Even mules are not that stupid................


Not these mules.

27th November 2012, 04:15 PM
Well, this shit is kind of hard to deny anymore, given that Israel is literally training paramilitary police forces inside the US.
Even liberal Democrat family members are talking about Izzy and the god damn jews these days, where just last year they would
turn red and bloat if I said anything slightly antagonistic about the tribal ones.

General of Darkness
27th November 2012, 04:26 PM
That would mean its in his master's interest that the U.S. stop supporting Israel like a blind mule.

Well maybe Israel has outlived its usefulness. I mean what would be better and than the U.S. abandoning Israhell, false flag it, then TPTB sell a shit load of bombs etc while financing it through fiat money. Fuck me, that's a win win.

There are a ton of scenarios on this one. You do realize that the jews are fleeing Israel. Ultimately don't trust pieces of shit like this jew Zbig.

27th November 2012, 04:37 PM
I find this very very odd. Zbig is not to be trusted, so what he says is always in his, and his masters interests.
A few analysts have suggested that Israel will be thrown under the bus sooner or later, by their masters he Rothschilds, the term Goyim may apply to Jews as well. I think the point is that you will not get the world by its throat, if you continue to support the most belligerent nation of earths history, too many will react to its inherent injustice, you need to be perceived as morally superior. Let the firework commence...

27th November 2012, 04:45 PM
Don't forget Kissinger just said the place won't exist in another 10 years on Sept 25th.

That's two show stoppers in the past couple months.

27th November 2012, 04:47 PM
I find this very very odd. Zbig is not to be trusted, so what he says is always in his, and his masters interests.

Is the National Iranian American Council a controlled organization? I'm with you, this ziggy speech isn't on the level.

27th November 2012, 04:48 PM
I read some time ago that this was also a reason that Israel was involved in his death. I think it was called the gemstone files


Thanks. This is quite a read.

27th November 2012, 05:00 PM
This could be an attempt to expose the fence sitters on the inside.

Get the dialog officially started, and see who pokes at the football.

An attempt to clarify positions within the ranks.

27th November 2012, 05:09 PM
OP link no worky.

I am unable to get the page to load from here too.

originally came from press.tv


27th November 2012, 06:13 PM
Thank you for this. Its some good reading.

interesting reading. I'm intrigued by the reference to "Sodium Morphate". Perhaps our resident chemist/doctors can shed some light on this "chemical" that smells like apples.

Can anyone find a verifiable reference to this chemical? It's composition etc? Google shows me some fictional references to it as an assasins tool but nothing non fiction so far.

27th November 2012, 06:25 PM
Probably doesn't exist from what I found. Could be a fake name used instead of the real thing that shouldn't be common knowledge.

27th November 2012, 06:48 PM
interesting reading. I'm intrigued by the reference to "Sodium Morphate". Perhaps our resident chemist/doctors can shed some light on this "chemical" that smells like apples.

Can anyone find a verifiable reference to this chemical? It's composition etc? Google shows me some fictional references to it as an assasins tool but nothing non fiction so far.

Found this on Google from 99. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/sci.chem/tAFyqjWopHE

Either this is a group of good bullshitters or these guys might know what they are talking about.

27th November 2012, 06:50 PM
A google book on the gem stone files.


27th November 2012, 08:17 PM
interesting reading. I'm intrigued by the reference to "Sodium Morphate". Perhaps our resident chemist/doctors can shed some light on this "chemical" that smells like apples.

Can anyone find a verifiable reference to this chemical? It's composition etc? Google shows me some fictional references to it as an assasins tool but nothing non fiction so far.

morphine in a salt form? (i.e., water soluble)

27th November 2012, 08:20 PM
Found this on Google from 99. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/sci.chem/tAFyqjWopHE

Either this is a group of good bullshitters or these guys might know what they are talking about.

Ok, so I am going to propose this is a cyanide based poison. Only because it is constantly referred to in this mafia stuff as the means of topping someone. They say they use it as a spray which they spray in someone's face who then involuntarily inhales from the surprise. In addition to this is the mention of the fact this poison is undetectable after several hours. This is another trait of the cyanide method.

Another member here has posted some stuff from an interview with a mafioso hitman who says they use this method.

Digging around further I came across the Australia/New Zealand portion of this global Onasis mafia new world order movement. Probably not going to be of interest to most people here : http://www.netti.fi/~makako/mind/opal.txt

Claims that an NZ Prime minister was killed this way.

27th November 2012, 08:44 PM
interesting. it is the italians and greeks that did it!

gem stone files, brought to you by... the Rothschilds?

27th November 2012, 09:10 PM
interesting. it is the italians and greeks that did it!

gem stone files, brought to you by... the Rothschilds?

I thought that interesting as well. I was going to post on the whole Onassis thing. I've read a lot of material from the contra's, the cocaine through Mesa, Stalin, Moa, JFK, Redshields and so on but I have never seen the name Onassis mentioned in connection with any of it before now.

When I was reading it, it smelled like a Sorcha Faal effort.

I actually went up a level on the URL I posted ending up here: http://www.netti.fi/~makako/mind/

This page actually contains information on Electromagnetic Mindcontrol. Every where I go these past few days has been links back to the global grid stuff. Getting spooky again. Won't mention 222. I got a heap of sightings I never posted. It tapered off the last couple months to maybe 1 or 2 a week, but has been back with a vengence since about 2 -3 weeks ago.