View Full Version : Glen Beck getting desperate for attention...bottles a turd in his own urine - $25,000

29th November 2012, 03:23 AM
Funny, but desperate...

"After a day drinking a lot of water, Glenn had a mason jar filled with…his own special brew of yellow liquid on set. Glenn took a Obama figurine, and then placed it in the jar. The result? “Obama in Pee Pee” – which will soon be up for sale for $25,000."

http://www.glennbeck.com/publish/uploads/2012/11/PissObama1-640x426.jpg (http://www.glennbeck.com/publish/uploads/2012/11/PissObama1.jpg)


"Somebody please pay attention to me"
https://lh3.ggpht.com/-vUTjzfDGKrU/Tqq1VMUm9TI/AAAAAAAAF-c/KcgYUONrU1s/s320/Glenn+Beck+crying.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vUTjzfDGKrU/Tqq1VMUm9TI/AAAAAAAAF-c/KcgYUONrU1s/s1600/Glenn+Beck+crying.jpg)
http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4756123007845773&pid=15.1&W=160&H=94 (https://s2-us3.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=glen+beck+crying&h=268&w=450&th=94&tw=160&fn=glen-beck-crying.jpg&fs=25.8%20k&el=boss_pics_1&tu=http:%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DI.475612 3007845773%26pid%3D15.1%26W%3D160%26H%3D94&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fwpiqradio.com%2FRequestBreakfast%2F%3 Fp%3D1004&udata=aa1c2160fbe144d9c62532da2bbf1e9e&rid=MDLNPOLSSLSQ&oiu=http:%2F%2Fwpiqradio.com%2FRequestBreakfast%2F wp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F02%2Fglen-beck-crying.jpg)

29th November 2012, 03:42 AM
He should go back to sucking on Israel's scrotum. That's what he's good at.

29th November 2012, 04:09 AM

Maybe he is going to do a Critical Bill?


29th November 2012, 04:33 AM
That was quick:


29th November 2012, 04:42 AM


Published on Mar 13, 2012 by GhoulsOfPlan9 (http://www.youtube.com/user/GhoulsOfPlan9)
Ever hear someone say that a tv show "jumped the shark", implying that they've created an outrageous episode to try and win back viewers? Wonder where it came from? If you weren't alive in the 70s, it's possible you really don't know where that term came from. Well, this is it!

29th November 2012, 05:08 AM
funny though. remember when that guy did "piss christ?" the crucifix in the bottle of piss? that was art. obama in piss..not so much.

29th November 2012, 05:13 AM
I don't listen to Beck because of his "Israel is our precious ally" crap, but I think
this stunt was great.
It showed the hypocrisy (once again) of the PC crowd.

The "Piss Christ" abomination was 1st Amendment being exercised, so screw you being offended.
And now the "Obama Crucifixion" painting is more of the same.
But put Obama in a jar of urine and , "Oh my God!!" THIS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED!!"

I think it is a great stunt and maybe everyone should have a small jar of yellow liquid with
an Obama figure in it on their shelf or dashboard or wherever..

Fu*k these phonies, these morons, and the people in the Press and elsewhere who support them...

29th November 2012, 05:47 AM
I think what makes it wrong is Glenn Beck's urine.... Who would want to purchase anything that came out of him? I don't even like the stuff that comes out of him for free.

mick silver
29th November 2012, 06:07 AM
i wish someone would make him drink his own piss , hell i would kick in a buck to see that