View Full Version : Obama: "America is poised to take off!"

4th December 2012, 01:51 PM
To Hawaii. For two weeks. Well, maybe not ALL of America. But those of us that matter are!

Obama: 'America Is Poised to Take Off'
2:59 PM, Dec 4, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

In an interview with Bloomberg's Julianna Goldman, President Barack Obama stated, "I think America is poised to take off." The main obstacle, in Obama's mind, however, is political dysfunction.

"We're seeing pretty strong consumer confidence, despite weaknesses in Europe and even in Asia. I think America is poised to take off. And the question is, let's make sure that we don't have a self-inflicted wound, because there are a lot of silly games played up on Capitol Hill," Obama told Goldman.

The interview focused mainly on the economy. Obama pushed for tax hikes.


4th December 2012, 03:41 PM
Sounds like he has BarnakleBob writing for him.

4th December 2012, 04:00 PM
What about the fiscal cliff........................

4th December 2012, 04:38 PM
This guy is so full of shit and full of himself. Nothing he says has any value whatsoever. What a clueless overrated empty suit sellout to the monied interests.

midnight rambler
4th December 2012, 04:44 PM
What about the fiscal cliff........................

He's right you know - Amerika is poised to take off of the fiscal cliff and then go into free fall.

4th December 2012, 04:50 PM
This cliff BS is laughable, we went off this supposed cliff many moons ago, we're now on the jagged rocks far below gasping our lasts breaths.

4th December 2012, 04:54 PM
Sounds like he has BarnakleBob writing for him.

That ain't cool Spec.

4th December 2012, 04:55 PM
I think America is poised to take off.

Does anyone really believe Barry is able to think?

4th December 2012, 05:02 PM
Sounds like he has BarnakleBob writing for him.

Ouch. Reminds me of the saying. "We can all respectfully disagree."

midnight rambler
4th December 2012, 05:02 PM
Does anyone really believe Barry is able to think?

I think it's a safe bet that he thinks a lot of himself.

4th December 2012, 07:35 PM
This guy is so full of shit and full of himself. Nothing he says has any value whatsoever. What a clueless overrated empty suit sellout to the monied interests.

thank you mamboni!

I was seeing something in Bush Jr like that, but at least you could tell he's a good sonovabitch. this one is one big hot air balloon.

4th December 2012, 07:58 PM
LOL. poised to take off and run it right into the dirt.

4th December 2012, 08:24 PM
The FISCAL CLIFF is a big threat. If we don't all bow down to the government and the banksters, give them our retirement accounts, and swear all our labor to them- then we're all gonna die!

OK.... Obama is now saying he needs to raise revenue $1.6 trillion. Boehner has already agreed to raise it $800billion!! Can you believe that cowardly traitor!!? ALL will be paying higher taxes in Jan2013 and then the economy crashes. The moron republicrats will be blamed by the monster-in-chief. Who is stupid enough to fall for this stuff? (more than half the cuntry.)

4th December 2012, 08:29 PM
Yep Spec, all the immigrants, all the Mexicans and the Negros and all the College kids who hope their student loans will be forgiven.

5th December 2012, 01:25 AM
Ron Paul said he was going to cut a trillion a year for four years.

5th December 2012, 05:27 AM
Because our government knows better how to spend your money, they will increase your taxes.

Put on your patriotic party hats because you all are about to become more patriotic. Joe Biden is proud of you. Ghetto breeders demand more and think you owe them. Obama is just getting everything to be more fairly distributed. And the globalists have succeeded in destroying the liberties of a free nation, thus eliminating the threat of their conquest.

Twisted Titan
5th December 2012, 06:07 AM
Never in the history of America has it been more important to hold your life saving in hard tangible assets that are under your direct control

mick silver
5th December 2012, 07:46 AM
T T your right but but i think it may be harder to hold what you have as time moves on . it like this , i have been going to sales for years buying and resaling stuff now days it harder to find good stuff to sale . to me were getting closer to the bottom lots of people have lose every thing . what i am saying is that you have to be able to hold what you have because the man after it all

5th December 2012, 08:06 AM
Ron Paul said he was going to cut a trillion a year for four years.

Oh Lord, can you imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth had this been the case? One thing about it, as RP pointed out, we will come to the point where everything across the board gets cut and it won't be an orderly event.

5th December 2012, 08:22 AM

5th December 2012, 08:43 AM
With the McConnell provision, it appears the President can unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. All he has to do is ask for one, and the Congress has to disapprove it. If they fail to disapprove it, the debt ceiling is raised. So get ready for some serious deficit spending in order to stimulate the takeoff to which Obama referred.

5th December 2012, 09:17 AM
With the McConnell provision, it appears the President can unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. All he has to do is ask for one, and the Congress has to disapprove it. If they fail to disapprove it, the debt ceiling is raised. So get ready for some serious deficit spending in order to stimulate the takeoff to which Obama referred.

The wording of this seems "off", do you have a source for this?

5th December 2012, 09:22 AM
Ohhhhhhh...here's what 0 is talking about.


5th December 2012, 09:57 AM
That ain't cool Spec.

It might not be cool, but it was damn sure funny!

5th December 2012, 10:13 AM
let's make sure that we don't have a self-inflicted wound, because there are a lot of silly games played up on Capitol Hill," Obama told Goldman.


5th December 2012, 10:15 AM
Got it.
.................................................. .....

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-1...n-debt-ceiling (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-12-05/market-takes-leg-lower-treasury-supports-use-mcconnell-provision-debt-ceiling)

As the Fiscal Cliff discussions get progressively more acrimonious, more people are being reminded that the new and improved $16.4 trillion debt ceiling, which the US will breach in a few days, is just as important, and just as much at an impasse. Which is why the Treasury just opined on the issue, by openly supporting the "McConnell Provision" and in doing so may have made any future Cliff/Ceiling discussions more difficult as the US has effectively invoked the nuclear option, aka a Presidential Veto to effectively eliminate the debt ceiling, something which will antagonize the GOP to such an extent any potential Fiscal Cliff deal may become unfeasible.

From the Treasury's blog:

The Budget Control Act enacted in August of 2011 included a provision, authored by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, that provided for expedited votes in both houses of Congress on legislation to disapprove debt limit increases requested by the President. Congress could block an increase in the debt limit via enactment of the disapproval legislation. However, if disapproval legislation was not enacted, the requested debt limit increase took effect. The debt limit was increased three times pursuant to Senator McConnell’s mechanism.


The McConnell Provision was designed to preserve the authority of Congress to disapprove increases in the debt limit, while at the same time making it possible for needed increases in the debt limit to take effect. The Administration supports extension of Senator McConnell’s mechanism in order to prevent a repeat of the 2011 debt limit ordeal and to ensure that the threat of default does not put the U.S. economy or the creditworthiness of the United States at risk in the future.

The market is hardly happy that the already record polarity in Congress is about to get even worse as a result of this hardline stance, and just took another big leg lower.

From The US Treasury's blog:

Taking the Threat of Default Out of the Debt Limit

On Sunday, December 2, Secretary Geithner appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press, CBS’ Face the Nation, ABC’s This Week, FOX News Sunday, and CNN’s State of the Union and made the case for the Administration’s balanced approach to reducing the deficit and strengthening economic growth.

Along with this balanced plan to reduce the deficit, Secretary Geithner indicated that the Obama Administration supports extending the “McConnell Provision” regarding the debt limit -- a part of last year’s Budget Control Act:

Secretary Geithner on Meet the Press: “We made a very sensible suggestion, and let me describe what that is. What we propose to them is they extend what’s called the McConnell provision. This was a solution Senator McConnell offered last summer, which was enacted -- summer of 2011 -- which was enacted into law, supported by Republicans. And the way that works is the President would have the obligation periodically of requesting an increase in the debt limit, and then Congress would have the chance, then, to express its views on the merits of that proposal by disapproving that. And then the President would have to decide, if a bill came to his desk, about whether to veto that or sign it. Of course, he’d veto it in that context. And the virtue of that mechanism proposed by Senator McConnell, a man of impeccable conservative credentials, is to make sure that the country is not left at risk of periodic threats of default. It’s a very good idea. It was a Republican idea. And we’re suggesting they extend it.”

The McConnell Provision received broad bipartisan support last year. In fact, it was one of those rare policy proposals that received support from both the Wall Street Journal and New York Times editorial boards.

And for good reason. Extension of the McConnell Provision would lift the periodic threat of default from the U.S. economy and remove politics from future debt limit debates, while preserving Congress’ essential role in spending, revenue and borrowing decisions.

Under the McConnell Provision, Congress would retain its authority to disapprove any increase in the debt limit. In fact, the provision was specifically designed to permit increases in the debt limit only after both houses of Congress were given the opportunity to vote on whether to approve or disapprove any increases.

Extending the McConnell provision would not permit the executive branch to spend money or collect revenues without prior congressional approval. Indeed, the debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments; it simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have approved in the past.

Background on the McConnell Provision

The Budget Control Act enacted in August of 2011 included a provision, authored by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, that provided for expedited votes in both houses of Congress on legislation to disapprove debt limit increases requested by the President. Congress could block an increase in the debt limit via enactment of the disapproval legislation. However, if disapproval legislation was not enacted, the requested debt limit increase took effect. The debt limit was increased three times pursuant to Senator McConnell’s mechanism.

How the McConnell Provision Works

A congressional debt limit disapproval process consists of the following steps:

Once the debt subject to the statutory debt limit is within $100 billion of the limit, the President may request an increase in the debt limit by sending a written certification to Congress that the outstanding debt is within $100 billion of the debt limit, and that further borrowing is needed to meet existing commitments.

Congress has 15 days to deny the request, through enactment of a Joint Resolution of disapproval.

In both the House and the Senate, consideration of the Joint Resolution of disapproval is governed by expedited procedures.

If both Chambers pass the Joint Resolution of disapproval:

It is sent to the President for veto or signature.

If the President vetoes the Joint Resolution, the Joint Resolution is returned to Congress.

If the President’s veto is overridden by Congress, which requires a 2/3 vote of each Chamber, then the debt limit increase request is denied.

If a Joint Resolution of disapproval is not enacted within 15 days then the debt limit is increased pursuant to the President’s certification.

The McConnell Provision was designed to preserve the authority of Congress to disapprove increases in the debt limit, while at the same time making it possible for needed increases in the debt limit to take effect. The Administration supports extension of Senator McConnell’s mechanism in order to prevent a repeat of the 2011 debt limit ordeal and to ensure that the threat of default does not put the U.S. economy or the creditworthiness of the United States at risk in the future.


5th December 2012, 10:17 AM
What about the fiscal cliff........................

Thelma & Louise were poised to take off too.


but they only took themselves with them, over the cliff.

Obama is leading & pushing millions over the cliff, while he does his time and builds the sinecure & cocoon that will shield him for the rest of his life.

it's not too hard to understand his motivation for being a complete traitor.

5th December 2012, 10:42 AM
Interesting that while they bring up getting rid of a debt ceiling, no mention of what the results of that are, or even better, why there is even any accounting of said debt.

Why even have a debt? Just spend at will.

Certainly none of this nonsense really matters at this point. If there are no consequences, whats all the fuss about?

5th December 2012, 11:31 AM
I think this is what Herbert Hoover said in early 1930.


gunny highway
5th December 2012, 11:39 AM
there are consequences. they're just all for us, and they're bad. it doesn't matter, the .gov will get what it wants as it always does, and we will get what we've always gotten, less and less of a continually worsening product.

6th December 2012, 05:07 PM
He wasn't lying. Did Barry give a direction of the flight?

Call the Bluff (http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2012-12-06/call-bluff)

I damn near fell of my chair (laughing) yesterday watching Timmy Geithner on CNBC. When asked if the President was willing to go over the fiscal cliff if the tax RATE on the top 2% were not increased, the Treasury Secretary snapped back, “Absolutely”.

Maria Bartiromo was also floored by this; she spent the next hour telling the world she thought Geithner’s position was clear evidence that the US would be going over the cliff. She had big shot Senator, Richard Shelby (R- Al) on air. She showed him the clip with Geithner making an ass of himself; the Senator looked like he had swallowed a wad of tobacco while he watched.

I was convinced that Geithner had made a blunder, a slip of the tongue that would later be clarified or retracted. Not the case. Last evening, Treasury put out a Blog about what a great job Tim did on TV (link) (http://content.govdelivery.com/bulletins/gd/USTREAS-608e8c). I took this as a confirmation that Geithner did not make a gaffe on air, his words were carefully chosen. When he said he was “Absolutely” certain that falling off the cliff was in our future if tax rates don’t go up, he meant exactly what he said.

Given that Geithner will be out of his job running Treasury soon, I’m sure that he went on TV with the blessings of Obama, and he had a scripted message from the President. There will be no negotiations on tax rates, the top rate is going to 40%, or we will be sailing off the cliff. What an idiotic bargaining position.

At this point, I don’t think there is any significant opposition to increasing tax revenue from America’s wealthiest folks; the question is how to achieve it. Raising marginal rates is one option; cutting deductions can accomplish exactly the same thing. Geithner and Obama will not consider adjusting deductions; the reasons are a mystery to me. It appears that the President wants to “punish” some folks rather than to find a compromise that achieves the desired results.


here's the Shelby interview.



rest at link

6th December 2012, 05:14 PM
From the OP

"And we are in a very strong position - as I travel around the world, it's fascinating. European leaders, Asian leaders, they all say to me, America actually is poised to be the world leader for another century, if we can fix some of this political dysfunction."

WTF is this nigger smoking? Wasn't he just ignored in his little post election Asian soirée?

6th December 2012, 06:44 PM
Who had the numbers on how little this tax hike actually works out to being revenue wise? Wasnt it like so many days of Fed Gov spending making it damn near insignificant?

Read earlier today the real reason of the so called cliff is an attempt to keep from having to raise interest rates.