View Full Version : This whole makeup thing is getting out of hand....

1st December 2012, 07:24 AM
Not for all of them but definitely for some.

Does this not border dangerously close to schizophrenia?

Put on the mask, and pretend you're someone else, because it sure as hell looks that way. Yeesh...

Too many pics to post...make up your own mind:

http://izismile.com/2012/11/30/makeup_free_celebs_are_far_from_picture_perfect_50 _pics.html

1st December 2012, 07:37 AM
it's not makeup

it's " war paint "

1st December 2012, 07:42 AM
Most woman and makeup preps-------They do not leave home without them! ;D

Have dated a few women that looked better without than with! But it was impossable
to convince them of that fact.

They are bombarded from cradle to grave by all media that "makeup" IS the answer for dam
near everything!

Classic case of outright brainwashing

Tho there are some women out there that are break mirrors ugly without the stuff! {0}
Stainless steel mirrors work very well for them!

1st December 2012, 08:00 AM
it's not just the toxic makeup, it's lighting, photoshop, plastic surgery, hair coloring/style, et al.

Glad to say I only recognized about 40%.

1st December 2012, 09:37 AM
How to find out if a woman is really beatifull........when they get out of the shower or a swiming pool and their hair is all wet, and with no make up.

1st December 2012, 09:37 AM
They forgot one, can you guess who it is?


1st December 2012, 09:57 AM
When you're comparing the looks of a particular woman both with and without makeup, the reason she often looks worse without makeup is because the chemicals have reddened and swollen her eyelids.

Personally, I never liked makeup and I'm aware that Jews promoted the practice of smearing it on. Lipstick never made any woman look better and makes most of them look worse.

Shaving eyebrows and painting new ones on way above where they belong, along with lipstick smeared wide makes a White woman resemble a Negro or Mexican.
I think it's just another example of Jews encouraging White people to emulate the darker races.

Next topic......Fashion.

1st December 2012, 10:20 AM
C'mon, this isn't just about makeup. Most of those "before" pictures aren't simply make-up free. They are opportunistic pictures chosen to show the person in the most unflattering manner as possible. Most of them look exhausted or hung over, often wearing ratty or baggy clothes, with scowls on their faces. I'll bet if you let them wash their hair and face and put on a clean t-shirt and a smile, most of them would look great.

1st December 2012, 10:29 AM
They forgot one, can you guess who it is?


faith hill.

1st December 2012, 10:45 AM
They forgot one, can you guess who it is?


Kid Rock?

1st December 2012, 10:47 AM
i've met faith hill in person without makeup, and she looks awesome. like a 7 or 8 out of 10 with no makeup. like sparky said, that picture is just bad.

1st December 2012, 11:14 AM
it's not makeup

it's " war paint "

and BOOM goes the dynamite

Twisted Titan
1st December 2012, 11:57 AM

Old Herb Lady
1st December 2012, 12:03 PM
Gawwwwwd I feel like suuuuch a LOSER ! ....... I LOVE me some good makeup schtuff and nice clothes, yiiiiiikes! I'm obsessed with lipgloss. Must have 20 or 30 tubes. :)
I don't see anything wrong with a woman wanting to accentuate her femininity a little bit ? As long as it's done PROPERLY and NOT OVERDONE ? I think it's a GOOD THING !
Oh well. :(

1st December 2012, 12:21 PM
Gawwwwwd I feel like suuuuch a LOSER ! ....... I LOVE me some good makeup schtuff and nice clothes, yiiiiiikes! I'm obsessed with lipgloss. Must have 20 or 30 tubes. :)
I don't see anything wrong with a woman wanting to accentuate her femininity a little bit ? As long as it's done PROPERLY and NOT OVERDONE ? I think it's a GOOD THING !
Oh well. :(
"A little bit, properly, not overdone"...I think most guys are good with that. Same as perfume. They sell it in small bottles for a reason.

1st December 2012, 12:40 PM
Without makeup:


With makeup:


1st December 2012, 01:19 PM
that reminds me.

i need to buy some eye-liner and some lip gloss.

2nd December 2012, 02:16 AM



2nd December 2012, 07:39 AM

2nd December 2012, 09:46 AM
Society seems to be growing accustomed to seeing women with a lot of eye makeup.

It's to the point that when its not present, it's a shocking difference. Disturbing even in some cases.

Asians are going mental with it, and the whole "anime" thing.

2nd December 2012, 11:32 AM
Society seems to be growing accustomed to seeing women with a lot of eye makeup.

It's to the point that when its not present, it's a shocking difference. Disturbing even in some cases.

Asians are going mental with it, and the whole "anime" thing.

i can't think of a time when it hasn't been this way.

at least women aren't expected to wear corsets & hoop dresses.

it takes a real Madison Aven-Jew marketeer to convince women to put products that contain lead oxide on their lips & face.

2nd December 2012, 12:09 PM

Old Herb Lady
2nd December 2012, 12:47 PM
Hmmmph !!! Well so sorry gentlemen that you all obviously like to complain about women and makeup, and that
you're not familiar with a woman who knows how to apply it correctly nor one who knows how to buy organic makeup that is edible right out of the stupid Jew package. (Not) Yes, it's true, you could eat my makeup , it's made out of herbs
Huh. who wouldathunkit ?? I know. You can buy the best of the best and you can wear the best of the best for minimal cost and not look like a clown or those Hollywood jewgirls, FYI.
Even my face soap is 100% natural/organic, and so is my face toner (witch hazel) .
but then again so is my moisturizer and my shampoo and conditioner and bubble bath and toothpaste and well u get it....

Not every woman smears chemicals all over her face and body, TYVM !

2nd December 2012, 12:52 PM
Hmmmph !!! Well so sorry gentlemen that you all obviously like to complain about women and makeup, and that
you're not familiar with a woman who knows how to apply it correctly nor one who knows how to buy organic makeup that is edible right out of the stupid Jew package. (Not) Yes, it's true, you could eat my makeup , it's made out of herbs
Huh. who wouldathunkit ?? I know. You can buy the best of the best and you can wear the best of the best for minimal cost and not look like a clown or those Hollywood jewgirls, FYI.
Even my face soap is 100% natural/organic, and so is my face toner (witch hazel) .
but then again so is my moisturizer and my shampoo and conditioner and bubble bath and toothpaste and well u get it....

Not every woman smears chemicals all over her face and body, TYVM ! If the makeup was safe and edible most of us would not mind at all! The thought of having to work down through a coating of inedible makeup to get to the woman beneath it, could put off some men! ;D

2nd December 2012, 01:42 PM
If the makeup was safe and edible most of us would not mind at all! The thought of having to work down through a coating of inedible makeup to get to the woman beneath it, could put off some men! ;D

chocolate truffle make-up, now there's an idea. :)

2nd December 2012, 02:18 PM
Hmmmph !!! Well so sorry gentlemen that you all obviously like to complain about women and makeup, and that
you're not familiar with a woman who knows how to apply it correctly nor one who knows how to buy organic makeup that is edible right out of the stupid Jew package. (Not) Yes, it's true, you could eat my makeup , it's made out of herbs
Huh. who wouldathunkit ?? I know. You can buy the best of the best and you can wear the best of the best for minimal cost and not look like a clown or those Hollywood jewgirls, FYI.
Even my face soap is 100% natural/organic, and so is my face toner (witch hazel) .
but then again so is my moisturizer and my shampoo and conditioner and bubble bath and toothpaste and well u get it....

Not every woman smears chemicals all over her face and body, TYVM !


Way to go!

You've proven once again, when you've got the high ground, it's easy to stand your ground.

A degree of vanity in women is not only acceptable, but a requirement of the human condition.

- - flame away- -

Old Herb Lady
2nd December 2012, 02:23 PM
Oh crap ! Thatz not what I meant !! hahahahaa !!!!
I just meant Dont put anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat.
Even salves and ointments and all that herbal medicine stuff I talk about...it's all edible,
it doesn't mean you should eat it, tho ! LOL crazies !

Old Herb Lady
2nd December 2012, 02:26 PM

Way to go!

You've proven once again, when you've got the high ground, it's easy to stand your ground.

A degree of vanity in women is not only acceptable, but a requirement of the human condition.

- - flame away- -

:) hahaha !!!! I'm just an herb snob who likes makeup , that's all. ;D

2nd December 2012, 02:29 PM
Oh crap ! Thatz not what I meant !! hahahahaa !!!!
I just meant Dont put anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat.
Even salves and ointments and all that herbal medicine stuff I talk about...it's all edible,
it doesn't mean you should eat it, tho ! LOL crazies !

In many cases, the makeup could be eaten first and considered the dessert, before getting down to the main meal! ;D