View Full Version : Debunk this! Cop commits act of Generosity and Compassion

29th November 2012, 09:39 PM
ok so the story goes.....

1) Viral Video! - you have to tell people that millions of others have watched it, even when they haven't so those people feel like they should watch it as well.
2) Cop gives brand new boots to homeless man
3) Act is filmed by tourist and posted on the net
4) Everyone goes Awwww. warm fuzzies.

From the OFFICIAL NyPD facebook


A tourist's photo of a New York City police officer giving new boots to a barefoot homeless man in Times Square has created an online sensation.
Jennifer was visiting the city with her boyfriend on November 14 when she came across the shoeless man asking for change.
As she was about to approach, she said the officer - identified as Larry DePrimo - came up to the man with a pair of all-weather boots and thermal socks on the frigid night.

She recorded his generosity on her mobile phone. The photo shows the officer kneeling beside the man with the boots at his feet.

The photo was posted on Tuesday night to the NYPD's official Facebook page and became an instant hit. More than 325,000 users "liked" it as of Thursday morning, and more than 79,000 shared it.

Thousands of people commented, including one person who praised him as "An officer AND a Gentleman."
The NYPD Facebook page on Thursday posted a comment from DePrimo saying: "I didn't think anything of it."
The homeless man has not been identified.

"'I have these size 12 boots for you, they are all-weather. Let's put them on and take care of you'," Foster quoted DePrimo as saying.
"The officer squatted down on the ground and proceeded to put socks and the new boots on this man. The officer expected NOTHING in return and did not know I was watching."

Foster said she's worked in law enforcement for 17 years and has never been more impressed.
"His presentation of human kindness has not been lost on myself or any of the Arizona law enforcement officials with whom this story has been shared," Foster wrote on Facebook. She said she never got the officer's name.

DePrimo told the Newsday newspaper that the homeless man "smiled from ear to ear" after getting the boots.
"It was like you gave him a million dollars," he added.

He told The New York Times that he keeps the receipt for the boots in his vest to remind him "that sometimes people have it worse".

Tell me this was not a setup.

29th November 2012, 09:47 PM
Tell me this was not a setup.

Who cares if it's a setup? This is the kind of image of police that should be promoted to the public. As a response, the public holds them to a higher standard and respects them more. Then police will feel more of a duty to serve the public.

Below is a picture of police we do not want to see promoted. I'm not talking about not spreading the picture below, I'm saying that it shouldn't be promoted as normal by the media.


29th November 2012, 09:57 PM
I agree but there is a difference between propganda and genuine acts of kindness. I want to believe this is a genuine act of kindness. I'm just playing devils advocate for anyone who thinks Cops can't be people too.

for every act that results in a "Cop's are death pigs" thread there could well be an unacknowledged genuine act of kindness between one human being and another, one of whom just happens to be a cop.

I want the words from this song to ring true: what-a-wonderful-world (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65512-what-a-wonderful-world)

Twisted Titan
29th November 2012, 10:06 PM
This is not the message that the power mongers want.

It shows that you and the beat cop have more in common then do in difference.

Any common cause is a threat to their choke hold on power.

That is why the pycho cop is richly rewarded for keeping relations between them and the public at a all time low

Twisted Titan
29th November 2012, 10:07 PM
I wont steal his thunder

It was a very nice thing this rookie cop did.

2nd December 2012, 05:55 PM
All but lost: barefoot Jeffrey would be welcome home

The generosity of a New York policeman who gave a pair of boots (http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/it-was-like-you-gave-him-a-million-dollars-nypds-officers-kindness-to-homeless-man-goes-viral-20121130-2ajt2.html?rand=1354489752258) to a dishevelled, bearded homeless man touched the world.

But it has had a far greater impact on the family of that homeless man, who had all but lost contact with him. They didn't even recognise his picture, which had gone viral after being captured by a tourist.

He has now been identified as Jeffrey Hillman, 54, but how the man with no shoes became homeless is unknown.

Mr Hillman's brother, Kirk, was stunned when he saw the photo in a newspaper, and was speechless. His wife did not recognise him on television.

“The last time we heard from him was maybe a year ago on New Year's Day,” Kirk's wife, Tish Hillman, told the New York Post from her home in Pennsylvania.

“Once a year, he calls us to let us know he's OK.”

The photo became an internet sensation as it was shared online. The tourist who took the photo, Jennifer Foster, said the policeman, Larry DePrimo, put socks and the new boots on Mr Hillman's feet and told him: "Let's put these on and take care of you."

The Post reported that Kirk and another brother, Alfred Hillman, heard much from Jeffrey, who was described by a neighbour as "a bit lost".
By 1993, he was bankrupt and living in homeless shelters.

Recently, he had not been seen at his regular haunts, which include a liquor store.

His family, though, says he is always welcome at home.

“Jeffrey has his own life, and he has chosen that life, but he knows that our hearts and home are always open to him,” said Alegra Hall, his niece.“He knows that, he's well aware of that.”

Police have not been in contact since the presentation of the boots. “We're not looking for him. He has shoes now. He's much more difficult to spot,” police commissioner Ray Kelly said.

Link to article (http://www.theage.com.au/world/all-but-lost-barefoot-jeffrey-would-be-welcome-home-20121203-2apuc.html)

2nd December 2012, 06:01 PM
I still call bullshit.

Twisted Titan
3rd December 2012, 08:12 AM
I dont know Ceb

I think this is legit for no other reason that it was a kind jesture of compassion.

If the central planners tried to pull this off it would have been a absolute eff up from start to finish

Look how "good" FBI sting operation work......if they didnt control the media and the courts every case they have would go down in a ball of flames.

This went over well because it was spontaneous.....

Though it is quickly being hijacked by multiple parasites

3rd December 2012, 08:17 AM
there's an update on the story. the homeless guy got rid of the shoes and has been spotted barefoot again. he also "wants a piece of the pie" because the pic and video of him went viral, and thinks there might be some money in it. it's also coming out about other people who have bought the guy shoes before, but he just gets rid of them.

3rd December 2012, 08:23 AM
http://resources.shopstyle.com/pim/12/a5/12a51f191c6f338718d14878dea4aa94.jpg = http://www.bumwine.com/bumwine/md2020.jpg

3rd December 2012, 02:59 PM
He is afraid he will be killed for his new boots.

4th December 2012, 03:14 PM
The homeless man who was given a pair of boots by a kindhearted New York City police officer apparently isn't homeless. According to the New York Daily News, Jeffrey Hillman, 54, has an apartment in the Bronx that is paid for via a combination of rent vouchers, Social Security, and military veteran benefits.

4th December 2012, 05:53 PM
http://resources.shopstyle.com/pim/12/a5/12a51f191c6f338718d14878dea4aa94.jpg = http://www.bumwine.com/bumwine/md2020.jpg

Wasn't sure what this meant until I googled and came up with www.bumwine.com (http://www.bumwine.com) which says:

As majestic as the cascading waters of a drain pipe, MD 20/20 is bottled by the 20/20 wine company in Westfield, New York. This is a good place to start for the street wine rookie, but beware; this dog has a bite to back up its bark. MD Stands for Mogen David, and is affectionately called "Mad Dog 20/20".

So this would be the eqiuv to our tawny port or cardboard wine. In the old days it used to be a flagon (2 litre bottle/jug similar to a moonshine jug in shape). The more I read the more it sounds a lot like Brandivino which is another gut wrencher.