View Full Version : Judicial-inc

2nd December 2012, 11:49 PM


Judicial Inc Is A Pro-Christian/Muslim Website

This site attempts to cut through all the controlled-media viewpoints, and offer alternative interpretations. As the economy deteriorates, and wars such as Iraq, where 3400 are dead because Saddam had WMD, there will come a time when people will need alternative organizations. Whether you are German, American, Muslim, Christian, etc., you are all fighting the same beast. The Zionists knows there is growing discontent, and they are working overtime to set up 'Radical Organizations' such as the 'Tea Party' which is a total hoax.

The same way the Zionists formed the Bolshevik movement is a blueprint for what you need to do now.

Four Years Of Constant Hassles Over A Internet Tabloid Like Judicial?

Judicial has it's domain name revoked, and five hosting companies dropped it. Your 12 year old kid can get unlimited porn, but you aren't allowed to read an article that questions about holocaust survivors that live with wolves? Madoff steals $65 billion, gets sent to a country prison, and your told - "That's old news".

Why The Pressure On Judicial?

Needless to say if Judicial's theory that there will be a nuclear False Flag in American, followed by by a nuclear exchange in the Persian Gulf, and ending in economic chaos comes to fruition, the last thing the Zionist want is a website like Judicial floating around.

What Effect Does Judicial Have?

Some theories (Lindbergh's child murder, the OKC bombing, Entebbe, etc) have drawn out major revisionists, and whose protests exposed them as Zio-Flunkies. The Baghdad sniper who killed 150 US soldiers suddenly disappeared when the fact the weapon's system was Israeli got on the internet. A insignificant picture like this has gotten 2 million views. Judicial ranks number 40,000 out of 180 million websites in the world.

Why Are Other Websites Left Alone?

You need to realize that 95% of these so called rebel websites are nothing but watered-downed Zionist fronts. When all a site can say is "Israel knew about 9/11 and tried to warn us, but we didn't listen", the website is worthless. And the simple truth is not one major site says Israel orchestrated 9/11.

The Next Step

There needs to be funding, a highly controlled forum, and a organizational structure put in place.

Book Mark This

Secondary website restored

3rd December 2012, 06:14 AM
so the skunk as he is known in internet circles is back? i hope he stays up....AND backs up those archives. His work on the columbine case is second to none imo.