View Full Version : This guy should killed

28th November 2012, 07:39 PM

Neighbor charged with murder, rape of Jersey Bridgeman, 6

Benton County Sheriff's Office via AP

Zachary Holly was booked on charges capital murder, kidnapping and residential burglary in the Nov. 20 death of Jersey Bridgeman, 6, in Bentonville, Ark. on Monday.

By Kari Huus, NBC News
Zachary Holly, the Arkansas man charged Wednesday with the rape and murder of 6-year-old Jersey Bridgeman, had been babysitting the little girl the night before her disappearance, as he had many times before, according to a court document (http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/z_Personal/Huus/Holly%20Affidavit.pdf) released after his first hearing Wednesday.

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Jersey's death came just months after a high-profile child abuse case in which her father and stepmother, David Bridgeman and Jana Bridgeman, convicted of chaining the girl to a dresser at night. Jana Bridgeman is serving a 12-year prison sentence, plus three years for a probation revocation. David Bridgeman is serving an 18-year prison sentence.

Jersey had since moved in with her mother, DesaRae Bridgeman, and began kindergarten this fall in Bentonville, about 215 miles northwest of Little Rock. They lived next door to Zachary Holly, 28, and his wife Amanda, friends of the family who frequently babysat Jersey and her 2-year-old sister, as they did on Nov. 19, according to interviews described in the affidavit of probable cause released Wednesday.
When DesaRae came home from work at about 11 that night, she went to get the girls, and after she chatted with the Hollys for a few minutes, Zachary carried Jersey to her home, while DesaRae carried the younger sister — and they placed them in the same bed, the document says.
Jersey was reported missing the morning of Nov. 20. Minutes after a search for her began, Jersey's body was discovered in an abandoned house two doors away.
The probable cause document released to the public is heavily redacted, but it reveals that the crime lab in Bentonville worked through the Thanksgiving holiday to develop a DNA profile from sperm cells found on Jersey's body.
Holly called Bentonville police on Nov. 23, according to the affidavit, and later showed up at a station, gave a statement — the details of which are entirely blacked out in the document — and then was booked on charges of capital murder, kidnapping, rape and residential burglary.
In Wednesday's hearing at the First Circuit Court in Bentonville, Ark., he was denied bond, NBC affiliate KARK-TV reported (http://arkansasmatters.com/fulltext?nxd_id=612412).
Bentonville Police Department via AP
Undated photo of Jersey Bridgeman.

One neighbor, Julie Pickard, told The Associated Press Tuesday that Holly wept the day Jersey's body was found.
"He was crying for a long time," said Pickard.
The fact that Jersey was abused by parental figures and a neighbor is suspected in her death fits into an unfortunate pattern, according to Beverly Engle executive director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Benton County in Arkansas.
"Ninety-six percent of people who offend on children are people that the child knows. We all have been so trained in the stranger-danger aspect, which certainly does happen, but I think the reality is that’s about 4 percent," said Engle, who interviewed Jersey last year when allegations of abuse against her father and stepmother surfaced.
"Jersey was a precious, adorable child and it is very grieving to know even in the moments before her death what she may have experienced, knowing this person or trusting this person,” Engle said.
'A little old soul': Girl found dead after dad, stepmom jailed (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/22/15357486-a-little-old-soul-girl-6-found-dead-after-dad-stepmom-jailed-for-keeping-her-chained)
Holly is being held in Benton County Jail, and on Tuesday was attacked by another inmate, jail Capt. Chris Sparks told The AP Wednesday. He said Holly wasn't seriously injured, and that the other inmate, who was in jail on a parole violation, could face charges.
"Obviously this case has gotten a lot of exposure in the media and all the inmates know what he's in for ..." Sparks said. "We're going to do our best to try and keep him safe, just like we do every other inmate."
Holly was not required to speak at the hearing, and KARK reported that he remained silent as his lawyers, including public defender Jay Saxton, asked to review the decision to deny bond.
This article includes reporting by NBC News' Elizabeth Chuck and The Associated Press.

28th November 2012, 07:48 PM
Yep, very slowly and as soon as possible without any compassion. People like him are not human so should not be treated as such!

midnight rambler
28th November 2012, 09:10 PM
Varmints couldn't let that little girl have any peace in her life, could they?

28th November 2012, 09:31 PM
LITTLE babies, innocent sweet babies ,girls or boys shouldn't have to deal with this gross ugliness, I am so sorry for this beautiful little girl, nobody was there to protect her, so very sad.

"He was crying for a long time," said Pickard.

He needs to be tortured for a long time, let him feel a little bit of this little girls pain, then kill him dead.

Quote "We're going to do our best to try and keep him safe, just like we do every other inmate.

"Fuck him ,why would you try to make him safe? he is a dog and rabid dogs need to be put down.

Sorry but I hope he suffers alot before he dies

29th November 2012, 04:41 AM
perfect application of chad's ".22LR to the back of the head" rule.

mick silver
29th November 2012, 05:54 AM
what a f up world we all live in . a bullet to good for this low life

29th November 2012, 06:11 AM
I'm sorry, this story is totally one sided. What if there was someone else involved? What is the accused and already found guilty's story? Wouldn't want any of you as my peers.

29th November 2012, 06:30 AM
This case stinks of satanism. I wouldn't be surprised if there is far more to this... Poor girl, may she rest in peace, and her tormentors burn in hell...

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th November 2012, 06:30 AM
Makes me want to bring back stoning as a punishment.

midnight rambler
29th November 2012, 09:23 AM
I'm sorry, this story is totally one sided. What if there was someone else involved? What is the accused and already found guilty's story? Wouldn't want any of you as my peers.

Suspect's semen found on little girl's dead body - don't you agree that's pretty damning?

29th November 2012, 09:38 AM
Anyone conclusively found guilty of such deserves to be publicly executed in thus manner....brought to a public gallows, penis and testicles severed and as he bleeds out hung to death slowly, as in not by a hangmans noose but very slowly.

29th November 2012, 09:44 AM
there is a very special place in hell reserved for individuals such as this.

29th November 2012, 10:29 AM
Suspect's semen found on little girl's dead body - don't you agree that's pretty damning?

I suppose... but then again it is also a good reason not to donate to sperm banks.

29th November 2012, 11:07 AM
The news story itself is full of holes, and arranged backwards ass if that's any consolation.

is it a complete article?

midnight rambler
29th November 2012, 11:22 AM
The news story itself is full of holes, and arranged backwards ass

The result of 'higher education', i.e. that ever important college degree.

Old Herb Lady
29th November 2012, 12:10 PM
She was previously abused by her father and her step-mother and then raped & suffocated by the neighbor.

This child was tortured her whole life. Somebody needs to suffer and I mean now. Send them back to hell from whence they came.


http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2012/11/29/702277_533830199962125_8909_540x405.jpg (http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-504083_162-10014705-6.html)

http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2012/11/29/702755_533829639962181_1619.jpg (http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-504083_162-10014705-8.html)


We love you, Jersey !! Rest in Peace Angel. You're safe now.
Look over your baby sister.


midnight rambler
29th November 2012, 12:13 PM
This child was tortured her whole life. Somebody needs to suffer and I mean now.

The way I see it only a public hanging would suffice.

29th November 2012, 12:26 PM
truly one of the saddest things i have read this year...

midnight rambler
29th November 2012, 12:36 PM
truly one of the saddest things i have read this year...

You know what? I regard it as on par with a lardass 267# donut muncher killing a 20 y.o. girl with a taser. No difference whatsoever in my mind.

Actually the situation with the donut muncher killing that kid is worse since 'shit happens'. *ALL* of society is responsible for that condition.

29th November 2012, 12:51 PM
The saddest, most aggregious thing is, is that this type of thing happens every day, we don't read or hear about all of them. Not to even mention the ones that aren't killed but that are tortured and tormented by these evil MF'ers.

29th November 2012, 01:20 PM
I read a bit about Zachary Holly on the net, a driving with a suspended license, disorderly drunk arrest, contempt of court, worked at a few local restaurants, were one of the employees said he always had a smile and was well liked by the rest of staff. Apparently he and his girlfriend had babysat the Bridgeman girls several times before. And he was crying a lot on the day Jersey was found.

This really doesn't add up IMO to a profile of a person that could commit such a heinous crime. Further I saw a video of a woman claiming to be a family friend, who said that Jersey loved her PARENTS, WTF! Her father went to jail for 18 years a year prior for abusing her...

This story doesn't add up one bit!

29th November 2012, 01:32 PM
Is he an Orthodox Jew? They usually eat the children after the ritual sacrifice to their god. That's after anal rape, of course.


...And YES I'm not kidding. Where do you think all the missing children go every year?

willie pete
29th November 2012, 01:43 PM
well if it is his sperm that was found on the little girl, that's damning evidence, and if he's convicted, he needs to be bull-whipped good and then thrown to the lions

Old Herb Lady
29th November 2012, 04:49 PM
You know what? I regard it as on par with a lardass 267# donut muncher killing a 20 y.o. girl with a taser. No difference whatsoever in my mind.

Actually the situation with the donut muncher killing that kid is worse since 'shit happens'. *ALL* of society is responsible for that condition.

Come on Midnight. What that cop did was horrific and completely uncalled for and he deserves to suffer greatly for it just like this little girl's perpetrator
but what happened to this little girl, Jersey, is NOT the same. It is MUCH WORSE. He didn't shoot or taser this 6 year old CHILD.
He (or whoever did the crime) violated her person in the most evil, vile, depraved, sick, disgusting way and then took his hands or whatever he used and INTENTIONALLY suffocated her.

A heinous crime of that magnitude against a child is the worst of the worst.

Errosion Of Accord
29th November 2012, 05:47 PM
Drawn and quartered refers to placing an incision in the naval extracting the guts from that incision throwing the guts onto a nearby fire. Then the executed was pulled from all quarters by horses until the limbs were parted.

Something like that might be appropriate.

midnight rambler
29th November 2012, 06:34 PM
A heinous crime of that magnitude against a child is the worst of the worst.

I'm fairly certain you're missing the larger picture.

Sure, what happened to that little girl was an extremely heinous crime, however I submit that a cop killing someone's innocent child* whose killing is then fully sanctioned by society is far, far worse in the overall scheme of things.

*or ANYONE who hasn't just committed a felony within the view of the cop doing the killing for that matter

The point is that while there's a 'stop' involved with the little girl's killing (i.e. "it can't get any worse than that") in the case of cops killing innocent people (or otherwise ruining their lives with ZERO accountability) there's a 'drift'** involved.

**drift as in it just continues to happen more and more frequently without any abatement

29th November 2012, 06:41 PM
Drawn and quartered refers to placing an incision in the naval extracting the guts from that incision throwing the guts onto a nearby fire. Then the executed was pulled from all quarters by horses until the limbs were parted.

Something like that might be appropriate.

And when we resort to this we are no better than the scumbag in the OP.

Give them chad's treatment and be done with it.

There is no need for a spectacle.

Errosion Of Accord
30th November 2012, 04:49 AM
And when we resort to this we are no better than the scumbag in the OP.

Give them chad's treatment and be done with it.

There is no need for a spectacle.

It's not about retribution, it is about prevention.

30th November 2012, 05:12 AM
It's not about retribution, it is about prevention.
Those who commit these types of crimes, will not be prevented by these kinds of punishments. If anything it may trigger more possessed beings to commit these crimes... A bullet in the brainstem, and problem is over...

Old Herb Lady
30th November 2012, 06:18 AM
I'm fairly certain you're missing the larger picture.

Sure, what happened to that little girl was an extremely heinous crime, however I submit that a cop killing someone's innocent child* whose killing is then fully sanctioned by society is far, far worse in the overall scheme of things.

*or ANYONE who hasn't just committed a felony within the view of the cop doing the killing for that matter

The point is that while there's a 'stop' involved with the little girl's killing (i.e. "it can't get any worse than that") in the case of cops killing innocent people (or otherwise ruining their lives with ZERO accountability) there's a 'drift'** involved.

**drift as in it just continues to happen more and more frequently without any abatement

No, midnight, I get what you're saying about the bigger picture. You're saying the stupidity of people going along with the taser cop is more accepted
which makes it a much, much worse crime. We're just looking at it differently, but I see what you're trying to say, totally.

Since stupidity of people is not a crime, tho , they would/should be just as guilty as the perp (to accept such a crime)and it does make them just as guilty as him, I understand, but the degree of heinousness in the crime & mind of the killer of this little 6 year old is worse.

That's all. I get it, but until stupidity of naive acceptance of a cop crime is punishable, all cop crimes are worse, then. Agreed there.
Does that make sense ?