View Full Version : Alex Jones - biggest sell-out whore ever????

midnight rambler
30th November 2012, 08:09 PM
Alex climbs into bed with Big Pharma -


30th November 2012, 08:33 PM
These products also have nasties in them... If you can find the youngevity web site, look up the ingredients... We have forms of MSG (maltodextrin) in the tangy tangerine and we also have fake sugar (suclarose) in the mineral thing (i think its the mineral one) and other crap in other products. I heard Dr. Glidden on yesterdays show talking about how suclarose does not harm anyone and doctors kill more patients . A lot of people have called the show and said that the tangy crap gives them migraines.

30th November 2012, 09:18 PM

1st December 2012, 05:24 AM
Almost makes me wonder if anyone could possibly be that stupid, or this is AJ's little inside joke on his viewers that makes him giggle off to sleep each night.

He's either the biggest moron out there, or perhaps he secretly holds his viewers in contempt.

Maybe it's a bit of both.....or he let's his wife handle that part of the biz.

As an aside, I want one of these (cool factor of at least 10,000 mega fonzies):


1st December 2012, 08:33 AM
He's a rather hefty guy with a temper, probably needs to eat twice as much as you or I.

1st December 2012, 08:39 AM
For all of these types of ass hats it is all about the money they can generate. It is pure showbiz for them, I bet most do not really believe in what they say and do. They find a following and play to that following, buy my books,vids into what I tell you. They play to their audience and find buttons that they can push to keep their followers buying their spiel.

It is all about the ratings and money and nothing more!

Nice and easy way to make a living!

Sort of like a magician saying watch this hand, and not the other!


1st December 2012, 08:50 AM
The Rothschilds probably pay him enough that money is not a motive. The money he makes from promotional sources serves to make it easy to dismiss conspiracy theorists as being money motivated....."selling fear".

1st December 2012, 09:59 AM
These products also have nasties in them... If you can find the youngevity web site, look up the ingredients... We have forms of MSG (maltodextrin) in the tangy tangerine and we also have fake sugar (suclarose) in the mineral thing (i think its the mineral one) and other crap in other products. I heard Dr. Glidden on yesterdays show talking about how suclarose does not harm anyone and doctors kill more patients . A lot of people have called the show and said that the tangy crap gives them migraines.

Please explain how maltodextrin is the same as MSG. Here's a picture of the molecule... I'm having a hard time finding the sodium.


Twisted Titan
1st December 2012, 11:36 AM
He is the Jim Cramer of Alternative media and licks the same boots that JC does

Mini threadjack

Did you here about Rand freedom fighter Paul taking a trip to Isreal?

I cant wait to see his Western Wall pixx