View Full Version : NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under virtual surveillance, all info stored

General of Darkness
2nd December 2012, 08:23 AM
NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under virtual surveillance, all info stored, no matter the post


General of Darkness
2nd December 2012, 08:32 AM
Interesting. There are 300+ views and a almost 200 comments.

2nd December 2012, 10:04 AM
That's the way it ticks. Next tick might say a lot more.

But yeah, the surveillance is total.

2nd December 2012, 10:15 AM
My guess is it goes one step further.

Everything filters into a database, and is monitored in real time for hot words, links etc. Put out article xyz, event abc happens, and watch the billboards light up.

It's like a science experiment.

willie pete
2nd December 2012, 12:09 PM
the nsa has been storing public data for decades, I remember back in the 80's a friend who happened to be ex-naval intelligence told me at that time they stored all long distance and international phone calls, a feat at that time seemed monumental to me, of course present day, that's something elementary. Here's where it'll take place, their new billion$$ facility in utah, the article is interesting, it reveals some of the facts they're capable of, it also mentions Mr. Binney (the guy in the video being interviewed) and his history with the agency..

2nd December 2012, 12:19 PM
When they say everyone do they include the freaks doing the surveillance .

Or is the surveillance by the freaks so they can simply hold on to their own ill gotten gains.

As we know these people at the top are crooks ,so they are spying on everyone else to protect their own corruption.

2nd December 2012, 12:21 PM
There's a youtube vid ages old on the secret AT&T room. They spliced the main trunk.

Remember all those internet outages that happened when the cables were cut due to "boat anchors"?

Wanna bet they were all tapped into?

Twisted Titan
2nd December 2012, 01:41 PM
Of course everything is stored that is nothing new.

But their is a disticnt advantage we The proloteriat holds.

Information overload & Ever Expanding Compartmentalization

If every text message That was sent yesterday is saved how are you able to find The One that is a true threat? You cant that is why you cast the best net possible hoping that a few bad fish have been reeled in.

The gubbermint is growing at a staggering rate and each department is loathe to share any of their percived power so they dont talk and when they do it is constant buggeling and mis handling. I have seen federal agents. Fail to share vital info with state counterparts and as result.people of interest walk off scott free.

There abilty to harness everything is their greatest strenghth and biggest downfall

2nd December 2012, 05:04 PM
Doug Casey: The US Is Now the United (Police) State of America


2nd December 2012, 06:22 PM
Another huge waste of resources.

2nd December 2012, 07:06 PM
Can you imagine the # of hard drives that eats through to feed that beast of a system?

Must be in the range of 1000's per day.

2nd December 2012, 08:51 PM
They can record, monitor, and spy, but at some point, there isn't anything they can do about mass awareness change. It's like trying to stop the incoming tide of the ocean. You can fight it for a long time, but the forces of nature are ultimately beyond anyone's control.

2nd December 2012, 09:08 PM
Since we are all monitored constantly by the technology we use it is easy to turn it against them. They will get lazy and assume that the info they are gathering is true. Give your phone to a friend one day and they will think you spent the day at your friends when you are off doing something else.

Pretty easy to put out a lot of junk data that they would have to sift through.

3rd December 2012, 02:22 PM
Can you imagine the # of hard drives that eats through to feed that beast of a system?

Must be in the range of 1000's per day.

that's what i was thinking. it's good news for Western Digital & Seagate stockholders.

it's easier to just capture all the data and store it, then search it at their leisure.

also in the case of encrypted files, it takes time to crack the encryption. they may not have the resources to crack all of it now.

"Just Hoover it all up" looks to be their basic approach to spying on US citizens.

10 Bears
3rd December 2012, 02:45 PM
My friends. Must not say words like bomb, terrorist, gun, shoot, TNT, dynamite, plastic explosive, C-4, IED, survival food, AR-15 and more. Each word scores points. Too many points one ends up on Reservation (Fema Camp) never to walk free again.

Excuse me. Must run..hear drone.

3rd December 2012, 02:55 PM
Since we are all monitored constantly by the technology we use it is easy to turn it against them. They will get lazy and assume that the info they are gathering is true. Give your phone to a friend one day and they will think you spent the day at your friends when you are off doing something else.

Pretty easy to put out a lot of junk data that they would have to sift through.

The flaw with that line of thought is the computer does the sifting, and the person "sifting" makes up the decision of morality.

Unless you document everything you do online, times, sites, content, etc... at a level to hold up in court (if it even gets to a court), all they will do is pick their own levels of discernment according to however they choose to see it. Up will be down, down will be up, and nothing will matter.

i.e. if/when you get to that point you're basically fucked.

They possess "the data", and you will not be able to refute anything. The data itself is secondary to the entire process of having it, and collecting it on you.

3rd December 2012, 03:04 PM
My friends. Must not say words like bomb, terrorist, gun, shoot, TNT, dynamite, plastic explosive, C-4, IED, survival food, AR-15 and more. Each word scores points. Too many points one ends up on Reservation (Fema Camp) never to walk free again.

Excuse me. Must run..hear drone.

Who is this, 10 bears?

And why does he walk with much confidence amongst the wolves of this forum?

3rd December 2012, 03:18 PM
Who is this, 10 bears?

And why does he walk with much confidence amongst the wolves of this forum?

Direct cousin of three bears.....not related to ....another beer

3rd December 2012, 04:23 PM
i think they look for combinations of words, also. a username like "Cop-Killa Gorilla" may get more attention than 'Aunt Marge'.

just think, all those young college grads with tech degrees, many of them deeply ensnared in the debt trap. go to work in a tech capacity for the alphabet soup agencies, FBI DHS CIA NSA TSA NRO DOD etc. etc. etc.

i'm sure they have meetings where they use fancy terminology to address the basic common sense question, "OK, who are we going to watch today ?"

then they get paid $100K+ a year for it.

there are a number of demogaphic angles to it.

there's the angle of Jews being paid to watch dissident Gentiles.

there's also an age-demographics aspect to it. i find that most people who are aware that 9-11 was an inside job/ a creation of IsraHell are older than 30, not recent college grads.

at the staff level, those who watch their fellow citizens, tend to be recent college grads. maybe 26 years old (in 2012), which means they were 15 in 2001.

too young to comprehend the evil that is Zionism & the Judeo-Fascist US gov.

so you have young people getting paid to watch older people.

Attempted Haiku -
the American
police state continues
to grow like cancer.

10 Bears
3rd December 2012, 04:35 PM
Who is this, 10 bears?

And why does he walk with much confidence amongst the wolves of this forum?

I am spirit walker. One cannot kill the one who has passed.
If death be my only enemy then I am without enemies.

Old Herb Lady
3rd December 2012, 04:56 PM
I am spirit walker. One cannot kill the one who has passed.
If death be my only enemy then I am without enemies.

Marúawe Spirit Walker !! Unha hakai nuusuka ? Welcome to the board !!!
What are your favorite herbs/ roots ?? So happy you're here !


3rd December 2012, 05:43 PM
I am spirit walker. One cannot kill the one who has passed.
If death be my only enemy then I am without enemies.

I reckon so, let it be peace & welcome.

mick silver
3rd December 2012, 05:45 PM
i came here to give you life are death witch will it be . men like you and me death is easy when ever thing you have has been killed , living is harder for men like you and me then death

10 Bears
3rd December 2012, 05:54 PM
i came here to give you life are death witch will it be . men like you and me death is easy when ever thing you have has been killed , living is harder for men like you and me then death

Ugh..Please not murder great words.

"I came here to die with you. Or live with you. Dying ain't so hard for men like you and me, it's living that's hard; when all you ever cared about has been butchered or raped. Governments don't live together, people live together. With governments you don't always get a fair word or a fair fight. Well I've come here to give you either one, or get either one from you. I came here like this so you'll know my word of death is true. And that my word of life is then true. The bear lives here, the wolf, the antelope, the Comanche. And so will we. Now, we'll only hunt what we need to live on, same as the Comanche does. And every spring when the grass turns green and the Comanche moves north, he can rest here in peace, butcher some of our cattle and jerk beef for the journey. The sign of the Comanche, that will be on our lodge. That's my word of life.

And your word of death?
It's here in my pistols, there in your rifles. I'm here for either one.

These things you say we will have, we already have.

That's true. I ain't promising you nothing extra. I'm just giving you life and you're giving me life. And I'm saying that men can live together without butchering one another.

: It's sad that governments are chiefed by the double-tongues. There is iron in your word of death for all Comanche to see. And so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron, it must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life. "

3rd December 2012, 06:03 PM

10 Bears
3rd December 2012, 07:06 PM
Marúawe Spirit Walker !! Unha hakai nuusuka ? Welcome to the board !!!
What are your favorite herbs/ roots ?? So happy you're here !


Cayenne Pepper, Horny Goat Weed :) Maca Root,

3rd December 2012, 10:48 PM
Cayenne Pepper, Horny Goat Weed :) Maca Root,

Good in the tee pee at night.....;D

Old Herb Lady
4th December 2012, 03:54 AM
Cayenne Pepper, Horny Goat Weed :) Maca Root,

Oh my. I was looking for Comanche Herbal Wisdom not imports in a bottle .

Well did you know that you can put herbs in your SOCKS ?
Yes, you can put cayenne pepper in your SOCKS
and it will keep your feet nice and toasty . Many different herbs you can put in your SOCKS.
Alot of times you can just infuse the herbs in some oil for a bit, like olive oil, and then strain,
and rub all over your feet and then put your SOCKS on overnight .
But Im sure you already knew all about the SOCK method, Im sure.

4th December 2012, 04:04 AM
Oh my. I was looking for Comanche Herbal Wisdom not imports in a bottle .

Well did you know that you can put herbs in your SOCKS ?
Yes, you can put cayenne pepper in your SOCKS
and it will keep your feet nice and toasty . Many different herbs you can put in your SOCKS.
Alot of times you can just infuse the herbs in some oil for a bit, like olive oil, and then strain,
and rub all over your feet and then put your SOCKS on overnight .
But Im sure you already knew all about the SOCK method, Im sure.

Hay give the guy/gal a chance and not sling any labels yet! Tho I have never heard of a Indian in a bottle at this point in my life! ;D

HB Lady I have bunches of respect for you, and value your opinions for sure! But lets not jump the monkey this soon, until proof is shown!

Please! (insert on my knees) with all respect to U!

Time will tell!

4th December 2012, 07:59 AM
dogman, sometimes you don't need time to be able to tell...;D

4th December 2012, 10:19 AM
i wonder if the "hooked on phonics" people will give this forum a bulk discount...

good lord, we already have enough posters that are difficult to decipher, the "me talk-um like pale-face" shit was cute for a minute, but got old quickly...

4th December 2012, 10:31 AM
What with all this gross concern over socks?

While I don't suggest it, some people prefer to live in their socks...

In my Book, they are free to be the pajama people they've always wanted to, if they choose.

4th December 2012, 10:39 AM
What with all this gross concern over socks?

While I don't suggest it, some people prefer to live in their socks...

In my Book, they are free to be the pajama people they've always wanted to, if they choose.

lol...you sly boots, you!! ;D

4th December 2012, 11:58 AM
What with all this gross concern over socks?

While I don't suggest it, some people prefer to live in their socks...

In my Book, they are free to be the pajama people they've always wanted to, if they choose.

and don't forget..."all things being equal, the simplest answer is usually the correct one"


4th December 2012, 12:23 PM
is it just me, or does 10 bears' avatar have a distinctive "soulless stare" to it?

4th December 2012, 01:17 PM
is it just me, or does 10 bears' avatar have a distinctive "soulless stare" to it?.

Now you're asking for it, Josey...


What is it with you xiansemetic types, always inviting rats into your chambers? :)

General of Darkness
4th December 2012, 05:56 PM
This is on the front page a drudge, but posted at GSUS 2 days earlier. :)

4th December 2012, 06:09 PM
This is on the front page a drudge, but posted at GSUS 2 days earlier. :)

I see, we must be losing our touch.....

4th December 2012, 07:21 PM
This is on the front page a drudge, but posted at GSUS 2 days earlier. :)

This is what I love about our site (and old GIM1)...We get news compiled days before mainstream sites, and a week ahead of the MSM (if they pick it up at all)

10 Bears
5th December 2012, 02:07 AM
"Oh my. I was looking for Comanche Herbal Wisdom not imports in a bottle ."

WHAT BOTTLE? Did 10 Bears say bottle?
We need not get off on wrong foot if you read what I write instead of add what you think I mean. That is uncalled for.

I eat cayenne with every meal. Keeps arteries clean, controls blood sugars and blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol while increasing good, kicks up metabolic rate, prevents heart attacks, research shows it kills cancer cells in lungs, pancreas and prostate. These things you should research on your own. It is your body.

Cayenne is also great for the stomach and the intestinal tract. It stimulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines and aids in assimilation and elimination. When taken internally, it warms the body and has even been used by some herbalist doctors to help heal and rebuild flesh due to frostbite.health benefits of cayenne pepper

Notwithstanding its hot taste, paradoxically it is actually superb for rebuilding the tissue in the stomach, facilitating healing with stomach and intestinal ulcers. Cayenne pepper for ulcers is not something most would have considered but I can testify to that remarkability capability of cayenne. This is from my files

Horny Goat Weed - has been used traditionally in China and other regions of Asia for liver and joint disorders, but it is best known for its aphrodesiac effect. Horny goat weed has long been used by the Chinese for ailments involving the kidneys, joints, liver, back and knees.

Maca-The Incas believed maca could impart energy and endurance.
In a study published in Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology, maca was shown to be effective in reducing the size of the prostate gland in rats. It is theorized that it may have the same effect in humans. A Peruvian study by researcher Dr. Gustavo Gonzales showed maca's ability to increase fertility.UGH-No need more seed :)

I combine Maca, Goat Weed, Cordycepts, Brocolli powder, Blue Green Algea, Spinach Powder, Young Barley Grass Powder, Chlorella, Raspberry Leaf, Wheat Grass Powder, Grape Seed Extract in a large brown glass jar and shake hard to mix.
( I tailor amounts of ea ingredient to outcome wanted.)

Every morning I combine an overflowing teaspoon with a glass of OJ and stir until mixed and then down the hatch. Wife does also. (I have many friends hooked on the concoction.) One feels good-energized-younger.

Sexuality is the most important part of a healthy life since it drives a good immune system and helps release good hormones while relieving stress and helps one connect with another spiritually. Spirit is highest plane of existence.

5th December 2012, 04:09 AM
Wise medicine man worth his weight in gold. Snake oil salesman represents best interests of big pharma!

Good post 10 Bears, but I am still wondering if you've seen three little bears in forest or down by grandma's house?

5th December 2012, 06:11 AM
"Oh my. I was looking for Comanche Herbal Wisdom not imports in a bottle ."

WHAT BOTTLE? Did 10 Bears say bottle?
We need not get off on wrong foot if you read what I write instead of add what you think I mean. That is uncalled for.

I eat cayenne with every meal. Keeps arteries clean, controls blood sugars and blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol while increasing good, kicks up metabolic rate, prevents heart attacks, research shows it kills cancer cells in lungs, pancreas and prostate. These things you should research on your own. It is your body.

Cayenne is also great for the stomach and the intestinal tract. It stimulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines and aids in assimilation and elimination. When taken internally, it warms the body and has even been used by some herbalist doctors to help heal and rebuild flesh due to frostbite.health benefits of cayenne pepper

Notwithstanding its hot taste, paradoxically it is actually superb for rebuilding the tissue in the stomach, facilitating healing with stomach and intestinal ulcers. Cayenne pepper for ulcers is not something most would have considered but I can testify to that remarkability capability of cayenne. This is from my files

Horny Goat Weed - has been used traditionally in China and other regions of Asia for liver and joint disorders, but it is best known for its aphrodesiac effect. Horny goat weed has long been used by the Chinese for ailments involving the kidneys, joints, liver, back and knees.

Maca-The Incas believed maca could impart energy and endurance.
In a study published in Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology, maca was shown to be effective in reducing the size of the prostate gland in rats. It is theorized that it may have the same effect in humans. A Peruvian study by researcher Dr. Gustavo Gonzales showed maca's ability to increase fertility.UGH-No need more seed :)

I combine Maca, Goat Weed, Cordycepts, Brocolli powder, Blue Green Algea, Spinach Powder, Young Barley Grass Powder, Chlorella, Raspberry Leaf, Wheat Grass Powder, Grape Seed Extract in a large brown glass jar and shake hard to mix.
( I tailor amounts of ea ingredient to outcome wanted.)

Every morning I combine an overflowing teaspoon with a glass of OJ and stir until mixed and then down the hatch. Wife does also. (I have many friends hooked on the concoction.) One feels good-energized-younger.

Sexuality is the most important part of a healthy life since it drives a good immune system and helps release good hormones while relieving stress and helps one connect with another spiritually. Spirit is highest plane of existence.

...now that's more like it.
welcome, 10 bears.
come, sit, smoke.

10 Bears
5th December 2012, 10:53 PM
Wise medicine man worth his weight in gold. Snake oil salesman represents best interests of big pharma!

Good post 10 Bears, but I am still wondering if you've seen three little bears in forest or down by grandma's house?

Three little bears constantly down at cabin of young golden haired pale face temptress who likes sleeping in bear beds.

30th May 2013, 01:55 AM
frightening whistleblower tale!

Red Ice Radio 2013.05.26 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/05/red-ice-radio-20130526.html)

https://lh3.ggpht.com/-aCGBY0usqf0/Tb8H5aIP8pI/AAAAAAAAAII/dxz6j2acIN8/s200/david+icke+interview+aprli+2011.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aCGBY0usqf0/Tb8H5aIP8pI/AAAAAAAAAII/dxz6j2acIN8/s1600/david+icke+interview+aprli+2011.jpg)

Julia & BJ Davis - Top Priority: The Terror Within

"Top Priority: The Terror Within" is a documentary film by Fleur De Lis Film Studios. It features an incredible true story of Julia Davis, a national security whistle blower who was falsely declared a "Domestic Terrorist" and subjected to retaliation of unprecedented proportions by the Department of Homeland Security. She joins us to discuss what happened when she discovered and reported a breach of national security at the largest and busiest land border crossing in the U.S. on 4th of July, 2004. The DHS failed to act on her reports but instead of correcting the shortcomings exposed by Julia’s report, they opened investigations against her. Her husband BJ, a film producer who documented these events with a camera, also joins in to talk about the detailed events of this major story, never reported on by mainstream media, although Julia took her case to court and won. They’ll detail unprecedented retaliation and abuses of the Patriot Act in Julia’s case and talk about how the DHS spent American taxpayer’s money on warrant-less surveillance, including aerial surveillance with a Blackhawk helicopter and a fixed-wing airplane, wiretaps, sneak and peek burglaries, Internet monitoring and On-Star tracking of the Davis family. They’ll explain why this story was never reported on by mainstream media and who was involved. In the second hour, we hear about several deaths connected to this story including Julia’s father, her neighbor who filmed the footage of the Blackhawk and the actress Brittany Murphy as well as her husband. Julia and BJ talk about the diminishing of our American rights amongst "terror theater 101." Don’t miss this astonishing story of the real terror, within the US government.

Red Ice Radio (http://www.redicecreations.com/)

Download Hour 1 (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2013/RIR-130526-juliabjdavis-hr1.mp3)

Download hour 2 (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2013/RIR-130526-juliabjdavis-hr2.mp3)