View Full Version : an epiphany i just had on global warming

28th November 2012, 09:31 AM
so, we all remember back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, etc. scientists were all saying a new global cooling/ice age was coming.

recent data suggests no global warming for 16 years, and in fact a cooling going on.

here's my theory:

the elites know the ice age is coming. so, they are hyping up global warming to make us implement things that will make the mini ice age even worse. all of thier stuff is specifically designed to exacerbate the cooling period and make it as bad as possible.

massive crop failures, starvation, people freezing to death, etc.

big die off, and they had to do nothing. there's no risk of them getting some bioweapon, being killed in wars, nuclear bombs, etc. nature does it all.

after it's over, they all come out of the underground bunkers and get to work with their new agenda.

people are stupid and will blame it all on mother nature.

the end. i need to be on coast to coast am, aj, rense, or something. i may have it all figured out here.

28th November 2012, 09:34 AM
As you know many big real state companies are now buying property in the South, land and houses, they are not doing this just for the hell of it.

midnight rambler
28th November 2012, 09:35 AM
As you know many big real state companies are now buying property in the South, land and houses, they are not doing this just for the hell of it.

Where? In the sunbelt of south CONUS?

28th November 2012, 10:13 AM
i heard (don't know if it's true) that bush, clinton, etc. were all buying land in sa. paraguay i think.

28th November 2012, 10:18 AM
i heard (don't know if it's true) that bush, clinton, etc. were all buying land in sa. paraguay i think.

Chad?, they already have.....right over the second biggest underground lake of sweet water south of the border, Bush property is in the name of his kid.......but Clinton I don't know.

28th November 2012, 10:20 AM
Where? In the sunbelt of south CONUS?

Blackrock was buying up Florida properties. We had a thread about 2 weeks ago on this. I think it was Blackrock.

28th November 2012, 10:32 AM
One guy about 3 miles from me got an offer for his property......it was a fair price.....I did a search and it was a real state company form Florida. About five years ago I got two offers for mine and both the same $225,000.....now I could sell it as a survivalist location.....but then.......where could I buy a location like this one?

28th November 2012, 12:32 PM
so, we all remember back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, etc. scientists were all saying a new global cooling/ice age was coming.

recent data suggests no global warming for 16 years, and in fact a cooling going on.

here's my theory:

the elites know the ice age is coming. so, they are hyping up global warming to make us implement things that will make the mini ice age even worse. all of thier stuff is specifically designed to exacerbate the cooling period and make it as bad as possible.

massive crop failures, starvation, people freezing to death, etc.

big die off, and they had to do nothing. there's no risk of them getting some bioweapon, being killed in wars, nuclear bombs, etc. nature does it all.

after it's over, they all come out of the underground bunkers and get to work with their new agenda.

people are stupid and will blame it all on mother nature.

the end. i need to be on coast to coast am, aj, rense, or something. i may have it all figured out here.
Sheeple will still believe the global heating meme, even when they are still snowed in in late July... The seed vaults at Svalbard would be very inaccessible though, so that can be written off as a disinformation Campaign... To be honest I have had these thoughts myself, but I doubt that the elite knows exactly when the cooling really starts in earnest. I think 6-7 years from now is likely, since that is the next solar minimum, after that no sunspots for a few generations...

28th November 2012, 12:35 PM
Maybe they changed over to "Climate Change" to cover both ends...like the snow in July Neuro mentioned.

28th November 2012, 01:09 PM
Maybe they changed over to "Climate Change" to cover both ends...like the snow in July Neuro mentioned.

That's exactly why they changed from "Global Warming".

28th November 2012, 01:17 PM
After 2008 Financial Crisis the Earth's upper atmosphere encountered a space age record collapse.

Were they related?

Date: 15 July 2010 Time: 04:03 PM ET

An upper layer of Earth's atmosphere recently collapsed in an unexpectedly large contraction, the sheer size of which has scientists scratching their heads, NASA announced Thursday.

The layer of gas ? called the thermosphere ? is now rebounding again. This type of collapse (http://www.space.com/7685-earth-upper-atmosphere-cooling-dramatically.html) is not rare, but its magnitude shocked scientists.
"This is the biggest contraction of the thermosphere in at least 43 years," said John Emmert of the Naval Research Lab, lead author of a paper announcing the finding in the June 19 issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters. "It's a Space Age record."


Half Sense
28th November 2012, 01:49 PM
Maybe it's not climate change but a polar shift. Which direction was the pole slipping? I think somebody predicted the North Pole could shift to Chicago when the slippage accelerates. That would make all but the southernmost parts of the US unlivable.

28th November 2012, 01:54 PM
MINUS 20C? Britain faces coldest winter for 100 years as Big Freeze follows floods with wind so strong it blows water upwards

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2239556/UK-weather-forecast-Britain-faces-coldest-winter-100-years-Big-Freeze-follows-flood.html#ixzz2DYaWOopU

28th November 2012, 02:56 PM
Don't post after having an epiphany. Wait till the effects die down.

They are stronger when the population is bigger, dumber, sicker & more dependent on them.
So they are not trying to kill us en-masse.

the elites know the ice age is coming. so, they are hyping up global warming to make us implement things that will make the mini ice age even worse. all of thier stuff is specifically designed to exacerbate the cooling period and make it as bad as possible.

What are these things please ?
There are no things.

They are just using a phony crisis to control people and enrich themselves.

28th November 2012, 03:57 PM
Don't post after having an epiphany. Wait till the effects die down.

They are stronger when the population is bigger, dumber, sicker & more dependent on them.
So they are not trying to kill us en-masse.

What are these things please ?

How about fuel for heat prohibitively expensive? People actually freeze to death if they can't afford fuel for heat... But that is OK, because the carbon tax will supposedly save people a hundred years from now. I wouldn't be surprised within the next few years if they decide to ban a wide variety of wood/oil fuel stoves/furnaces because they don't fulfill their requirements re efficiency...

I don't think you are familiar with the eugenecist inclination of the global elite?

28th November 2012, 04:14 PM
Hate to be a downer here, but if they wanted to do the underground bunker holiday plan, why not just release some strain of fast acting human specific virus via air, then come back up a few months later v.s. decades, and still get to enjoy all the plants animals etc?

28th November 2012, 04:32 PM
Hate to be a downer here, but if they wanted to do the underground bunker holiday plan, why not just release some strain of fast acting human specific virus via air, then come back up a few months later v.s. decades, and still get to enjoy all the plants animals etc?
1)Because they still will need to breath air in their bunkers, and no filters, existing will filter out viruses, completely...
2)They haven't been able to develop such a virus yet (not from lack of trying though...
3)They probably don't fancy staying in a bunker for any amount of time, secluded tropical islands will still be fine during a mini ice age, where most of earths population either freeze to death or die fighting for diminishing supplies...

28th November 2012, 04:41 PM
1)Because they still will need to breath air in their bunkers, and no filters, existing will filter out viruses, completely...
2)They haven't been able to develop such a virus yet (not from lack of trying though...
3)They probably don't fancy staying in a bunker for any amount of time, secluded tropical islands will still be fine during a mini ice age, where most of earths population either freeze to death or die fighting for diminishing supplies...

Hard to say what they have or don't have behind closed doors. What if they are vaccinated with antibodies, and/or use UV light to filter the air? No virus is going to survive getting fried by UV in open air. i.e. http://www.swordfishuv.com/ use a multi-stage, and way stronger version, or super heat the air, and cool/filter before breathing.

Cold is not going to do much imo. What's stopping everyone else from migrating south as well?

28th November 2012, 05:01 PM
You guys all seem to be under the assumption they breath air...


Good soundtrack

28th November 2012, 05:14 PM
What's stopping everyone else from migrating south as well? Stupidity, nationalism, and borders, the fact is that most of the food on the planet today is grown in temperate regions, and it barely feeds the 7-8 Billion that currently inhabit this wonderful planet. With a couple of Celsius degrees lower temperature = 1 month shorter spring and autumn, on both sides, you would probably only be able to grow 30% of the food you grow today, on these lands. When people get hungry they will start fighting, and probably more will die from that, than actual starvation and freezing. Sure they may have more powerful viruses and efficient viral filters behind close doors, though I am skeptical about it, but why take a risk with it? Instead let people fight it out while you stay in total comfort on a tropical Island... Certainly I am not sure this is the way it's going to pan out, but I'll keep that option open...

28th November 2012, 05:30 PM
Stupidity, nationalism, and borders, the fact is that most of the food on the planet today is grown in temperate regions, and it barely feeds the 7-8 Billion that currently inhabit this wonderful planet. With a couple of Celsius degrees lower temperature = 1 month shorter spring and autumn, on both sides, you would probably only be able to grow 30% of the food you grow today, on these lands. When people get hungry they will start fighting, and probably more will die from that, than actual starvation and freezing. Sure they may have more powerful viruses and efficient viral filters behind close doors, though I am skeptical about it, but why take a risk with it? Instead let people fight it out while you stay in total comfort on a tropical Island... Certainly I am not sure this is the way it's going to pan out, but I'll keep that option open...

Well it certainly would explain Bush Jr buying up all that land in Paraguay. A nice cold snap would definitely thin the herd. Myself I would embrace it. I'm looking for any good guilt free reason to go live far north like Dick Proenneke. Not that I'm wanting to do it, but if pushed I would make it work no doubt.


28th November 2012, 05:33 PM
Cold is not going to do much imo.

A little ice age would have devastating effect on world food supply, for 20 years minimum.

28th November 2012, 05:40 PM
A little ice age would have devastating effect on world food supply, for 20 years minimum.

I was thinking from a wipe it out perspective. People are miraculously adaptive, and are excellent at finding food, and surviving. A water based (fish, etc) diet will still be very much available. It could take decades, maybe even 50 - 100 years before the cold shuts things down to the point of mass starvation imo. Seems like a really slow way to get an end result.

28th November 2012, 05:54 PM
I was thinking from a wipe it out perspective. People are miraculously adaptive, and are excellent at finding food, and surviving. A water based (fish, etc) diet will still be very much available. It could take decades, maybe even 50 - 100 years before the cold shuts things down to the point of mass starvation imo. Seems like a really slow way to get an end result.

most of the population lives in major cities, and most people in major cities are retards. there is the ocaasional GoD running around, but for the most part, they are full of imbeciles.

28th November 2012, 06:15 PM
Moderate climate cities would be crippled in a bout with steadily colder temperatures.

Pipes, Electricity, utility infrastructure would be decimated in two back to back winters.

price of wheat.

28th November 2012, 07:51 PM
most of the population lives in major cities, and most people in major cities are retards. there is the ocaasional GoD running around, but for the most part, they are full of imbeciles.


I've been catching some of the "Joe Rogan experience" podcasts, and he mentions how incredibly frail the link between human survival, and nature has become. People just expect everything to always be there at a moments notice, and give zero thought to that reality ever changing.

Mother nature becomes "the villain". It a virtual zero blame game solution no doubt.


29th November 2012, 04:51 AM
How about fuel for heat prohibitively expensive? People actually freeze to death if they can't afford fuel for heat... But that is OK, because the carbon tax will supposedly save people a hundred years from now. I wouldn't be surprised within the next few years if they decide to ban a wide variety of wood/oil fuel stoves/furnaces because they don't fulfill their requirements re efficiency...

How will this accelerate the allegedly coming ice age ?

29th November 2012, 05:07 AM
there's been multiple discussions at the u.n. and various think tanks about spraying stuff in to the atmosphere to cool the planet, dumping stuff in to the ocean to cool the planet, etc. i will try to google up a list of them.

mick silver
29th November 2012, 06:22 AM
you guys need to pay the tax for the global warming it to help the kids of the rich f..ks so they can control us all later on in there lives

29th November 2012, 06:33 AM
here's a few ideas on things they're thinking up:

blow up a giant asteroid to surround the earth in dust and block the sun:


mix oceans layers to create algae that will eat carbon dioxide:


inject sulphur dioxide in to the stratosphere to create massive clouds to block sunlight:


29th November 2012, 06:43 AM
How will this accelerate the allegedly coming ice age ?
I may have misunderstood, but I didn't read Chad's post as him meaning that the measures implemented by TPTB was meant to accelerate cooling, just to make it much worse for the people. By high taxes on heating fuel and electricity, making expensive and energy wasting ethanol out of food, reducing worldwide storages of grains down to next to nothing, banning coal mining. Bankrupting farmers by speculative shorts on grain markets... Meanwhile brainwash people into believing it is getting warmer, when it is getting cooler...

29th November 2012, 06:45 AM
here's a few ideas on things they're thinking up:

blow up a giant asteroid to surround the earth in dust and block the sun:


mix oceans layers to create algae that will eat carbon dioxide:


inject sulphur dioxide in to the stratosphere to create massive clouds to block sunlight:

Ok I did misunderstand Chad, apparently, and they have plans to cool us even more...

29th November 2012, 07:17 AM
both neuro, you are correct on both accords.

29th November 2012, 09:51 AM
Swedish boffins: An ICE AGE is coming, only CO2 can save us
A group of Swedish scientists at the University of Gothenburg have published a paper in which they argue that spreading peatlands are inexorably driving planet Earth into its next ice age, and the only thing holding back catastrophe is humanity's hotly debated atmospheric carbon emissions.
"We are probably entering a new ice age right now. However, we're not noticing it due to the effects of carbon dioxide," says Professor of Physical Geography Lars Franzén, from the Department of Earth Sciences at Gothenburg uni.

Franzén and his colleagues have examined various scenarios for the peatlands of Sweden, which are a continually expanding "dynamic landscape element". According to the scientists:

Peatlands grow in height and spread across their surroundings by waterlogging woodlands. They are also one of the biggest terrestrial sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Each year, around 20 grams of carbon are absorbed by every square metre of peatland.
The scientists have calculated that the potential is there for Swedish peatlands to triple in extent, enormously increasing their carbon sink effect. By extrapolating to include the rest of the world's high-latitude temperate areas - the parts of the globe where peatland can expand as it does in Sweden - they project the creation of an extremely powerful carbon sink. They theorise that this is the mechanism which tends to force the Earth back into prolonged ice ages after each relatively brief "interglacial" warm period.
"Carbon sequestration in peatland may be one of the main reasons why ice age conditions have occurred time after time," says Franzén.
With no other factors in play, the time is about right for the present interglacial to end and the next ice age to come on. Indeed, Franzén and his crew think it has barely been staved off by human activity:

The researchers believe that the Little Ice Age of the 16th to 18th centuries may have been halted as a result of human activity. Increased felling of woodlands and growing areas of agricultural land, combined with the early stages of industrialisation, resulted in increased emissions of carbon dioxide which probably slowed down, or even reversed, the cooling trend.
Other scientists have attributed (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/14/ice_age/) the Little Ice Age to a quiet period in the Sun's activity: others say it was purely a local effect in Europe, though that theory has lately been disproved (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/03/23/warm_period_little_ice_age_global/) by research in Antarctica.
In any case, the scientists assess that if it weren't for human activity such as carbon emissions, we could expect a new ice era in short order. They write:

Thus, on a global scale, carbon sequestration in peatlands may have had important climate cooling effects towards the ends of previous interglacials ... It cannot be ruled out that similar effects would be seen in a hypothetical Holocene lacking human presence.
It's probably worth noting that the great physicist Freeman Dyson long ago suggested that only relatively small amounts of new peatland would be enough to sequestrate colossal amounts of CO2 from the air. Other scientists have noted (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/03/03/global_warming_seen_before/) in recent times that brief warming spells like that observed at the end of the 20th century appear to have occurred towards the end of previous interglacial periods - just before the glaciers returned.
If Franzén and his team are right, the big chill is now under way, and is only just being held off by increasing human carbon emissions - perhaps explaining why temperatures have been merely flat for the last 15 years or so, rather than descending.
The Swedish scientists' paper is published in the peer-reviewed journal Mires and Peat, and can be read here in pdf (http://www.mires-and-peat.net/map10/map_10_08.pdf).
Comment Naturally this theory runs counter to the global warming scenario as presented by many other scientists and most of the media. That stance has lately been boosted by wildly unjustifiable assertions that global warming caused Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately if you believe that isolated events prove theories, you would pretty much have to accept that global warming has stopped: ten to fifteen years of flat temperatures, or even a few very cold winters - both of which have just happened - are a lot more significant than one storm (and they still aren't significant enough to mean anything much in a climate context).


29th November 2012, 09:52 AM
Lyon: a 'little Ice Age' could be on its way

While Trojan (http://citywire.co.uk/fund/trojan/c10395?section=wealth-manager) and Personal Assets (http://citywire.co.uk/wealth-manager/share-prices-and-performance/share-factsheet.aspx?InstrumentID=2502) star Sebastian Lyon (http://citywire.co.uk/manager/sebastian-lyon/d8331?section=wealth-manager) is convinced the developed world is headed for inflation, a mini 'ice age' of deflation could come first.
Lyon (pictured) told investors in his closed-end Personal Assets trust that economic momentum could cool further in 2013 and while central bank policies will ultimately lead to a spike in the cost of goods and services, deflation may come first.

'GDP forecasts have drifted downwards and the burden of lifting the Western world out of its financial morass has fallen on the US and Germany, despite their growing at well below their historic rates. Our caution on the UK has been justified and of the major developed nations only Italy and Spain are expected to fare worse in 2013,' AAA-rated Lyon explained.

'While we are convinced the most obvious bull market at the moment - the one in central bank balance sheets - must ultimately lead to inflation, a 'Little Ice Age' of deflation may still come first,' he added.

According to his trust's half-year report covering the six months to the end of October, Lyon maintained a high liquidity buffer in his portfolio, roughly 51%, over the stretch, reflecting his cautious stance and believes that defensive blue chips also became expensive over this period because income-starved investors piled into the stock market despite falling growth forecasts leading to lower earnings forecasts.

But while Lyon is certain of inflation, he acknowledged that asset allocation timing can prove difficult and has reacted accordingly.

He explained: 'Since timing asset allocation for these outcomes is impossible, we have tried to prepare for both by building the portfolio on four 'pillars': blue chip equities, index-linked bonds, gold bullion (including gold mining shares) and cash.'


29th November 2012, 11:03 AM
Swedish boffins: An ICE AGE is coming, only CO2 can save us

A group of Swedish scientists at the University of Gothenburg have published a paper in which they argue that spreading peatlands are inexorably driving planet Earth into its next ice age, and the only thing holding back catastrophe is humanity's hotly debated atmospheric carbon emissions.
"We are probably entering a new ice age right now. However, we're not noticing it due to the effects of carbon dioxide," says Professor of Physical Geography Lars Franzén, from the Department of Earth Sciences at Gothenburg uni.

Franzén and his colleagues have examined various scenarios for the peatlands of Sweden, which are a continually expanding "dynamic landscape element". According to the scientists:
Peatlands grow in height and spread across their surroundings by waterlogging woodlands. They are also one of the biggest terrestrial sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Each year, around 20 grams of carbon are absorbed by every square metre of peatland.

The scientists have calculated that the potential is there for Swedish peatlands to triple in extent, enormously increasing their carbon sink effect. By extrapolating to include the rest of the world's high-latitude temperate areas - the parts of the globe where peatland can expand as it does in Sweden - they project the creation of an extremely powerful carbon sink. They theorise that this is the mechanism which tends to force the Earth back into prolonged ice ages after each relatively brief "interglacial" warm period.
"Carbon sequestration in peatland may be one of the main reasons why ice age conditions have occurred time after time," says Franzén.
With no other factors in play, the time is about right for the present interglacial to end and the next ice age to come on. Indeed, Franzén and his crew think it has barely been staved off by human activity:
The researchers believe that the Little Ice Age of the 16th to 18th centuries may have been halted as a result of human activity. Increased felling of woodlands and growing areas of agricultural land, combined with the early stages of industrialisation, resulted in increased emissions of carbon dioxide which probably slowed down, or even reversed, the cooling trend.

Other scientists have attributed (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/14/ice_age/) the Little Ice Age to a quiet period in the Sun's activity: others say it was purely a local effect in Europe, though that theory has lately been disproved (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/03/23/warm_period_little_ice_age_global/) by research in Antarctica.
In any case, the scientists assess that if it weren't for human activity such as carbon emissions, we could expect a new ice era in short order. They write:
Thus, on a global scale, carbon sequestration in peatlands may have had important climate cooling effects towards the ends of previous interglacials ... It cannot be ruled out that similar effects would be seen in a hypothetical Holocene lacking human presence.

It's probably worth noting that the great physicist Freeman Dyson long ago suggested that only relatively small amounts of new peatland would be enough to sequestrate colossal amounts of CO2 from the air. Other scientists have noted (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/03/03/global_warming_seen_before/) in recent times that brief warming spells like that observed at the end of the 20th century appear to have occurred towards the end of previous interglacial periods - just before the glaciers returned.
If Franzén and his team are right, the big chill is now under way, and is only just being held off by increasing human carbon emissions - perhaps explaining why temperatures have been merely flat for the last 15 years or so, rather than descending.
The Swedish scientists' paper is published in the peer-reviewed journal Mires and Peat, and can be read here in pdf (http://www.mires-and-peat.net/map10/map_10_08.pdf).

Naturally this theory runs counter to the global warming scenario as presented by many other scientists and most of the media. That stance has lately been boosted by wildly unjustifiable assertions that global warming caused Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately if you believe that isolated events prove theories, you would pretty much have to accept that global warming has stopped: ten to fifteen years of flat temperatures, or even a few very cold winters - both of which have just happened - are a lot more significant than one storm (and they still aren't significant enough to mean anything much in a climate context).

I seriously doubt that atmospheric CO2, has the potential to affect climate to any significant degree, but I think we are about to enter a significantly cooler period, primarily the oceans has acted as a buffer, and has prevented a significant cooling the last ten years, despite significantly lower solar output, compared to the last half of 20th century. This solar cycle is about to reach its maximum, and number of sunspots are about half compared to the previous peak in year 2000, a good indicator that we are about to enter a quiet period like the Maunder minimum in 17th century, or the Dalton minimum in the 19th century. Further this warm period of 10-12,000 years has been a few thousand years longer than previous holocenes, during the last 800,000 years of records from ice-cores, which means we are probably overdue for an ice-age now, but who knows it may take another millennia to materialize.

I expect things to get interesting within 6-7 years, climate wise as we'll get to the solar minimum of cycle 24, a cooling of up to a degree C maybe? And if the trend continues into the next solar cycle and barely any sun spots are found, we may have global temperatures 1.5 to 2 degrees lower than we have today within 15-20 years. This probably corresponds to 1-2 months shorter growing seasons, and that would be a far greater cause for alarm than a massive 3-5 degrees heating until 2100. Because all agricultural activities in the current temperate zone (large swaths of it will become sub-arctic) will be severely decimated, and that is where the world gets most of its food today...

29th November 2012, 11:15 AM
Confirmed: Oceans Absorbing Less CO2 - First Year-by-Year Study Goes Back to 1765

The first year-by-year study of the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the world's oceans (http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/10/ocean-acidification-conference-monaco.php) since the industrial revolution confirms a disturbing trend: Oceans are struggling to keep up with all the carbon humans are spewing into the atmosphere, with the proportion of emissions absorbed declining as much as 10% since 2000. The study, led by Samar Khatiwala from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University (http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/news-events), has been published in the latest edition of Nature (http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7271/full/nature08526.html), but this is the gist of it: The study examines the accumulation of industrial carbon in the oceans going back to 1765 and continuing up through 2008. Starting in 1950 there was a large increase in the amount of emissions being absorbed by the oceans, but it wasn't until 2000 that the the percentage of emissions started declining -- even though in absolute terms the tonnage absorbed continued to increase. Last year oceans set a new record for carbon absorption, taking up 2.3 billion tons of CO2.

Of course it also could be that humans have been spewing less since 2000.