View Full Version : unbelievable press conference from jerusalem

Large Sarge
27th November 2012, 09:07 PM

This is something that will NEVER be seen on the presstitue stuporvision in the USA. Watch this clip now before it is pulled from circulation by Youtube.

This is a fifty second film clip of a news conference in Jerusalem with Hillary Clinton and Benjamin Netanyahu. The comments by Netanyahu are absolute stunning in what they reveal---both a total disregard and abject contempt for human life. look closely at Hillary Clinton. Her body language reflects a great deal of stress. She looks like somebody just kicked her in the stomach. As hard boiled as she is, even Hillary is stunned by his remarks. Also, watch her face as Netanyahu lectures her on Israeli policy and his contempt for the views of both the United States and the international community.

27th November 2012, 09:12 PM
Uhhhh...........................................wh at?!?

Onion voice over or real?

midnight rambler
27th November 2012, 09:18 PM
Uhhhh...........................................wh at?!?

Onion voice over or real?

Indeed, WTF?? ???

27th November 2012, 09:24 PM
What the fuck did I just watch??? This can't be real, an impostor?

27th November 2012, 09:36 PM
Here's one of the Youtube comments translated from Dutch:

"Well done though. It also sounds quite natural, from the mouth of Netanyahu."

("Knap gedaan hoor. Het klinkt ook best wel natuurlijk, vanuit de mond van Netanyahu. ")

27th November 2012, 09:42 PM
The lip sync looked to be dead on which is why I think impostor or a double or something.

27th November 2012, 09:55 PM
I'm pretty sure this is fake:

- initially, you can hear lots of people talking in the room. Then, when he starts talking, it's abruptly dead silent, instantly. A large crowd doesn't get quiet that fast, even if a president starts speaking. It would take at least 1 - 2 seconds for them to quiet down. Of course since they are using a fake voice, they have to get rid of the original audio - both his voice and the crowd. At some points you instantly hear the crowd start talking, then be instantly quiet. Those points are the original audio.

- More than half the time you can't see his lips. The only key point is when he says "maximize civilian casualties", however, his lips would look exactly the same if he said "minimize civilian casualties"

- The sentences don't make sense. Why would the US and president Obama be expected to understand the fact that they are trying to maximize casualties? No, they'd understand the fact that they are trying to minimize casualties, which is what his lips were saying. If he did indeed mean they were trying to maximize casualties, he wouldn't word it in that nonsensical way.

- If he did want to publicly say they were trying to maximize casualties, it would be in a long speech with plenty of context both before and after the statement. Somewhat buried, if nothing else. Not "Welcome, we're trying to maximize casualties. Bye". However, a very brief public statement like this would be appropriate to mention minimizing casualties. "Welcome, we're trying to minimize casualties. Bye"

27th November 2012, 10:01 PM
Also, the camera shot would not be switching around so much. It was like MTV.

27th November 2012, 10:06 PM
Still fake or not ,its basically what he thinks ,how he acts and people are surprised but not that much.............

27th November 2012, 10:12 PM
yeah surely a spoof- even izzy audiences wouldn't go for that... at least I like to think not...



Large Sarge
28th November 2012, 01:36 AM
Sadly, this looks pretty believable to me......sadly

from everything I here, Netanyahu is completely off the reservation, reportedly the mossad stopped him from attacking Iran a year or 2 ago....

28th November 2012, 04:02 AM
Its Milli Vannilli Netanyahu,

though he did say "Its not something I have to explain to Americans" but that's all.

28th November 2012, 04:13 AM
Here's the original. Nice blue fringe too.



28th November 2012, 07:40 AM
and another:
