View Full Version : Caller Claims Family Brutalized By negro Jovan Belcher who offed himself and GF

General of Darkness
3rd December 2012, 06:25 PM
I figured this Leroy was a psychopath.

Interview at the link.

TAMPA, Fla. (SchnittShow.com) Monday, a caller on the nationally syndicated “Schnitt Show” claimed his family was terrorized by Jovan Belcher, the Kansas City Chiefs star who killed his girlfriend before taking his own life Saturday.

The caller, who raised his family on Long Island, says his son attended school with Jovan, who regularly bullied and beat up his son.

“We went to the police, we went to the Department of Education. We couldn’t do nothing about this kid. Around adults, he always acted like he was such a sweet little guy.”

The caller eventually had to relocate his family to Florida, just to get away from Belcher.

About Belcher, the caller said, “ He destroyed my family. He should have been dead 10 years ago.”

Finally, the caller said, “I’d like to know where he’s buried, so I can go and pee on it.”

Read more: http://www.schnittshow.com/cc-common/news/sections/newsarticle.html?feed=124415&article=10613083#ixzz2E2v1PjuW

3rd December 2012, 06:37 PM
But but but....guns kill people...not negros!

3rd December 2012, 06:39 PM
Those crazy saggin and their saggin pants.

3rd December 2012, 06:41 PM
repost bitch :D

good riddance to the POS

General of Darkness
3rd December 2012, 07:25 PM
repost bitch :D

My bad. :)

willie pete
3rd December 2012, 09:18 PM
I figured this Leroy was a psychopath.

Interview at the link.

TAMPA, Fla. (SchnittShow.com) Monday, a caller on the nationally syndicated “Schnitt Show” claimed his family was terrorized by Jovan Belcher, the Kansas City Chiefs star who killed his girlfriend before taking his own life Saturday.

The caller, who raised his family on Long Island, says his son attended school with Jovan, who regularly bullied and beat up his son.

“We went to the police, we went to the Department of Education. We couldn’t do nothing about this kid. Around adults, he always acted like he was such a sweet little guy.”

The caller eventually had to relocate his family to Florida, just to get away from Belcher.

About Belcher, the caller said, “ He destroyed my family. He should have been dead 10 years ago.”

Finally, the caller said, “I’d like to know where he’s buried, so I can go and pee on it.”

Read more: http://www.schnittshow.com/cc-common/news/sections/newsarticle.html?feed=124415&article=10613083#ixzz2E2v1PjuW

how F'd-up is that? ...he murders his GF, shot her 9 times, and no one is talking about :rolleyes:, on a side note "schnitt" is one of the biggest cheerleaders for israel out there, could be 'cause he's a jew :rolleyes:, the few times I listened to his show, virtually everyday he's pumping up israel and how we (the US) owe them ....it's very Disgusting